Election Interference/Weaponized Indictment Garners $4 Million for Trump Campaign in First 24 Hours


Heisman Winner
Aug 24, 2003
It's a beautiful spring day in Oklahoma. The red buds are in full splendor, the red Robins are out, the wide skies are blue from one end of the world to the other, and the Criminal Syndicate will not determine the outcome of the coming presidential election

It's a beautiful spring day in Oklahoma. The red buds are in full splendor, the red Robins are out, the wide skies are blue from one end of the world to the other, and the Criminal Syndicate will not determine the outcome of the coming presidential election

Seems kinda puny really given all the build up/effort he put into it.
How does any of this help the country?

It reaffirms we're not a banana republic, where El Jeffe can get away with whatever he wants and different standards apply for everybody else.

Maybe the crimes are so petty that it doesn't help the country. Maybe he's a GD criminal that needs prosecuted to set an example -- you know, the function of criminal justice.
It reaffirms we're not a banana republic, where El Jeffe can get away with whatever he wants and different standards apply for everybody else.

Maybe the crimes are so petty that it doesn't help the country. Maybe he's a GD criminal that needs prosecuted to set an example -- you know, the function of criminal justice.
It reaffirms we're not a banana republic, where El Jeffe can get away with whatever he wants and different standards apply for everybody else.

Maybe the crimes are so petty that it doesn't help the country. Maybe he's a GD criminal that needs prosecuted to set an example -- you know, the function of criminal justice.
On a scale of 1 to 10 where 1 means you know what you just wrote is pure bunk and 10 means you believe it with all your heart and mind, where do you put yourself? Be honest. I’d guess you’re a 5, you know it’s bunk but in your heart you really really want to believe it.
It reaffirms we're not a banana republic, where El Jeffe can get away with whatever he wants and different standards apply for everybody else.

Maybe the crimes are so petty that it doesn't help the country. Maybe he's a GD criminal that needs prosecuted to set an example -- you know, the function of criminal justice.
I was more referring to the idiot protestors on both sides but since you brought it up. While the indictment has not been released as yet I would say from what has been reported from leaks the proof is already there, Democrats have turned this country into a Banana Republic. Your party has spent 7 years investigating every facet of Trump's life looking intently for anything they can to charge him with. That's not how our legal system was designed and is a obvious abuse of power by government. Naturally you will disagree as TDS has clouded your judgement. Hell people like you are fully on board with government abusing it's power to go after political opponents. Parents at School Board, IRS after opposing political groups, people merely defending themselves from criminal, etc.
On a scale of 1 to 10 where 1 means you know what you just wrote is pure bunk and 10 means you believe it with all your heart and mind, where do you put yourself? Be honest. I’d guess you’re a 5, you know it’s bunk but in your heart you really really want to believe it.
11. Do you believe a leader should be allowed to ignore the law?

I was more referring to the idiot protestors on both sides but since you brought it up. While the indictment has not been released as yet I would say from what has been reported from leaks the proof is already there, Democrats have turned this country into a Banana Republic. Your party has spent 7 years investigating every facet of Trump's life looking intently for anything they can to charge him with. That's not how our legal system was designed and is a obvious abuse of power by government. Naturally you will disagree as TDS has clouded your judgement. Hell people like you are fully on board with government abusing it's power to go after political opponents. Parents at School Board, IRS after opposing political groups, people merely defending themselves from criminal, etc.

Bwaaaaaaahahahahahahahahahaha Trump wanted everyone prosecuted, arrested, etc. White Water, 7 different Benghazi investigations, lol. The current Gym Jordan circus. What a snowflake. Isn't karma a bitch?

Lock him up! Lock him up! Karma's a bitch! Karma's a bitch!
11. Do you believe a leader should be allowed to ignore the law?

Bwaaaaaaahahahahahahahahahaha Trump wanted everyone prosecuted, arrested, etc. White Water, 7 different Benghazi investigations, lol. The current Gym Jordan circus. What a snowflake. Isn't karma a bitch?

Lock him up! Lock him up! Karma's a bitch! Karma's a bitch!

After two fake impeachments, FBI lying to get FISA warrants, Democrats purposely lying, with the full cover of the MSM, to try to manipulate the sheep into believing their lies in order to support impeachment and you are falling for it all again. SMFH
Do you believe a leader should be allowed to ignore the law?

After two fake impeachments, FBI lying to get FISA warrants, Democrats purposely lying, with the full cover of the MSM, to try to manipulate the sheep into believing their lies in order to support impeachment and you are falling for it all again. SMFH

So... yes? No? Can't bring yourself to tell the truth, cultboi?
It reaffirms we're not a banana republic, where El Jeffe can get away with whatever he wants and different standards apply for everybody else.

Maybe the crimes are so petty that it doesn't help the country. Maybe he's a GD criminal that needs prosecuted to set an example -- you know, the function of criminal justice.
You said it, to set an example and strike fear upon American citizens. Our God dam shepherd just whacked me with his stick again after my post. I might just dust off my buffalo headdress and attend Trump's court proceedings. 🤣
After two fake impeachments, FBI lying to get FISA warrants, Democrats purposely lying, with the full cover of the MSM, to try to manipulate the sheep into believing their lies in order to support impeachment and you are falling for it all again. SMFH
It's a pretty simple case. Telling that you want to litigate everything but the facts alleged in the indictment (indicatement). Do you think it was a violation of law to mischaracterize the payoffs as legitimate business expenses? Bend me a pretzel bearcat!
It's a pretty simple case. Telling that you want to litigate everything but the facts alleged in the indictment (indicatement). Do you think it was a violation of law to mischaracterize the payoffs as legitimate business expenses? Bend me a pretzel bearcat!
You have completely missed the intent portion. Regardless of whether or not this is against the law, and Trump will make a case that it is not, Twinkies will have to prove the intent was to defraud and that it wasn't just an accounting mistake or error.
You have completely missed the intent portion. Regardless of whether or not this is against the law, and Trump will make a case that it is not, Twinkies will have to prove the intent was to defraud and that it wasn't just an accounting mistake or error.
With three instances with similar fact patterns you might show that there was a systematic approach. I would suggest that is why the other 2 are included in the indictment.
You have completely missed the intent portion. Regardless of whether or not this is against the law, and Trump will make a case that it is not, Twinkies will have to prove the intent was to defraud and that it wasn't just an accounting mistake or error.
It wasn't just an accounting mistake, it was plainly an orchestrated, phony transaction. It's the "intent to defraud" that I can't quite get my arms around. Fraud, at least in Oklahoma, requires someone's reliance to their detriment. If NY law is the same, and it probably is close, I just can't figure out who he intended to defraud. Maybe his wife. Maybe there's some NY law that says defrauding voters or his wife is enough, but it's gotta be "clear and convincing" fraud in Oklahoma civil court.
It wasn't just an accounting mistake, it was plainly an orchestrated, phony transaction.
Prove it, the DA can't.
It's the "intent to defraud" that I can't quite get my arms around. Fraud, at least in Oklahoma, requires someone's reliance to their detriment. If NY law is the same, and it probably is close, I just can't figure out who he intended to defraud. Maybe his wife. Maybe there's some NY law that says defrauding voters or his wife is enough, but it's gotta be "clear and convincing" fraud in Oklahoma civil court.
So Trump uses his own funds to pay his lawyer, marks those payments as law expense. He gets charged with fraud because he didn't mark it as campaign funds, which if he did would have been fraud. Your close to the truth in your final assessment, but you haven't fully gotten there yet. At this point I have you having a reasonable doubt, keep going you will realize how stupid this case is.
Prove it, the DA can't.

So Trump uses his own funds to pay his lawyer, marks those payments as law expense. He gets charged with fraud because he didn't mark it as campaign funds, which if he did would have been fraud. Your close to the truth in your final assessment, but you haven't fully gotten there yet. At this point I have you having a reasonable doubt, keep going you will realize how stupid this case is.
Monthly invoices for a phony retainer agreement? Month after month?

No, as usual you've just fvcked everything up. Quit thinking. Just read and listen and don't think.
Monthly invoices for a phony retainer agreement? Month after month?
You have a piece of paper, does the paper say I intend to defraud you?
No, as usual you've just fvcked everything up. Quit thinking. Just read and listen and don't think.
You might want to go back and re read what you just wrote.

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