AOC has lost it.

She hates Blacks.

AOC and her Squad came to Congress with a splash, rebels that were going to shake up the Democrat caucus snd take over Congress. Poor old Nancy Pelosi didn’t know what to do with her. But somehow she figured it out and now the Squad are all progressive talk and all establishment action. They are rebels in name only, valuable tools to keep the extreme left mollified while the establishment marches unmolested. AOC has willingly turned herself into a caricature but not a serious person. I don’t know how Pelosi did it but it must have been the same way they neutered Bernie Sanders. All hat and no horse.
econ degree from boston college? bar must be pretty low at boston college for admission. was horseface an afirmitive action admission? girl is dumber than a box of rocks.

i wonder if she has ever read the constitution, can she read? like most progressive bitches, if you disagree with her it's because you are just too stupid to realize she is always right.

i'm smart enough to see through her bull$hit.

aoc, come to my house to confiscate my guns,,,,,,, plz
Unless you own a houseboat, how do you lose ALL your firearms in a boating accident.
Do not all the Democrats call people that hold the second amendment in high regard, crazy? Democrats made the defense not me.