“China-loving Coco Chow”

Do you not want him to run? If he runs, will you vote against him in the primaries?
Absolutely. Ive been very clear that DeSantis is my guy. I'm 47 and have lived in OK, TX, FL, and AZ, and I can honestly state that I've never seen a better governor in my lifetime.

As for Trump, not only do I not want him to run, I don't think he will. I have been very adamant about that position. I even have a board ban bet with Toons on the topic. I've stated forever that I think Trump would rather be the party kingmaker then deal with the hassle of trying to be president again.
Absolutely. Ive been very clear that DeSantis is my guy. I'm 47 and have lived in OK, TX, FL, and AZ, and I can honestly state that I've never seen a better governor in my lifetime.

As for Trump, not only do I not want him to run, I don't think he will. I have been very adamant about that position. I even have a board ban bet with Toons on the topic. I've stated forever that I think Trump would rather be the party kingmaker then deal with the hassle of trying to be president again.
I could not agree with anyone more than you on this topic.
Ok, good to know.

btw, DeSantis is nothing but Trump's mini-me. You really aren't changing much by embracing him.

Ive been very clear that DeSantis is my guy. I'm 47 and have lived in OK, TX, FL, and AZ, and I can honestly state that I've never seen a better governor in my lifetime.
Well I'm in my 40s too and have lived in a number of states as well. I have lived in Florida the entire time DeSantis has been Governor. And I can honestly state that I've never seen a worse governor in my lifetime. DeSantis is smarter than Trump, I'll give him that. But he is just as heartless and narcissistic as Trump is. Supporting DeSantis over Trump is like supporting Mussolini over Hitler.

As for Trump, not only do I not want him to run, I don't think he will. I have been very adamant about that position. I even have a board ban bet with Toons on the topic. I've stated forever that I think Trump would rather be the party kingmaker then deal with the hassle of trying to be president again.
If Trump doesn't run, it will have nothing to do with him wanting to be the party kingmaker. It will have almost everything to do with his potential legal problems.

Curious though, do you think Trump and those around him are lying when they strongly indicate he is planning on running? Kellyanne Conway, for example, just stated that Trump is going to announce his candidacy within weeks and she has advised him to wait till after the midterm election to make the announcement. Is she and others around him being dishonest?
Looks like someone disagrees with you @aix_xpert.

If DeSantis is re-elected, it is going to be very entertaining watching Trump and DeSantis go at each other. There will need to be a lot of 🍿 around as we watch Republicans tear themselves apart over those two fascists.
Bad for yer party, no? 😂
Absolutely. Ive been very clear that DeSantis is my guy. I'm 47 and have lived in OK, TX, FL, and AZ, and I can honestly state that I've never seen a better governor in my lifetime.

As for Trump, not only do I not want him to run, I don't think he will. I have been very adamant about that position. I even have a board ban bet with Toons on the topic. I've stated forever that I think Trump would rather be the party kingmaker then deal with the hassle of trying to be president again.

A party kingmaker doesn’t call a theoretical #1 contender for the nomination “fat, phony, whiny” lol.

A party kingmaker doesn’t continue to have campaign rallies with loyal red-hat-wearing lunatics across the land…or flown around to always wear a red hat behind him…either way lol.

A party kingmaker doesn’t remark of the Senate Minority Leader having a “death wish” for passing bills to do and fix sh!t just because a Dem sponsored it and a Dem POTUS signs it. This apparently is completely in-bounds - not one conservative has denounced that. Interesting goalposts lol.

So fvcking stupid haha

Carry on
A party kingmaker doesn’t call a theoretical #1 contender for the nomination “fat, phony, whiny” lol.

A party kingmaker doesn’t continue to have campaign rallies with loyal red-hat-wearing lunatics across the land…or flown around to always wear a red hat behind him…either way lol.

A party kingmaker doesn’t remark of the Senate Minority Leader having a “death wish” for passing bills to do and fix sh!t just because a Dem sponsored it and a Dem POTUS signs it. This apparently is completely in-bounds - not one conservative has denounced that. Interesting goalposts lol.

So fvcking stupid haha

Carry on
Infatuation with the "kingmaker". Can you say Trump! Ha ha ha😄
Infatuation with the "kingmaker". Can you say Trump! Ha ha ha😄

See if you can feel me on this…


Cuz everyone else did…

Carry on