You are fake news....

Been Jammin

Jun 27, 2003
NEW YORK (AP) — A trans-Atlantic wave of puzzlement is rippling across Sweden for the second time in a week, after a prominent Fox News program featured a "Swedish defense and national security advisor" who's unknown to the country's military and foreign-affairs officials.

Swedes, and some Americans, have been wondering about representations of the Nordic nation in the U.S. since President Donald Trump invoked "what's happening last night in Sweden" while alluding to past terror attacks in Europe during a rally Feb. 18. There hadn't been any major incident in Sweden the previous night.

Then, Fox News commentator Bill O'Reilly convened an on-air faceoff Thursday over Swedish immigration and crime between a Swedish newspaper reporter and a man identified on screen and verbally as a "Swedish defense and national security advisor," Nils Bildt.

Bildt linked immigration to social problems in Sweden, lamented what he described as Swedish liberal close-mindedness about the downsides of welcoming newcomers and said: "We are unable in Sweden to socially integrate these people," arguing that politicians lacked a systematic plan to do so.

But if viewers might have taken the "advisor" for a government insider, the Swedish Defense Ministry and Foreign Office told the newspaper Dagens Nyheter they knew nothing of him. Calls to Swedish officials Saturday weren't immediately returned.

Bildt is a founding member of a corporate geopolitical strategy and security consulting business with offices in Washington, Brussels and Tokyo, according its website. His bio speaks to expertise on defense and national security issues, saying his experience includes serving as a naval officer, working for a Japanese official and writing books on issues ranging from investment and political climates to security issues in working in hostile environments.

But security experts in Sweden said he wasn't a familiar figure in their ranks in that country.

"He is in not in any way a known quantity in Sweden and has never been part of the Swedish debate," Swedish Defence University leadership professor Robert Egnell said by email to The Associated Press on Saturday. He and Bildt — also known then as Nils Tolling — were in a master's degree program in war studies together at King's College London in 2002-2003, and Bildt moved to Japan soon after, he said.

The executive producer of "The O'Reilly Factor" said Bildt was recommended by people the show's booker consulted while making numerous inquiries about potential guests.

"After pre-interviewing him and reviewing his bio, we agreed that he would make a good guest for the topic that evening," executive producer David Tabacoff said in a statement.

The network said O'Reilly was expected to address the subject further on Monday's show.

Bildt didn't respond Saturday to email inquiries; a person who answered the phone at his company agreed to relay one. He told Dagens Nyheter on Friday that he was a U.S.-based independent analyst, and Fox News had chosen its description of him.

"Sorry for any confusion caused, but needless to say I think that is not really the issue. The issue is Swedish refusal to discuss their social problems and issues," he added in a statement to the news website Mediaite, explaining his profession as being an independent political adviser.

Trump's initial remark about "last night in Sweden" stirred a burst of social media mockery, while Trump explained on Twitter that he was referring to a Fox News piece on immigration and Sweden that he'd seen the night before.

Trump and his supporters, though, saw vindication when a riot broke out Monday after police arrested a drug suspect in a predominantly immigrant suburb of Stockholm. Cars were set on fire and shops looted, but no one was injured.

Trump took to Twitter again Monday to declare that large-scale immigration in Sweden was "NOT!" working out well, upsetting many Swedes.


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That studied in the same masters degree program as the other guy in Sweden and was known to the other guy in Sweden. Right?

It is nothing more than sleight of hand. While they are technically not lying with the description of him, they are giving the public the idea that he is something he is not.

When he says, "We are unable in Sweden to socially integrate these people," it suggests that he is speaking as a member of the Swedish government, or as if he has somehow been involved in the process of trying to integrate "these people".

Let;s call a spade a spade and leave bias out of this. If we are going to call CNN "fake news" and rake them over the coals for their left wing propaganda, we should also accept that FOX is being deceptive in this particular case.
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Sort of like when several mainstream news outlets described Mike Flynn as Director of the National Security Agency.
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oreilly is going to address it in Monday. CNN will run 10 anonymous sources between now and then.
Considering that it is fact that the press and government have been deliberately not reporting or under reporting the level of crime by migrants in Sweden I have my doubts about anything coming from that country.

You have video of two policemen candidly describing the level of crime and violence and after it goes public they recant gives you an indication of the kind of pressure there is in Sweden to keep this from getting out.
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It is nothing more than sleight of hand. While they are technically not lying with the description of him, they are giving the public the idea that he is something he is not.

When he says, "We are unable in Sweden to socially integrate these people," it suggests that he is speaking as a member of the Swedish government, or as if he has somehow been involved in the process of trying to integrate "these people".

Let;s call a spade a spade and leave bias out of this. If we are going to call CNN "fake news" and rake them over the coals for their left wing propaganda, we should also accept that FOX is being deceptive in this particular case.

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Any news should be factual and not misleading, whether its Fox, CNN whoever.........when President Trump tweets something or says something that is misleading or false, the news media has to investigate and tell the true facts. Just the media questions what he says does not make it fake.........I want the true facts no matter which organization reports it
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Any news should be factual and not misleading, whether its Fox, CNN whoever.........when President Trump tweets something or says something that is misleading or false, the news media has to investigate and tell the true facts. Just the media questions what he says does not make it fake.........I want the true facts no matter which organization reports it

Everybody *wants* this.
Trouble is, when it is done the President publicly bashes them
The President should not try to deligitimize the media, that is what Authoritarian leaders do

1. He aggressively delegitimizes certain targeted specific media, not "the media." Not the freedom of press who is still free to rip him without consequence. This is NOT what authoritarians do.

And even if it were, learn the difference between inductive vs deductive reasoning. Not everything the guy does that you don't like means he's (insert scary hyperbole here).

2. These specific media are clearly, actively and aggressively engaged in attempting to delegitimize him.

3. Both the corporate globalist media he is targeting AND Trump would be stupid to let the other define the narrative.

It's a Mexican standoff. Both are right. Both are wrong. Each, according to their own agendas.

It's actually a great example of free speech both ways. Free country will continue to decide whose right on election days.

Whatever your position, it's naive to believe this is a one sided aggression. And more so to believe the "media" is uniformly fair and unbiased and that the guy from Celebrity Apprentice is a fascist trying to abolish a free press.

And that's being kind.
It is nothing more than sleight of hand. While they are technically not lying with the description of him, they are giving the public the idea that he is something he is not.

When he says, "We are unable in Sweden to socially integrate these people," it suggests that he is speaking as a member of the Swedish government, or as if he has somehow been involved in the process of trying to integrate "these people".

Let;s call a spade a spade and leave bias out of this. If we are going to call CNN "fake news" and rake them over the coals for their left wing propaganda, we should also accept that FOX is being deceptive in this particular case.

FOX is mostly dogshit. Who is really defending them here?

They are not pro Trump anyway. They are mostly pro neocon with a few individual personalities who are exceptions.

Sean Hammity - whom I still can't stand but at least was always a Trump guy so he has some legitimacy as a pundit.

Tucker Carlson - who I have to admit I really enjoy.

Some are openly anti trump.

They have more Trump overlap now but it's still reluctant and overall they would celebrate a neocon resurgence.

And not that I want them to be pro Trump either. It's just a simplistic to assume they need to be mentioned separately when people say the media is biased and needs to be scrutinized.

All these cable networks especially are sketchy AF when it comes to being unbiased watchdogs.

FOX in particular is likely to have more pro Trump and to a lesser degree, more neocon slime undermining him them legit investigative reporting and "news."
How about the media stop delegitimizing themselves? If they didn't run with the bullshit, Trump couldn't trip them and make them fall face first in it. This isn't a difficult concept.


However, to be fair, there is "fake news" and there is "fake news".
There is the completely made up story, that many people believe due to confirmation bias. And, there is the story that is factual, but slanted in a particular direction. And, there is the story that leaves out key details.

There is black and white "fake news".
There is grey area "fake news".

It sure would be nice if there were someplace we could all go for legitimate news.

I guess the best option is to digest what we can and know that we are probably only getting part of the story. What a mess.
1. He aggressively delegitimizes certain targeted specific media, not "the media." Not the freedom of press who is still free to rip him without consequence. This is NOT what authoritarians do.

And even if it were, learn the difference between inductive vs deductive reasoning. Not everything the guy does that you don't like means he's (insert scary hyperbole here).

2. These specific media are clearly, actively and aggressively engaged in attempting to delegitimize him.

3. Both the corporate globalist media he is targeting AND Trump would be stupid to let the other define the narrative.

It's a Mexican standoff. Both are right. Both are wrong. Each, according to their own agendas.

It's actually a great example of free speech both ways. Free country will continue to decide whose right on election days.

Whatever your position, it's naive to believe this is a one sided aggression. And more so to believe the "media" is uniformly fair and unbiased and that the guy from Celebrity Apprentice is a fascist trying to abolish a free press.

And that's being kind.

Damn. You're dash cunning.
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However, to be fair, there is "fake news" and there is "fake news".
There is the completely made up story, that many people believe due to confirmation bias. And, there is the story that is factual, but slanted in a particular direction. And, there is the story that leaves out key details.

There is black and white "fake news".
There is grey area "fake news".

It sure would be nice if there were someplace we could all go for legitimate news.

I guess the best option is to digest what we can and know that we are probably only getting part of the story. What a mess.
Spot on sir. We have to be responsible for ourselves in regards to all of the information out there. I no longer pay much attention to stories, especially sensational ones, that come from "anonymous sources." If there is an actual story, it'll eventually come out with associated facts that come from legitimate sources.

Trump isn't delegitimizing the media. He's doing what nobody else has. He's kicking them in the face and they have no idea what to do with it except whine and make Hitler comparisons. This is the time for the media to step up their game and start policing themselves to get back to factual reporting. We all have enough bias that we don't need the media giving us theirs.
Spot on sir. We have to be responsible for ourselves in regards to all of the information out there. I no longer pay much attention to stories, especially sensational ones, that come from "anonymous sources." If there is an actual story, it'll eventually come out with associated facts that come from legitimate sources.

Trump isn't delegitimizing the media. He's doing what nobody else has. He's kicking them in the face and they have no idea what to do with it except whine and make Hitler comparisons. This is the time for the media to step up their game and start policing themselves to get back to factual reporting. We all have enough bias that we don't need the media giving us theirs.

More swift thinking.

Good thread.

I've got a sneaking suspicion that if one of the news agencies doesn't take the bull by the horns and do exactly what you're talking about, somebody will enter the market and relegate them even more to the sideline.

And if it isn't one major player, it will be several smaller, possibly regional, players.
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If you are referring to this stunt by FOX, I am in complete agreement.

I'll clear it up for you. You post a story alleging fake news. Then you acknowledge the "fakeness" in question isn't a lie. Seems lame to me.

Could Fox have worded the graphic differently? Sure. Just seems to me like a chickenshit opportunity to point and scream FAKE NEWS about something that isn't factually inaccurate.
More swift thinking.

Good thread.

I've got a sneaking suspicion that if one of the news agencies doesn't take the bull by the horns and do exactly what you're talking about, somebody will enter the market and relegate them even more to the sideline.

And if it isn't one major player, it will be several smaller, possibly regional, players.

It seems like there is a niche that needs to be filled. There would be a lot of people interested in a network or on-line destination that was focused on just giving information, with as minimal bias as possible.

I think there would be a lot of potential pitfalls, however. Not sure if it would succeed due to getting extreme pressure and criticism from every possible direction.
I'll clear it up for you. You post a story alleging fake news. Then you acknowledge the "fakeness" in question isn't a lie. Seems lame to me.

Could Fox have worded the graphic differently? Sure. Just seems to me like a chickenshit opportunity to point and scream FAKE NEWS about something that isn't factually inaccurate.

Now you are being obtuse. They purposely tried to mislead their viewers in such a way that they could say, "it wasn't a lie" after the fact. They referred to him as a "Swedish national security adviser" both on screen and verbally. They never once pointed out that he was a self-proclaimed national security adviser, who was from Sweden. I guess you are calling it an oversight on their part. If so, you are either gullible or a cheer leader.

You should get on board with the rest of the posters ITT and recognize that everyone is biased and the BS needs to stop (or be significantly reduced).
And if it isn't one major player, it will be several smaller, possibly regional, players.
They already have. Sites like have a growing viewership. You just have to check them all out. A few years ago, on my quest for unbiased news sources, I was led in the direction of "sites that aren't funded by corporate media conglomerates" are where you get unbiased news. I quickly learned that many of those sources are funded by partisans like Koch Bros, Soros, etc, and are even worse than corporate media. Now I look at a range of stuff, left, right, and middle, to get a sense of the facts and what is bias and bullshit.

Hell, even local news is so sensationalized that it has become unwatchable. "The police are on the hunt for a killer. Is he in your neighborhood right now? Find out tonight at 10." Even the weather reporting is bad. Mike Morgan goes for sheer volume of tornado sightings and he can literally be rated on TPM, or tornadoes per minute. News 9 made a move to compete in the sensational department after Gary retired, choosing to promote David Screamer Payne to the top spot. Damon Lane is the only watchable one now on Channel 5. The sensational weather bullshit is what led to Aaron Meathead Tuttle being able to directly compete with the local network weather and he's been kicking their asses in accuracy and level headed weather reporting the past few years.
Now you are being obtuse. They purposely tried to mislead their viewers in such a way that they could say, "it wasn't a lie" after the fact. They referred to him as a "Swedish national security adviser" both on screen and verbally. They never once pointed out that he was a self-proclaimed national security adviser, who was from Sweden. I guess you are calling it an oversight on their part. If so, you are either gullible or a cheer leader.

You should get on board with the rest of the posters ITT and recognize that everyone is biased and the BS needs to stop (or be significantly reduced).

How are you able to determine their intent?

I find it amusing that the expert quoted in the article was in the same masters degree program that the "self proclaimed expert" was in. Looks to me that both men share at least some of the same credentials, enhancing the chickenshitness of the matter.

And please, I'm not telling you what you should or should not do. You sound like a nagging wife when you do that.
Hell, even local news is so sensationalized that it has become unwatchable. "The police are on the hunt for a killer. Is he in your neighborhood right now? Find out tonight at 10." Even the weather reporting is bad. Mike Morgan goes for sheer volume of tornado sightings and he can literally be rated on TPM, or tornadoes per minute. News 9 made a move to compete in the sensational department after Gary retired, choosing to promote David Screamer Payne to the top spot. Damon Lane is the only watchable one now on Channel 5. The sensational weather bullshit is what led to Aaron Meathead Tuttle being able to directly compete with the local network weather and he's been kicking their asses in accuracy and level headed weather reporting the past few years.

Hallelujah and Amen Medic! No different in Tulsa....Horrible, terrible, useless, uninteresting, often wrong and so on and so on the local news idiots SUCK! What I find the absolutely most annoying though, is when the "reporter" say person "x" says this "...............", then person "x" comes on and says what the idiot reported said they would say. What, they think no one is smart enough to comprehend what person "x" actually said? Boggles my mind that anyone would spend advertising revenue on this crap.

The weathermen are a whole different group of goofballs. One of the stations in Tulsa now is giving a traffic report. How is that remotely connected to the weather? Same with lake levels. Just a 1/2 - 1 hour of paid buffoonery!
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NEW YORK (AP) — Fox News commentator Bill O'Reilly says he could have been clearer about a man who appeared on his show last week billed as a Swedish national security adviser.

Responding to criticism from officials in Sweden and liberal observers, O'Reilly said on Monday night's episode of "The O'Reilly Factor" that he should have explained that Nils Bildt had no role in the Swedish government.

Bildt appeared on O'Reilly show Thursday, billed as a "Swedish Defense and National Security Advisor." Bildt linked Muslim immigration to the country with social problems and crime.

Critics objected to O'Reilly's use of the title, and the Swedish Defense Ministry and Foreign Office said they had no knowledge of Bildt.

O'Reilly said Monday that the criticism was valid, though Bildt is a consultant on national security matters.
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