Yo Medic!

If purebloods let's say we're wrong....they could always change and go get the death jab -yes? Won't happen but food for thought.

WhAts yalls plan?!?! Can't Undo what's been done.

Yall do know y'all took experimental shots from
CoMpanies that gave us thalidomide? Also Bill Gates experimental shots gave people HIV and in third world countries he experimented on gave those black kiddos polio right? Not one but two different experiments on different countries.

Just saying- sociopath doesn't do him any justice.

Y'all do know PharmaS' goal is make money for the investors- right? Y'all really don't think it's bc they care for y'all- Please Tell me y'all know this.
Anyone that looks at this photo and thinks it's ok is beyond help. Enablers allow this. The shots have killed more kids than the bug.
How much depression and set back have our kids experienced bc the grown ups are
A big ole bunch of wimps? Just bc adults are scared of their own shadows - doesn't mean our kids should suffer bc of them. I'm so embarrassed and sad this happened on this generation of parents' watch.

Teaching our kids to bow down to tyrannical elite POS- sums it up.
Funny you And non medic are in the foxhole with Pedo Dave, Pedo 2 pesos, 9 hear old Toon
, CNN, Fraudci, Pedo biden, et al

Yalls' gullibility is beyond amazing

You're a complete fool.

I'm against mandates of any kind, but people are dying of this virus that you call "a hoax". You're a fool.

Just put another 40 year old unvaccinated dude on the ventilator. He'll be dead by tomorrow. Lungs look like bloody hambuger.

its nasty stuff for sure. I’m guessing that everyone that survives it ends up with some scaring to their lungs
You're a complete fool.

I'm against mandates of any kind, but people are dying of this virus that you call "a hoax". You're a fool.

Only deaths are 78 year old obese with several comorbities And hospitals giving experimental Remdesivir and then the vents of some- murder. People don't die at home senior scaredy car.

With the aid of yellow belly scaredy cats like you and medic who have zero capability and zero motivation to think for yourselves- they're allowed their propaganda to work. Would be hilarious if not so sad.

2 years ago I would have never thought we had so many scared drone obeyers with no critical thinking skills that would bow down to Elite demons- but y'all yellow wusses have sure proved me wrong- and by a landslide.
Only deaths are 78 year old obese with several comorbities And hospitals giving experimental Remdesivir and then the vents of some- murder. People don't die at home senior scaredy car.

With the aid of yellow belly scaredy cats like you and medic who have zero capability and zero motivation to think for yourselves- they're allowed their propaganda to work. Would be hilarious if not so sad.

2 years ago I would have never thought we had so many scared drone obeyers with no critical thinking skills that would bow down to Elite demons- but y'all yellow wusses have sure proved me wrong- and by a landslide.

You’re an idiot
its nasty stuff for sure. I’m guessing that everyone that survives it ends up with some scaring to their lungs
Stay back from the fear porn of the obeyers- man can any of you little circle jerk Coof worshippers have an original thought in your heads whatsoever?! They are laughing their corrupt asses of at y'all- and y'all just keep pushing their porn.

Hospitals killing patients that come in with the sniffles and you're buying the fear porn from it. I think maybe there's no hope for y'all and your 4th booster Coof transmitting immune system damaged selves.Sad.
its nasty stuff for sure. I’m guessing that everyone that survives it ends up with some scaring to their lungs
The severe ones, definitely. If you google acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDs) you'll get a good idea of what happens to the lungs in severe covid pneumonia. Not pretty. The guy I posted about died at 0400 this morning. Sucks to see.

Still too early to measure true long term effects though.
The severe ones, definitely. If you google acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDs) you'll get a good idea of what happens to the lungs in severe covid pneumonia. Not pretty. The guy I posted about died at 0400 this morning. Sucks to see.

Still too early to measure true long term effects though.
Did y'all give him Remdesivir - yes or no? How About you talk about all the Deaths from the vaccines there non medic- and how the only ones that die that are not 80 most
Everyone are Given Those experimental Fauci drugs after denying real cures that don't cost $3k per dose.

How about all the vaccine deaths? You never acknowledged that death jabbed people were NOT allowed to give convalescent plasma at OBI bc their lack of antibodies....orders that came from your God the corrupt CDC.

Speak to that and the vaccine deaths- will wait.
Did y'all give him Remdesivir - yes or no? How About you talk about all the Deaths from the vaccines there non medic- and how the only ones that die that are not 80 most
Everyone are Given Those experimental Fauci drugs after denying real cures that don't cost $3k per dose.

How about all the vaccine deaths? You never acknowledged that death jabbed people were NOT allowed to give convalescent plasma at OBI bc their lack of antibodies....orders that came from your God the corrupt CDC.

Speak to that and the vaccine deaths- will wait.



Most Anyone in the medical field knows only 1-10 percent gets reported to VAERS-that Makes the death count as I've said just in America alone over 200,000 up to 2 million. And anything that's in VAERS is 99% correct because it is fraud if you report something to the virus system that's incorrect.

You lose Libtard nine year old
Most Anyone in the medical field knows only 1-10 percent gets reported to VAERS-that Makes the death count as I've said just in America alone over 200,000 up to 2 million. And anything that's in VAERS is 99% correct because it is fraud if you report something to the virus system that's incorrect.

You lose Libtard nine year old
And all being suppressed by a leftist narrative media
Most Anyone in the medical field knows only 1-10 percent gets reported to VAERS-that Makes the death count as I've said just in America alone over 200,000 up to 2 million. And anything that's in VAERS is 99% correct because it is fraud if you report something to the virus system that's incorrect.

You lose Libtard nine year old

And all being suppressed by a leftist narrative media

Limitations and abuseEdit

Like other spontaneous reporting systems, VAERS has several limitations, including underreporting, unverified reports, inconsistent data quality, and inadequate data about the number of people vaccinated.[14] Due to the program's open and accessible design and its allowance of unverified reports, incomplete VAERS data is often used in false claims regarding vaccine safety.[14][15][16] The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has warned that raw data from VAERS is not enough to determine whether a vaccine can cause a particular adverse event.[17]

Jim Laidler, an advocate of alternative autism therapies, once reported to VAERS that a vaccine had turned him into The Incredible Hulk. The report was accepted and entered into the database, but the dubious nature thereof prompted a VAERS representative to contact Mr. Laidler, who then gave his consent to delete the report.[18][19]

During the COVID-19 pandemic, raw VAERS data has often been disseminated by anti-vaccine groups in order to justify misinformation and safety claims related to COVID-19 vaccines, including adverse reactions and fatalities claimed to have been caused by vaccines.[17][19] Websites such as Medalerts (published by the anti-vaccine group National Vaccine Information Center) and OpenVAERS (which published a tally of vaccine adverse events and fatalities allegedly linked to COVID-19 vaccines based on VAERS data), have been linked to this misinformation.[19] Comparative studies of VAERS, which look at relative reporting rates, have found that the data does not support these claims.[20][21]
After I read this story I immediately came to see if cornholio was posting. Silly me, you’d actually have to be able to communicate over a fourth grade level to do a podcast.

After I read this story I immediately came to see if cornholio was posting. Silly me, you’d actually have to be able to communicate over a fourth grade level to do a podcast.

Cowturd makes an appearance- how's the triple mask hide in the corner shart his pants fearing the Coof doing?
The corrupt POS CDC is finally saying what we've been saying all along- winter time deaths are coming due to the shots reduction of antibodies (ADE) so all the winter time bugs hitting the people taking the shots are more vulnerable. Praying for all as usual.

Plenty more reporting on this but strangely- not the main stream news- Hmmmm

Don't fixes the shots to the kids.
The corrupt POS CDC is finally saying what we've been saying all along- winter time deaths are coming due to the shots reduction of antibodies (ADE) so all the winter time bugs hitting the people taking the shots are more vulnerable. Praying for all as usual.

Plenty more reporting on this but strangely- not the main stream news- Hmmmm

Don't fixes the shots to the kids.
Do antibiotics work on a virus? I’ll hang up and listen.
Do antibiotics work on a virus? I’ll hang up and listen.
Do they Cowturd? What do you think- you must be an expert on these shots since you love and defend them. What are your thoughts other than come on right behind me and try to dismiss- interested
This is an example of a two dicks.

Poor ol' CornDong has already been slapped upside the head with reality, but is too weak, stupid and arrogant to admit it. Sadly, COVID will one day hit his family and/or acquaintances hard enough to shut him up. Human pride and arrogance is deadly.

@Medic007 I've known you personally for many years and have seen first hand the high level of respect people who know you, have for you. I wouldn't trade places with you (vocationally) for nothing. Thank you for what you do. You're an Iron Man.
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Poor ol' CornDong has already been slapped upside the head with reality, but is too weak, stupid and arrogant to admit it. Sadly, COVID will one day hit his family and/or acquaintances hard enough to shut him up. Human pride and arrogance is deadly.

@Medic007 I've known you personally for many years and have seen first hand the high level of respect people who know you, have for you. I wouldn't trade places with you (vocationally) for nothing. Thank you for what you do. You're an Iron Man.
Awww him is worried about Non medics' feelings being hurt- do you guys have cry closets and safe places?!

Covid has hit my family oh scared one (Or did it since the tests are fraudulent) and no one hospitalized or died you idiot. Of course I don't play that game either I've never listened to them and tested nor dawned a fear diaper- don't play their games like your sheep. It's a freaking coronavirus or respiratory virus like the others- except corrupt people politicized this one and Many idiot hospitals and people like Non medic do what the corrupt cdc says and send patients home till their oxygen gets worse Instead of treating them with known cheap therapeutics with virtually no side effects- then get them back when their oxygen is worse- give them Remdesivir (experimental mandated by Fauchi $3knoer dose and causes renal failure in 50 percemt patients)then put them on a a vent- murder them.

We don't play that game in our family- we know how to NOT listen to the corrupt media and big Harma who's trying to get rich off of morons - we know how to think for ourselves and who to listen to- unlike you and non medic who those elite demons LOVE.

I can't believe you're STILL drinking the kool aid! Of course if y'all had to admit that you've been duped it would wreck your world.....but dang y'all just keep doubling down on eating bowls of dumb- quite amazing.

You are officially a member of the CSCJC- "Coof Shots Circle Jerk Club", non medic, Pedo toon, CNN, Pedo Joe, Fauchi,Gates, pedo 2 pesos, Pedo Dave, Cowturd and Surprisingly - others

Who else wants to say they're a member of the circle jerk club? I'm a proud member of the pure bloods. They're some that took the first shots and are now awake to the crap but you guys ....heck's shots are us for every year of your lives 5 times per year.- I still pray for y'all - even tho you listen to total moron elites that want you dead and replaced by illegal immigrants they fly in each day or week to replace you.
Poor ol' CornDong has already been slapped upside the head with reality, but is too weak, stupid and arrogant to admit it. Sadly, COVID will one day hit his family and/or acquaintances hard enough to shut him up. Human pride and arrogance is deadly.

@Medic007 I've known you personally for many years and have seen first hand the high level of respect people who know you, have for you. I wouldn't trade places with you (vocationally) for nothing. Thank you for what you do. You're an Iron Man.
Thanks for the kind words, 22. I don't take any offense to TwoDicksDog's incessant retardation. I've seen plenty like him and they're usually the ones that expect miracles when they or people close to them are dying from covid. It is what it is. I don't even bother asking vaccination status any more because I can deduce that myself.

And I don't think I'm smart enough to do what you do so we'll abandon any idea of vocational switch. Trust me on this.
Awww him is worried about Non medics' feelings being hurt- do you guys have cry closets and safe places?!

Covid has hit my family oh scared one (Or did it since the tests are fraudulent) and no one hospitalized or died you idiot. Of course I don't play that game either I've never listened to them and tested nor dawned a fear diaper- don't play their games like your sheep. It's a freaking coronavirus or respiratory virus like the others- except corrupt people politicized this one and Many idiot hospitals and people like Non medic do what the corrupt cdc says and send patients home till their oxygen gets worse Instead of treating them with known cheap therapeutics with virtually no side effects- then get them back when their oxygen is worse- give them Remdesivir (experimental mandated by Fauchi $3knoer dose and causes renal failure in 50 percemt patients)then put them on a a vent- murder them.

We don't play that game in our family- we know how to NOT listen to the corrupt media and big Harma who's trying to get rich off of morons - we know how to think for ourselves and who to listen to- unlike you and non medic who those elite demons LOVE.

I can't believe you're STILL drinking the kool aid! Of course if y'all had to admit that you've been duped it would wreck your world.....but dang y'all just keep doubling down on eating bowls of dumb- quite amazing.

You are officially a member of the CSCJC- "Coof Shots Circle Jerk Club", non medic, Pedo toon, CNN, Pedo Joe, Fauchi,Gates, pedo 2 pesos, Pedo Dave, Cowturd and Surprisingly - others

Who else wants to say they're a member of the circle jerk club? I'm a proud member of the pure bloods. They're some that took the first shots and are now awake to the crap but you guys ....heck's shots are us for every year of your lives 5 times per year.- I still pray for y'all - even tho you listen to total moron elites that want you dead and replaced by illegal immigrants they fly in each day or week to replace you.
So triggered.
Thanks for the kind words, 22. I don't take any offense to TwoDicksDog's incessant retardation. I've seen plenty like him and they're usually the ones that expect miracles when they or people close to them are dying from covid. It is what it is. I don't even bother asking vaccination status any more because I can deduce that myself.

And I don't think I'm smart enough to do what you do so we'll abandon any idea of vocational switch. Trust me on this.
Why would you ask people's vaccination status- it's noneya
The corrupt POS CDC is finally saying what we've been saying all along- winter time deaths are coming due to the shots reduction of antibodies (ADE) so all the winter time bugs hitting the people taking the shots are more vulnerable. Praying for all as usual.

Plenty more reporting on this but strangely- not the main stream news- Hmmmm

That boney finger of death better come reckoning soon @Corndog2021. Time is running short. I'm starting to get those "Prevent Spring Weeds Now" flyers in the mail.
That boney finger of death better come reckoning soon @Corndog2021. Time is running short. I'm starting to get those "Prevent Spring Weeds Now" flyers in the mail.
About half a million dead - not quite sure what your "sign" is that the death jabs are working on the genocide....OH WAIT I KNOW NOW! For it to be on the TV set news ahhhhh

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