She’s a Dem I could get behind
Yes, those are all valid reasons to not vote for her. Assuming, of course, the NeoCons in both parties don't manage to destroy the world in a nuclear holocaust first. No one's asking you to vote for her, just support her in the primaries. Throw a buck or two her way. The more independent donations she gets the more fear of God she will put in the American war machine. She is the best the Democrats have. It is in all our best interests to have the choice to vote for the best from either party. As I said the other day, if by some wild quirk of fate a Democrat beats Trump we should all hope it's Tulsi, not one of the cookie-cutter amoral plastic politicians running against her.I'm convinced! Don't forget these great reasons too.
Climate change: Mandate an end to the use of fossil fuels for electricity by 2050. Ban fracking.
Education: Tuition-free community college for all and tuition-free public university for most families.
Guns: Ban assault weapons and require universal background checks.
Health care: Create “Medicare for All,” a universal, government-sponsored health care system.
Social Issues: Protect abortion rights. Ban discrimination based on sexual preference, identity.
@Ponca Dan So I finally got around to listening to her podcast w Joe Rogan. I must say, I was really impressed. Like you’ve said, I don’t agree w all of her policies but she’s seems legit. Her anti-regime change war stance is obviously dead on, but bc of that there’s no way the establishment lets her get any airtime or traction. There’s no other reason for it. She’s an attractive veteran female POC w liberal views, what’s there not to like for the Dems other than the strict anti-war views. She’s a Dem I could get behind though, probably the only one they have trotted out.
Boundless hand-wringing. Good grief.Assuming, of course, the NeoCons in both parties don't manage to destroy the world in a nuclear holocaust first.