
Education and critical thinking.

Because this has so much historical, empirical evidence of being the solution?

Self-proclaimed intellectuals seem to think that all the world's problems would be solved if everyone were like them.

Just like every other tribe/category/etc thinks.

Try again.
I think you can apply this Voltaire quote to our political system:

“If there were only one religion in England there would be danger of despotism, if there were two, they would cut each other's throats, but there are thirty, and they live in peace and happiness.”

It easy to be reactive against the OTHER ideology and let self-righteousness and intellectual superiority become your self perception.
I think you can apply this Voltaire quote to our political system:

“If there were only one religion in England there would be danger of despotism, if there were two, they would cut each other's throats, but there are thirty, and they live in peace and happiness.”

It easy to be reactive against the OTHER ideology and let self-righteousness and intellectual superiority become your self perception.

Hence, Trump rose from the ashes of Phoenix, to bring the word peace and prosperity.
I think you can apply this Voltaire quote to our political system:

“If there were only one religion in England there would be danger of despotism, if there were two, they would cut each other's throats, but there are thirty, and they live in peace and happiness.”

It easy to be reactive against the OTHER ideology and let self-righteousness and intellectual superiority become your self perception.

I like this.

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I agree with your post JD. But the libs have lost it right now, the vitriol coming from them is unreal. You have CSCOTT hoping the Prez is assassinated and backing MS-13 over Trump. Then you have this gem from davidallen:

Conviction is the last thing I want. I want a prolonged, paralyzing investigation followed by a raucous debate on whether or not to impeach including lots of innuendo about fellow travelers on the Trump Train including Pence and Ryan. At that point I would very much want 45 to steadfastly maintain his innocence and continue his intention to run for reelection, facing such a devastating primary challenge that the GOP is nothing but a smoking crater.

What's the phrase I am looking for... oh yeah "burn the ****er down" - in this case "the ****er" applies to the Trump White House and his enablers in the GOP.

14 davidallen, Mar 1, 2018

MSM has no problem having Rober DeNiro saying F-Trump on live TV. Bill Maher hoping for a recession. Numerous other examples. No previous President has ever been treated this way and this is the first time I have seen an entire party lose their collective mind. Trump derangement syndrome? When I first heard it I thought it was just another political term, but it is real.

Nothing you can do about it JD, this is why IMO patriotism is really important right now, we need to all focus on what is best for our country and not our party. We should be loyal to our families and our country first.

I had a long post about a week ago saying that cleaning up Washington should not just be about "getting" Obama and HRC and their loyal criminal subjects, bring them to accountability, yes. But it can not stop there, we have to identify why our political system creates people that go in to public service but only serve themselves. We have to ask why do 2 sets of rules apply for politicians and regular citizens. I think it starts with term limits, eliminating all lobbying, and putting caps on how much a candidate can spend on running for various offices. All laws that Congress pass must also apply to all Congressman, prime example is healthcare. If it is good for the regular people then it is good for them as well.

I think we need more citizen oversight committees, we need more oversight of the DOJ, FBI, CIA, etc... The alphabet soup of our Fed Government operates in secrecy with personal political agenda's and no transparency.


When Enron happened and stiff sentences handed out it changed a few mindsets, we need to do the same in Washington. To change people sometimes you have to change the people, we can do that by voting everyone out and putting fresh people in, and sending the leakers, traitors, constitution breakers, law breakers, and pocket liners to jail.
If I may, I would to amend my original post. The reference to Paul Ryan is no longer necessary. That is all.
A zeal for different opinions concerning religion, concerning government, and many other points, as well of speculation as of practice; an attachment to different leaders ambitiously contending for pre-eminence and power; or to persons of other descriptions whose fortunes have been interesting to the human passions, have, in turn, divided mankind into parties, inflamed them with mutual animosity, and rendered them much more disposed to vex and oppress each other than to co-operate for their common good. So strong is this propensity of mankind to fall into mutual animosities, that where no substantial occasion presents itself, the most frivolous and fanciful distinctions have been sufficient to kindle their unfriendly passions and excite their most violent conflicts.

JAMES MADISON, Federalist No. 10, Nov. 22, 1787

I have no idea what we do about it, but it is a vexing conundrum for me.

Without taking the time (first) to read the replies, my take - generally I agree, however, Madison lived in a time where he made a choice to be the father of the Constitution of a country that rebelled against Imperial tyranny - rather than submit to it or try to equally see the fault in both sides.
And you’re just the guy to squash them.

Go forth and prosper, mi amigo.

As for me, I don’t think either side will ever squash the other side to the extent you are proposing....and in their efforts to do so swing so far to the opposite extreme that I can’t get on board with that form of thinking.

for the record, I reject the concept of “either” side - which implies either or.
Reading the dogmatic and absolutist positions in this thread tells me two things: 1. It vindicates the OP in spades, and 2: The great unspoken theme of history is how a very, very small number of insanely greedy, ambitious, and power-hungry people convince the feeble-minded masses to hurt each other for the first partys' benefit.

Looking at the perspectives of this board in context, we live in an era of unparalleled prosperity, unparalleled opportunity, with unparalleled freedom, and unparalleled security, in the strongest country ever, ran predominately by white men, and white men on here bitch about how bad they have it. If these same people cant' get off their ass and get a square shake from a society now, they couldn't in any era. It really is insane and I think is prima facie proof that (2) above is right.

JD I’m honestly not sure how you can read this and not feel like Maddison reading a loyalist’s editorial.
for the record, I reject the concept of “either” side - which implies either or.

I didn’t mean to imply only “two” sides. That, however, is the way he coined it. We are pretty clearly in at,least a tri-partite situation in today’s political scenarios. I do continue, however, tend to see people here arguing from a binary perspective of their side versus everybody else that’s not their side (the infamous uniparty, the shadowy deep state, etc.).
JD I’m honestly not sure how you can read this and not feel like Maddison reading a loyalist’s editorial.

Sure....the same is true for these as well though, no?

I do. You squash the wrong side.

What graph in our culture do you look at and say yes more liberal “progress?”

In 20 years no black children will have married parents if liberals have their way.

150 genders, they are playing with their food at this point. Someone has to stop them.

I agree with your post JD. But the libs have lost it right now, the vitriol coming from them is unreal. You have CSCOTT hoping the Prez is assassinated and backing MS-13 over Trump. Then you have this gem from davidallen:

Conviction is the last thing I want. I want a prolonged, paralyzing investigation followed by a raucous debate on whether or not to impeach including lots of innuendo about fellow travelers on the Trump Train including Pence and Ryan. At that point I would very much want 45 to steadfastly maintain his innocence and continue his intention to run for reelection, facing such a devastating primary challenge that the GOP is nothing but a smoking crater.

What's the phrase I am looking for... oh yeah "burn the ****er down" - in this case "the ****er" applies to the Trump White House and his enablers in the GOP.

14 davidallen, Mar 1, 2018

MSM has no problem having Rober DeNiro saying F-Trump on live TV. Bill Maher hoping for a recession. Numerous other examples. No previous President has ever been treated this way and this is the first time I have seen an entire party lose their collective mind. Trump derangement syndrome? When I first heard it I thought it was just another political term, but it is real.

Nothing you can do about it JD, this is why IMO patriotism is really important right now, we need to all focus on what is best for our country and not our party. We should be loyal to our families and our country first.

I had a long post about a week ago saying that cleaning up Washington should not just be about "getting" Obama and HRC and their loyal criminal subjects, bring them to accountability, yes. But it can not stop there, we have to identify why our political system creates people that go in to public service but only serve themselves. We have to ask why do 2 sets of rules apply for politicians and regular citizens. I think it starts with term limits, eliminating all lobbying, and putting caps on how much a candidate can spend on running for various offices. All laws that Congress pass must also apply to all Congressman, prime example is healthcare. If it is good for the regular people then it is good for them as well.

I think we need more citizen oversight committees, we need more oversight of the DOJ, FBI, CIA, etc... The alphabet soup of our Fed Government operates in secrecy with personal political agenda's and no transparency.


When Enron happened and stiff sentences handed out it changed a few mindsets, we need to do the same in Washington. To change people sometimes you have to change the people, we can do that by voting everyone out and putting fresh people in, and sending the leakers, traitors, constitution breakers, law breakers, and pocket liners to jail.

as soon as you can grasp this deep state coup attempt

you’ll understand the difference between swinging so far to the opposite extreme(fear projection)

and defending the constitution

they set trump up and accused them of what they did

with your experience and intelligence
something you should readily see
“I’d like to punch him in the face”

I didn’t mean to imply only “two” sides. That, however, is the way he coined it. We are pretty clearly in at,least a tri-partite situation in today’s political scenarios. I do continue, however, tend to see people here arguing from a binary perspective of their side versus everybody else that’s not their side (the infamous uniparty, the shadowy deep state, etc.).

Fair enough. I have a pretty simple litmus test. I look to see who is for and who is against the Constitution based on the context of their words and the reality of their actions. I immediately reject those who support gun control, open borders, identity politics, attack free speech and blame things like sexism and white privilege for their own personal lack of success. Conversely, I also reject conservatives who are against gay marriage or legalization of pot or support similar legislation of morality issues.

that basically leaves one side that still has my interest, and i was a reluctant supporter of Trump early on, hoping for nothing more than him to not be hillary, support the 2nd amendment and basically be an agent of chaos to the establishment "uniparty" which I absolutely believe is a thing.

He's far surpassed my expectations with the job and economy numbers and I've yet to see a shred of evidence to the contrary of my growing believe that he's absolutely a master of gaming the system to get shit done. At some point, a hunch that he was 4d chess playing passed statistical probability to certainly for me IMO. <-- disclaimer of this as agreed upon fact.

If that makes me a cheerleader, I say, so? The guy is doing a tremendous job and I love the fact that he does not take shit from anyone - even finding time to pimpslap "Low IQ Robert DiNiro" in between G7 and Singapore. This is the best reality TV show of all time, and I admit I am entertained and impressed.
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Sure....the same is true for these as well though, no?

Not in the least. I know those guys are pro-Constitution. The ideologies they want to defeat have all supported ideas that I believe are objectively unconstitutional, or run contrary to our ability to be a legitimate Constitutional Republic, accountable specifically to the citizens of this country.

The men in Maddison's time picked a side, and it was obviously the pro-Constitutional side in retrospect. I would hope they all had that attitude about defeating those who stood in the way of that goal.
When someone reaches the point of certainty (as you describe) is when someone jumps the shark into cult of personality, IMO. Everything going forward that the person says or does is inevitably and unavoidably viewed through the prism of that “certainty”.

I recognize that I am a complete skeptic and contrarian to notions of certainty by my nature though. With the exception a few personal relationships established over time, I doubt I have been “all in” on anybody or anything.
Fair enough. I have a pretty simple litmus test. I look to see who is for and who is against the Constitution based on the context of their words and the reality of their actions. I immediately reject those who support gun control, open borders, identity politics, attack free speech and blame things like sexism and white privilege for their own personal lack of success. Conversely, I also reject conservatives who are against gay marriage or legalization of pot or support similar legislation of morality issues.

that basically leaves one side that still has my interest, and i was a reluctant supporter of Trump early on, hoping for nothing more than him to not be hillary, support the 2nd amendment and basically be an agent of chaos to the establishment "uniparty" which I absolutely believe is a thing.

He's far surpassed my expectations with the job and economy numbers and I've yet to see a shred of evidence to the contrary of my growing believe that he's absolutely a master of gaming the system to get shit done. At some point, a hunch that he was 4d chess playing passed statistical probability to certainly for me IMO. <-- disclaimer of this as agreed upon fact.

If that makes me a cheerleader, I say, so? The guy is doing a tremendous job and I love the fact that he does not take shit from anyone - even finding time to pimpslap "Low IQ Robert DiNiro" in between G7 and Singapore. This is the best reality TV show of all time, and I admit I am entertained and impressed.

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When someone reaches the point of certainty (as you describe) is when someone jumps the shark into cult of personality, IMO. Everything going forward that the person says or does is inevitably and unavoidably viewed through the prism of that “certainty”.

I recognize that I am a complete skeptic and contrarian to notions of certainty by my nature though. With the exception a few personal relationships established over time, I doubt I have been “all in” on anybody or anything.

Again, fair enough.

I've never been all in on any president in my lifetime - almost 50 years old.

And to clarify - my use of "certainty" re: Trump was specifically limited to his use of gamesmanship, and its really not a stretch to say the author of the Art of the Deal is using his lifetime of experience to keep highly predictable people off balance and do what he wants to do. That isn't buying into anything except observing the obvious IMO.

As for everything he says or does being viewed through that prism - no. Incorrect. I do not worship Donald Trump. I just think he's turned into the right man for the right time, and for now - he has earned my support IMO. He could shit all over that and if he does, he's nothing but a replaceable government employee.

But for now - he's doing what I wanted to see someone do - nearly across the board.

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