Wow Epstein is dead........

has been linked to Donald Trump

Tangentially. Good luck with that, political water boy. You are dutifully springing to the front of the line to carry this gross exaggeration. By this logic, you are linked to everyone you've ever taken a photo with or been seen with at a party.

Let's just watch your upcoming 180 degree rage reversal about this pedophilia stuff.

I'm not you. I won't reverse anything. But I'm not going to give your idiotic conspiracy theory any credibility either.

Trump is old buddies with this guy, they flew around together and now... this. Buuuuuulllshit. It aint just me, either.

Buddies.... just like you are buddies with everyone you've ever met or have any tangential association with. I know it "ain't just you" because you never have original thoughts. #bornfollower
Tangentially. Good luck with that, political water boy. You are dutifully springing to the front of the line to carry this gross exaggeration. By this logic, you are linked to everyone you've ever taken a photo with or been seen with at a party.

I'm not you. I won't reverse anything. But I'm not going to give your idiotic conspiracy theory any credibility either.

Buddies.... just like you are buddies with everyone you've ever met or have any tangential association with. I know it "ain't just you" because you never have original thoughts. #bornfollower

LOL the most notorious inmate in the country tried to kill himself once, and now he's dead. In federal custody. And already got away with molesting girls when Biff's appointee slapped him on the wrist. during the Dumbya admin. Now he's back in federal custody and he's dead. You have fun explaining this one away.

Oh hell of course you're skeptical. This isn't cosmo pizza with some goofball with a satan symbol telling you.
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I want to know who dusted Vince Foster's shoes spotlessly clean after putting two behind his ear?

I mean the way they got to him in jail.... amazing. Suicide case. Guess he'll never squeal now.

So did DOJ really object to him being transferred out?
LOL the most notorious inmate in the country tried to kill himself once, and now he's dead. In federal custody. And already got away with molesting girls when Biff's appointee slapped him on the wrist. during the Dumbya admin. Now he's back in federal custody and he's dead. You have fun explaining this one away.

Oh hell of course you're skeptical. This isn't cosmo pizza with some goofball with a satan symbol telling you.

You are one dumb son of a bitch. Get this through your skull. I want justice re: Epstein. I am not playing politics here, unlike you. You have no idea what happened, who did what or what if any consequence there is from this piece of shit's death. If paths lead to Trump, then fry Trump. But manufacturing pretend paths to him is fvcking chickenshit conspiracy theory bullshit that anyone who bought Russian Collusion (like you did) should have the brain cell activity to steer clear of for at least a few days until you have the foggiest idea what happened.

Fvck your narrative.
It's crazy how you know the difference between blind faith and conspiracy theory based completely on whether you want to believe something or not.

See, that's the difference between us. I use basic logic, evidence, and common sense when deciding what to believe/disbelieve. Blind faith and "want to" don't enter into the equation.
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You are one dumb son of a bitch. Get this through your skull. I want justice re: Epstein. I am not playing politics here, unlike you. You have no idea what happened, who did what or what if any consequence there is from this piece of shit's death. If paths lead to Trump, then fry Trump. But manufacturing pretend paths to him is fvcking chickenshit conspiracy theory bullshit that anyone who bought Russian Collusion (like you did) should have the brain cell activity to steer clear of for at least a few days until you have the foggiest idea what happened.

Fvck your narrative.

You're like, the only person that doesn't see how shitty this looks at first glance. The defense would have to be gross incompetence and from what I understand, there would have to be layers of that to explain how a suicide case with his notoriety and import to the general public happens. The country -- you included -- wanted that mf'er squeezed until he turned up every last root of this shit. Nope. That is the best case scenario: gross incompetence. Anything else is murder. That's whose fault?

I'll sit back and watch you pass the buck now.
chickenshit conspiracy theory bullshit that anyone who bought Russian Collusion (like you did) should

And, another layer of your lie cake that I'll correct:

I'm now 44.35% convinced that Biff's campaign actively colluded with Putin's gang to finance and enable the Russian propaganda campaign. Of course, I have no access to the LE files on this stuff, but the Manaforte/FLynn/ Biff/ Kushner actions and BIff's obvious cover-up attempts are too compelling to look the other way.

Take my 44.35%, which is a very precise probability factor in the direction of collusion, and insert that in your hairy ass and feel it for a couple of hours. You have zero intellectual honesty here.
Can you give me 1 documented and proven example?

Serious question. Why is the Clinton death squad your hill to die on? What do you possibly know that makes this so unthinkable? The entire internet erupted this morning in CDS memes and jokes. You've got a lot of people to straighten out.

Seriously man, you have a weird relationship with conspiracy theories. You are the absolute authority on those that you don't like being utterly impossible, but others you buy hook line and sinker. Do you still think Trump said nazis were very fine people?
Um... the... murderer? Or the entity who hired the murderer?

Obviously no... the President of the United States being directly responsible for an inmates death makes much more sense to you (and others).

Well, both?

You are the first person that has said that, too. You're the first person that said that I said there was collusion, and you're the first person that said Biff is "directly responsible for an inmates death." I said no such thing. You know what though? We're gonna see in the next 48 hours how transparent they are about it, aren;t we? Let;s see a real fast doc release and witnesses talking about it. You have an excuse for that not happening? From the most transparent administration ever?
Well, both?

You are the first person that has said that, too. You're the first person that said that I said there was collusion, and you're the first person that said Biff is "directly responsible for an inmates death." I said no such thing. You know what though? We're gonna see in the next 48 hours how transparent they are about it, aren;t we? Let;s see a real fast doc release and witnesses talking about it. You have an excuse for that not happening? From the most transparent administration ever?

Serious question. Why is the Clinton death squad your hill to die on? What do you possibly know that makes this so unthinkable?

Because it is a completely unrealistic theory. It is just basic common sense. Just sit back and think about it. I mean really think about it.

20-50 individuals (depends on who you choose to believe) are murdered because they have dirt on an ex Potus and his wife who is an ex SOS. For this to be truth, you would need at least one (but more likely many) individual/s who is capable of killing that many people. The killers would have to be very adept at making the murders look like a suicide, without leaving evidence to the contrary. For the ones that are clearly not suicide, the killers would have to be adept at not leaving evidence that leads to their suspicion/capture. In this day and age of security cameras everywhere, DNA technology, etc, Cell phone pings, etc, it would be impossible to get away with that many murders without ever being caught/raising any suspicions. It would also be unlikely that no one would know enough about the murders/murderers that he/she would sell information to someone in the GOP (or to TMZ, etc), or go to the authorities.

It is really easy to apply logic, common sense, and critical thinking to the CDS, in order to believe that the CDS is a total BS conspiracy theory. Movies like Mission Impossible and The Bourne Identity are really entertaining, but they are not realistic representations of what is happening in the world.
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Let a freaking investigation happen. There should be tons of cameras in a facility like that. Someone screwed up big time and should at minimum lose their job or if any foul play was involved with turning a blind eye, charged accordingly. Not sure your anger is guided in the right direction here.
There should be cameras watching people who are suppose to be watching very interesting to watch this unfold. Yet another huge distraction from the buffoon show that is the Democrats/leftos run to unseat Herr Trump.
Movies like Mission Impossible and The Bourne Identity are really entertaining, but they are not realistic representations of what is happening in the world.
I guess you haven’t been paying attention to the news. That’s exactly what is happening when you have people in the DOJ and FBI working behind the scenes to try to frame the newly elected President of concluding with the Russians.
I guess you haven’t been paying attention to the news. That’s exactly what is happening when you have people in the DOJ and FBI working behind the scenes to try to frame the newly elected President of concluding with the Russians.

I guess you haven't been paying attention to the news. The DOJ and FBI were not able to frame the newly elected President of colluding with the Russians.

I’m certain if you were ever in Tulsa and let me know (think you wanted to see my Mauser anyway) that we could go out have an adult beverage and have a hell of a laugh. My “”Herr Trump” was bait for all the people who believe the white supremacy stuff. But I applaud your fix.
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How many predictions were there of Epstein's impending "suicide"?

You conspiracy theorists just need to face the facts that this was just another coincidence.
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Because it is a completely unrealistic theory. It is just basic common sense. Just sit back and think about it. I mean really think about it.

20-50 individuals (depends on who you choose to believe) are murdered because they have dirt on an ex Potus and his wife who is an ex SOS. For this to be truth, you would need at least one (but more likely many) individual/s who is capable of killing that many people. The killers would have to be very adept at making the murders look like a suicide, without leaving evidence to the contrary. For the ones that are clearly not suicide, the killers would have to be adept at not leaving evidence that leads to their suspicion/capture. In this day and age of security cameras everywhere, DNA technology, etc, Cell phone pings, etc, it would be impossible to get away with that many murders without ever being caught/raising any suspicions. It would also be unlikely that no one would know enough about the murders/murderers that he/she would sell information to someone in the GOP (or to TMZ, etc), or go to the authorities.

It is really easy to apply logic, common sense, and critical thinking to the CDS, in order to believe that the CDS is a total BS conspiracy theory. Movies like Mission Impossible and The Bourne Identity are really entertaining, but they are not realistic representations of what is happening in the world.

So, basically....


Now, for the record, I've never seriously expressed a belief in the CDS. It's mostly a dark humored meme.

Having said that, despite thousands of years of human history to the contrary, you believe a powerful political family in 21st century America somehow couldn't be corrupt, evil and tech savvy enough to have inconvenient people suicided now and then. Common sense *should* tell you not to call such things "completely unrealistic" and "impossible" (bolded for emphasis) allowing no room to be wrong.

The easiest bet in America over the last month was that this piece of shit would mysteriously commit "suicide." Maybe another inmate, maybe another rich elite. But someone killed this guy. Probably. And the rumor for YEARS has been that he had dirt on both Bill and Hillary. Severe mind blowing dirt. Now, that's a rumor, but it was around long before it was fashionable to try to politicize Jeffery Epstein's associations. Combine that with the deserved or undeserved reputation of "Killary" and it takes some serious faith in your team to believe it's "impossible" and "completely unrealistic" before the asshole's body is even cold.

I mean, fine. You are probably right that Hillary didn't put a hit on him to protect herself and Bill, but it's a weird article of faith. I wouldn't trust her not to be murdery as far as I could throw Michael Moore.
Having said that, despite thousands of years of human history to the contrary, you believe a powerful political family in 21st century America somehow couldn't be corrupt, evil and tech savvy enough to have inconvenient people suicided now and then. Common sense *should* tell you not to call such things "completely unrealistic" and "impossible" (bolded for emphasis) allowing no room to be wrong.

Thousands of years of human history reflects my exact point. I find it completely believable that Al Capone could get away with 20 murders without being caught. I find it exponentially less believable that Billary could do it. Because, you cameras, DNA analysis, cell phone pings, satellite imaging, etc.

Now, if you want to tell me that the Clintons had Seth Rich killed, and that the other 50 deaths "tied" to the Clintons are a BS conspiracy theory, I will be more likely to see eye to eye with you.

This is how common sense works.

If two prostitutes are found dead, in OKC dumpsters, during the next 2 weeks, and the authorities tell me it is a coincidence, I might agree with them. If 7 prostitutes are found dead, in OKC dumpsters, over a 7 week period, and the authorities say...coincidence, I am going to call BS.

So, yes, I am going with impossible when it comes to the totality of the CDS conspiracy theory.
If someone had something on you that could send you to prison and you could have them killed and get away with it, would you do it?
IF young women and others close to him start dying for mysterious reasons, a conspiracy becomes more plausible. Plenty of people besides him that know what happened, and investigators will offer some reduced sentences or no charges filed in exchange for getting up the food chain.

These people are so perverted that I would not be surprised if some digital (video) records exist, would not surprise me if Epstein made some videos.

For each big fish that took sexual liberties with a young girl, a witness exists, the victim. Will they come forward?

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