World Team Trials This Weekend

I think in the Dake vs Dieringer Dakes name kept him from being put on the shot clock 2 or 3 times. Alex was upset with his narrow defeat but neither he or Eric or Zac threw a temper tantrum.
I still have no idea how Dake got out of the shots Dieringer got in on him, especially the second. Dake is special but I don't think our man is too far behind.
Wish it had been a weight or injury issue. The article indicates it was a banned "stimulant". JO says it was an "honest mistake". I do not want to rush to judgement but it is a big disappointment that may lead to a year or more suspension. Hard to come back from something like that. It is a problem for JO and his fans but as far as the US team is concerned there was only a hair's difference between he and the two Penn State wrestlers and IMO Retherford has more upside. I know that is not popular on this board but just my thoughts on it.

JO was officially suspended 1 year for use of a banned stimulate, meaning he will be ineligible for this year's WTT. That stinks.

The announcement said his drug test results (amounts) were consistent with someone taking a medication out of competition (which is what he claimed), but he will still be banned for a year because he did not have an exemption beforehand to use the medication. He has applied for the exemption to use it going forward.
JO is joining Cornell's RTC. It would have been nice to bring him back to Stillwater to compete and train with our lightweights and middleweights. I guess we don't have the money though.

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