I think in the Dake vs Dieringer Dakes name kept him from being put on the shot clock 2 or 3 times. Alex was upset with his narrow defeat but neither he or Eric or Zac threw a temper tantrum.
I don't know how many of you hit the other forums, but I found this a hugely entertaining satire on the end of the 86K finals between Taylor and Cox.
Wish it had been a weight or injury issue. The article indicates it was a banned "stimulant". JO says it was an "honest mistake". I do not want to rush to judgement but it is a big disappointment that may lead to a year or more suspension. Hard to come back from something like that. It is a problem for JO and his fans but as far as the US team is concerned there was only a hair's difference between he and the two Penn State wrestlers and IMO Retherford has more upside. I know that is not popular on this board but just my thoughts on it.