World Economic Forum Has A Solution To Lower The Demand For Precious Metals & Fossil Fuels


MegaPoke is insane
Gold Member
Oct 30, 2010

No more wasteful private ownership of private cars, instead use ride share programs or walk. Of course none of this would apply to the ruling elite, after all they are better than you.

No more wasteful private ownership of private cars, instead use ride share programs or walk. Of course none of this would apply to the ruling elite, after all they are better than you.
Would @davidallen be one of the elite or one of us unwashed masses? I’m trying to determine the cutoff line.
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Shhhh the Normies oN the board still think the WEF/NWO are conspiracy theories 🤪
I'm guess they also want cryogenic prisons, fancy taco bell restaurants., and we can listen to advertising gingals for our music. Are they obsessed with Demolition Man? It certainly looks that way. I'll be in the sewers eating my rat burger.
Would @davidallen be one of the elite or one of us unwashed masses? I’m trying to determine the cutoff line.
I am very excited about on-demand transit. Kinda silly to tie up so much of our net worth in assets that get such fractional use. This will take time of course given our fierce cultural belief that ownership equates to independence.

No more wasteful private ownership of private cars, instead use ride share programs or walk. Of course none of this would apply to the ruling elite, after all they are better than you.
Why not start with private jets? (we know why) Given that they produce 100x the carbon footprint of a car.
I am very excited about on-demand transit. Kinda silly to tie up so much of our net worth in assets that get such fractional use. This will take time of course given our fierce cultural belief that ownership equates to independence.
Says the guy who just yesterday posted that you were changing your pre-order of a cybertruck to an E-150.

Strong quarter. Farley getting shit done!

Switching my preorder from the CyberTruk to the E-150.
Says the guy who just yesterday posted that you were changing your pre-order of a cybertruck to an E-150.
Dude, if you have a vehicle-share service that includes electric pickups do let me know! I'd jump on that in a second! Zip Car used to have pickups but apparently, they weren't economically viable quite yet. As it stands I rent a Home Depot truck when I need one...
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I am very excited about on-demand transit. Kinda silly to tie up so much of our net worth in assets that get such fractional use. This will take time of course given our fierce cultural belief that ownership equates to independence.
You know I don't fault you for your desires to be part of the collective. If that's what you truly want I fully support you and your desires. What I can fault you for is your desire to coerce and in many cases force people like me to live our lives the way you think we should. My desire is to be left alone to live my life the way a see fit.
You know I don't fault you for your desires to be part of the collective. If that's what you truly want I fully support you and your desires. What I can fault you for is your desire to coerce and in many cases force people like me to live our lives the way you think we should. My desire is to be left alone to live my life the way a see fit.
LOL at you thinking this is about coercion. Were people coerced into switching from whale oil to petroleum as well? What a simp take you have.
Nope the free market provided a better option. Green energy is not only not a better option but in my view far worse for the environment.
And what is it about the WEF recommendations that are not aligned to market dynamics? This reminds me a lot of how vested interests in Texas worked so hard to keep Tesla out. Was that "free market"? How about all the bullshit roadblocks put in the way of Lyft and Uber? Is that your idea of free market economics?

Have you read the actual piece? Would you be surprised to know that it actually is mostly about market dynamics? How surprised would you be to learn that "end to private ownership" isn't mentioned at all in the whitepaper? Would you be surprised to learn it points out some of the same points you have made about the transition to renewables? Would you be surprised if it directly addresses many of @SquatchinPoke concerns on ocean pollution and loss of biodiversity? Nah, I'm gonna bet you just read the Breitbart bullshit and said "good enough for me."

You know nothing about Texas or why they have an issue with Tesla. Has nothing to do with Tesla itself it’s the states auto franchise laws.
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You know nothing about Texas or why they have an issue with Tesla. Has nothing to do with Tesla itself it’s the states auto franchise laws.
That's the extent of your response? Cool.

Oh and exactly the vested interests I was referencing in my Tesla example...
As to OP....some say the real virus are the WEF type- the Rothschilds, Rockefeller's, Soros, Kissinger, agates Fauci et al...

Corn says the virus is all those that buy into their BS and refuse to call for
An end to the leftists so called elites.

They have declared way on society and the Normie Drones Just buy their crap up - that's the real problem.....
And what is it about the WEF recommendations that are not aligned to market dynamics? This reminds me a lot of how vested interests in Texas worked so hard to keep Tesla out. Was that "free market"? How about all the bullshit roadblocks put in the way of Lyft and Uber? Is that your idea of free market economics?

Have you read the actual piece? Would you be surprised to know that it actually is mostly about market dynamics? How surprised would you be to learn that "end to private ownership" isn't mentioned at all in the whitepaper? Would you be surprised to learn it points out some of the same points you have made about the transition to renewables? Would you be surprised if it directly addresses many of @SquatchinPoke concerns on ocean pollution and loss of biodiversity? Nah, I'm gonna bet you just read the Breitbart bullshit and said "good enough for me."

Will I still get junk mail and have they put covers of filters on the drainage systems yet in this country or we still sending billions to other countries?

I am very into saving the environment but be careful David I am an outside the box guy and your libs have ****ed up climate change and the environment movement.

What are they doing for the oceans in this bill and how much money is going towards removing plastic and micro plastics in the next 2-3 years?
And what is it about the WEF recommendations that are not aligned to market dynamics? This reminds me a lot of how vested interests in Texas worked so hard to keep Tesla out. Was that "free market"? How about all the bullshit roadblocks put in the way of Lyft and Uber? Is that your idea of free market economics?

Have you read the actual piece? Would you be surprised to know that it actually is mostly about market dynamics? How surprised would you be to learn that "end to private ownership" isn't mentioned at all in the whitepaper? Would you be surprised to learn it points out some of the same points you have made about the transition to renewables? Would you be surprised if it directly addresses many of @SquatchinPoke concerns on ocean pollution and loss of biodiversity? Nah, I'm gonna bet you just read the Breitbart bullshit and said "good enough for me."

OK lets break this down:

1. Go from owning to using

Be honest, you likely have at least one old mobile phone tucked in the bottom of a drawer. Possibly an unused hard drive taking up space too. You aren’t alone. The average car or van in England is driven just 4% of the time. While most already have a personal phone, 39% of workers globally have employer-provided laptops and mobile phones.
This is not at all resource efficient. More sharing can reduce ownership of idle equipment and thus material usage. Car sharing platforms such as Getaround and BlueSG have already seized that opportunity to offer vehicles where you pay per hour used.
To enable a broader transition from ownership to usership, the way we design things and systems need to change too. For example, car sharing is made possible by new keyless unlocking features. Similarly, user profiles that create a distinction for work and personal use on the same device is needed to reduce the number of devices per person. A design process that focuses on fulfilling the underlying need instead of designing for product purchasing is fundamental to this transition. This is the mindset needed to redesign cities to reduce private vehicles and other usages.

Ok We are going to share computers or cars? Don't they do this in liberal cities? How will my wife and I share a car to drive to different workplaces from our rural home? I am sharing with Bill in IT and picking him up? We are back to car pools then? lol

2. Enable preference for longevity

Who doesn’t want to get the most out of everyday products like washing machines, and increasingly domestic solar panels? Increasing a product’s longevity can reap significant dividends. Keeping a smart phone for five years instead of three reduces the phone’s annual carbon footprint by 31%.
The trouble is product companies are incentivized to sell more, not to design for longevity. While some product makers are transitioning to subscription models that reward longevity, a bigger opportunity lies with commerce platforms. Today, customers can search for products by price, brand, colour, technical specifications, and increasingly sustainability claims. Durability needs to become a feature too. Niche e-commerce site Buy Me Once offers only products that last for life. Their customers save both time and money, in addition to environmental benefits. However, more data and consistent durability metrics are needed before we can easily compare and choose durable products.

You all are buying new 1,000 dollar phones every 3 years? Why and no wonder your so poor. So the solution here fellows is go two more years on that cell phone. I don't even know what model mine is. I keep a phone for 5-10 years if at all possible. I hate changing phones hell I hate phones other then I have access to boobs at all times when I have it.

3. Build pride in second life

What if something can no longer be used for the purpose it was originally sold for? When an electric vehicle battery is replaced, it may still have up to 80% capacity remaining. Already, retired electric vehicle batteries have been repurposed to power streetlights and a stadium. General Motors is beginning to design batteries with the ease of transition to a second life in mind. Refurbished consumer electronics are slowly coming into fashion with start-ups such as Back Market and Refurbed.
In the business-to-business world, increasing lifespan by remanufacturing brings the added value of reducing cost and delivery time. Remanufacturing constitutes more in-depth work that restores used equipment to its original performance level. For large-scale investments, such as wind turbines, it can almost double the return on original investment by extending the turbine life by up to 20 years.
Wait for this one fellows. Recycling lol what a flipping concept. No wonder you libs are ruining this world you can't even think ahead to how you would handle the waste from batties. Heres another couple 100 billion Dave go knock yourself out.
Uh huh. What is the starting wage at Chick-fil-A - $13 an hour as I recall? What is the average hourly wage - somewhere north of $20 as I recall? Are they a public company?
None of my business what Chikck-Fil-A pays there employees, just as it's none of yours. See that's the problem with people like you, you stick your nose into other people's business when you know nothing about it.
Be afraid this is indeed coming as part of the great reset.....

As far as living in a rural area and working in a different place than your wife...who says you will be allowed to live in a rural area if the davos elites get there way.

Imo we are headed down that road fast unless we find a way to stop it.

Remember "you will own nothing and be happy"....they really mean it.
Be afraid this is indeed coming as part of the great reset.....

As far as living in a rural area and working in a different place than your wife...who says you will be allowed to live in a rural area if the davos elites get there way.

Imo we are headed down that road fast unless we find a way to stop it.

Remember "you will own nothing and be happy"....they really mean it.
Sounds like sleepy's itinerant to hitler?
None of my business what Chikck-Fil-A pays there employees, just as it's none of yours. See that's the problem with people like you, you stick your nose into other people's business when you know nothing about it.
How dare you insult @davidallen like that! He’s my friend and I know for a fact that he knows everything about everything. You should thank your lucky stars that we have such a knowledgable mentor to guide us to enlightenment. You should apologize immediately!
How dare you insult @davidallen like that! He’s my friend and I know for a fact that he knows everything about everything. You should thank your lucky stars that we have such a knowledgable mentor to guide us to enlightenment. You should apologize immediately!
A stick over yer head is coming yer way.
How dare you insult @davidallen like that! He’s my friend and I know for a fact that he knows everything about everything. You should thank your lucky stars that we have such a knowledgable mentor to guide us to enlightenment. You should apologize immediately!

I assume you meant that in blue font.
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Be afraid this is indeed coming as part of the great reset.....

As far as living in a rural area and working in a different place than your wife...who says you will be allowed to live in a rural area if the davos elites get there way.

Imo we are headed down that road fast unless we find a way to stop it.

Remember "you will own nothing and be happy"....they really mean it.
You tin hatter....there's no such thing as a group of rich elite wanting to rule the Earth 😳
You mean Alex J was right?! Well I'll be....
None of my business what Chikck-Fil-A pays there employees, just as it's none of yours. See that's the problem with people like you, you stick your nose into other people's business when you know nothing about it.
If my tax dollars are used to subsidize their wage expenses I reserve the right to make it my business.
That's a white paper. How high are you?
I hadn’t opened it yet slim. I also am so busy I haven’t been paying attention to Washington and thought they dropped a bill or something. I slowed down and respectfully read it and reviewed it. I wish I was high. I gave out my address and come home at 5 to what looks like a damn bomb has went off out here. I thought toon got me. Knocked all the fences down around took out three power poles coming into the house. War zone out here. Chicken coup never even moved though. I figure I lost every chicken and got worried. Chicken farming is about the only thing keeping me from eating Toon.