Wives and Common Sense


Heisman Winner
Gold Member
Mar 21, 2007
Let's share some classic or recent stories of our loved ones.

We're moving to a new house just 10 min from our old this weekend and DFW just got hit with freezing rain last night. Both our vehicles were left in the driveway due to a full garage of boxes. My wife is an early early riser and got up at her usual 5 am to go get another load of some stuff she just "really needed" and she took my truck. I get up this morning and go into the garage to see boxes that were pushed aside and my truck sitting in a lake of water.

"oh wow, it was just really cold outside and I didn't want to unload in the wind"

She went and got 6 boxes that would have taken less than 3 minutes to bring from the truck to the garage.

(women, feel free to join in with stories about us Neanderthals)
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My wife took it upon herself to move furniture on new wood floors. The furniture had the small metal rollers . Well to get it to fit through a door she tipped it on its side and pulled it through. It made about a foot long engraving in the wood floor. She then decided to take the brown crayon and color it in hoping I wouldn’t notice. Now in order to stain the etch I have to somehow clean out the crayon.
I have 6 daughters, after counting the throw pillows, I decided to count pairs of shoes. We are the proud owners of 137 pairs of shoes.

Holy hell, 6 daughters!?!? I have three under the age of 6 and I am not sure what the hell I am going to do once the teenage years set in...
My wife took it upon herself to move furniture on new wood floors. The furniture had the small metal rollers . Well to get it to fit through a door she tipped it on its side and pulled it through. It made about a foot long engraving in the wood floor. She then decided to take the brown crayon and color it in hoping I wouldn’t notice. Now in order to stain the etch I have to somehow clean out the crayon.

Literally LOL ed.
Holy hell, 6 daughters!?!? I have three under the age of 6 and I am not sure what the hell I am going to do once the teenage years set in...

I think you may have to get a large lockable closet for there teenage years. Not sure if the closet is for then or for you!;)
My wife has the pillow sickness also. We have a huge sectional but there is only room for like two people to sit because of the 20 pillows. She also has like 40 throws (that is what she calls them. I think they are blankets).
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Looks like 65 for me. I told them I would put them thru school, but they need to have very simple weddings. I'm sure I will cave in on that one as I already have on two of them.

My dad would always bitch that if he had 3 sons instead of one and 2 daughters he would have "retired a damn decade ago." I couldn't pry the man's wallet open with a crowbar but my sisters had him wrapped around their fingers.
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My dad would always bitch that if he had 3 sons instead of one and 2 daughters he would have "retired a damn decade ago." I couldn't pry the man's wallet open with a crowbar but my sisters had him wrapped around their fingers.
I’m not sure there is a more important relationship than one between a father and daughter.
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I’m not sure there is a more important relationship than one between a father and daughter.

I have three sons but I've already told my wife she'll have to finally take the disciplinarian duties from me if we ever have a daughter. I'd be a doormat, completely powerless.
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My wife called me one day after we recently got our car out of the shop. She was screaming....hysterical...crying even. She demanded I take the car back to the shop and make them....

Put the steering wheel back on correctly.

I told her, ever so calmly...."would you please turn the wheel while pulling forward and stop when the car goes in a strait line, then tell me which way the little symbol is facing..."

After seeing that she was an idiot, she hung up on me.
My wife called me one day after we recently got our car out of the shop. She was screaming....hysterical...crying even. She demanded I take the car back to the shop and make them....

Put the steering wheel back on correctly.

I told her, ever so calmly...."would you please turn the wheel while pulling forward and stop when the car goes in a strait line, then tell me which way the little symbol is facing..."

After seeing that she was an idiot, she hung up on me.

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