Wikileaks: Hillary Clinton Wears Diapers

She's too geriatric and ill to be president. This explains stuff like Benghazi. Hell, she's just too sick and low energy. Great juxtaposition vis a vis Trump who charges full steam ahead everyday like a train.
I hate her as bad as anyone, but that was a really stupid article.
she's a bit young to be wearing diapers, but she may have a small bladder! I say throw all the trash out there you can because trump is looking like he's gonna need all the help he can get. Whatever info it takes to keep her out of the wh is ok with me. The article is a bit overdone, but what the heck. Maybe she's just to lazy to go to the bathroom and just pees and poops in the diaper. Now that might cost her a few votes.
I will not be voting for someone who shits in their pants. Period.