Wikileaks: Hillary Clinton is a Racist

Doesn't matter.

It's about establishment globalist vagina vs loud, obnoxious rich old white (er... orange?) guy. Class warfare and emotions cannot be defeated with facts and actual scandal. She's hit a tipping point at which there is so much information about her being provably awful that anything new simply gets absorbed into the amorphous blob of meh.
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I disagree. Many millennials have never ever heard of this stuff, especially the sex assault related stuff. This is stuff that makes them wonder how the Clintons were ever in power during the nineties and why we allowed it.
I think you are overly optimistic.

But one thing is for sure. Trump needs to come loaded for bear tonight and be on the offensive. Nothing left to keep powder dry for if he gets whipped tonight. It'll be over barring an unimaginable Wiki nuke.
Media will ignore it so most people don't even know it was said or that she views blacks that way.

Oh, and she's right btw. Average IQ among the racial groups she called the "perennial overachievers" are on average 105+ (110+ for Jews) while those racial groups mentioned as "professional never-do-wells" are 85 and below. Except Roma. No clue where they sit. Guarantee she is fully aware of these facts.

Yet, another reason all this bullshit about institutional racism, white privilege, and police bias, blah, blah, blah are complete and utter horseshit. Some some racial groups are on average just smarter than others, some more athletic, etc. and her and the political elite know it. Makes what they push more shameful and shows power is really the goal.
Lol, looks legit. Alex Jones write it?

Pitiful this is what the right is reduced to. Predictable but pitiful. You want all camps front and center on our political stage to be smart and capable, even if they disagree.
Lol, looks legit. Alex Jones write it?

Pitiful this is what the right is reduced to. Predictable but pitiful. You want all camps front and center on our political stage to be smart and capable, even if they disagree.

Aahh, look who approves of the cuckservative approach. What you don't like fighting fire with fire? Get used to the taste of your own medicine sweet pea.
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Wow, that is the libs though, it won't rise to the heights of Trumps locker room talk 11 years ago!

Mega, if Trump ready to rumble tonight, he can absolutely demolish that fat ass. He also absolutely has to be ready to admonish the moderator if "it" starts pulling punches on The Hildabeast and throw crap at him. If his locker room chat is brought up, he needs to unleash the hounds on The Hildabeast and her coddling a rapist and serial philanderer. Then somehow he needs to segue into the above.

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