Why is Trump so demonized?

I haven't seen many of his appointments to his cabinet that would reflect any sort of an existential threat to "the swamp".

Seems more like business as usual to me.

Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.

Might be right.

Might not. I would think the one thing that's easy for everyone to agree on is that it is unlikely to be business as usual. If it is, I'll be terribly disappointed.
Might be right.

Might not. I would think the one thing that's easy for everyone to agree on is that it is unlikely to be business as usual. If it is, I'll be terribly disappointed.

Of course, I might might not either. Neither one of have fortune telling abilities.

I don't agree that it is unlikely to be business as usual.

I think it absolutely is likely to be.

It will be similar to other times where an incoming President has come from the same party that controls both houses. Some stuff will get done, but nothing earth shattering. Then mid-term elections will come, they'll lose one house or the other and then right back to gridlock. Heck, he's got to battle establishment anti-Trump (both quietly and not so quietly) in his own party in the House and Senate. It's possible he'll get LESS done than other Presidents with his party controlling both houses.

I just don't buy that Trump is some evolutionary stage of leadership that is at the forefront of a revolution.
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I could buy a lot of the "why" about what is being said but GWB was also followed by "fascist" after he won.

Let's face it for what it is; of the Dems win Repubs scream communist/socialist if the Repubs win the Dems scream fascist.
@MegaPoke A point of clarification:

When I said I expect it to be business as usual above, I was referring to agenda items getting through and work getting done through legislative enactments. I'm not definitively stating Trump's tactics for doing that will be same old business as usual. I mostly talking about the end result.

I'm not rooting for or against the guy except in the sense that I hope every single administration is successful in making America a better, stronger nation. I think he is a loose cannon. That's what it feels like to me. Can a loose cannon end up hitting it's mark? Sure, but it can also inflict plenty of friendly fire damage. It can also fire off a lot of sound and fury that ultimately signifies nothing and does little damage to anyone.

I guess we'll just have to wait and see which one happens. At this point, I don't know that I would call it entertaining to is certainly compelling though.
@MegaPoke A point of clarification:

When I said I expect it to be business as usual above, I was referring to agenda items getting through and work getting done through legislative enactments. I'm not definitively stating Trump's tactics for doing that will be same old business as usual. I mostly talking about the end result.

I'm not rooting for or against the guy except in the sense that I hope every single administration is successful in making America a better, stronger nation. I think he is a loose cannon. That's what it feels like to me. Can a loose cannon end up hitting it's mark? Sure, but it can also inflict plenty of friendly fire damage. It can also fire off a lot of sound and fury that ultimately signifies nothing and does little damage to anyone.

I guess we'll just have to wait and see which one happens. At this point, I don't know that I would call it entertaining to is certainly compelling though.

Fair enough. I don't think his cannon is as loose as he leads on.

Might be, but I think that's part of his game.
No, but an African American woman I work with is convinced she's going to get sent back to Africa. Must be that private school education she received.
Has she ever been to Africa? Can she find Africa on a map?
I feel ya bro, but elections have consequences. I still maintain that the Dems need to clean house and come back to reality or it's going to get worse. The country needs a CREDIBLE opposition party.
Clean house? The democrat party is full of geriatrics. Most will be dead before long. Besides Booker there is nobody waiting in the wings and Booker didn't help himself with his attacks on Sessions.
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No, he did. Constantly. It was one of the cornerstones of his campaign. He talked about deporting legal immigrants at every rally, campaign event, interview, debate, and he even had it painted on the Trump Tower. He said he's deporting all legal immigrants to make room for the illegal immigrants that want to be here. I heard him say he's even deporting his wife. I think that was when he came to Norman.

I went to a rally, he never said anything about deporting LEGAL immigrants, only illegal. And IMO that is something that he will not be able to do.
Clean house? The democrat party is full of geriatrics. Most will be dead before long. Besides Booker there is nobody waiting in the wings and Booker didn't help himself with his attacks on Sessions.

His attack on Sessions didn't hurt him. His vote against allowing importation of pharmaceuticals from Canada is what has hurt him with his supporters.
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His attack on Sessions didn't hurt him. His vote against allowing importation of pharmaceuticals from Canada is what has hurt him with his supporters.

On this...twelve Republicans flipped and voted for passage.

13 Democrats voted against. It would have passed otherwise.
I went to a rally, he never said anything about deporting LEGAL immigrants, only illegal. And IMO that is something that he will not be able to do.
Read it again but imagine blue font if the ridiculousness doesn't speak for itself.
Tell me what do you think fascism means? How will we know if the next president is fascist, besides the funny little mustache? If Trump's disregard for rules does end our constitutional republicanism is he a fascist then or something different?

This seems dishonest. Check out stormfront if you dare. Our very own board phrenologists are Trump supporters.

They are too statistically irrelevant to make a statement like "if you support Trump you are probably a nazi." But, I feel pretty comfortable with saying "if you are a nazi you probably support Trump." If you honestly want an answer to your question and you aren't just being polemic, figure out why he is well liked by nazis and that will probably tell you why people are hyperbolic about him.

You are talking about his positions after he walked back his original statements.
His original statement on the Muslim ban (from his campaign's press release):
"Donald J. Trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country's representatives can figure out what is going on,"
On deportations:
In an interview that aired in September 2015 on CBS’ 60 Minutes, Scott Pelley pressed Trump about what he would do with the population.

Pelley: "Eleven, 12 million illegal immigrants --"

Trump: "Or whatever the number is."

Pelley: "Still in the country, what do you do?"

Trump: "If they've done well, they're going out and they're coming back in legally. Because you said it--"

Pelley: "You're rounding them all up?"

Trump: "We're rounding 'em up in a very humane way, in a very nice way. And they're going to be happy because they want to be legalized. And, by the way, I know it doesn't sound nice. But not everything is nice."

Trump has also discussed having a "deportation force" to remove undocumented immigrants from the country, though he’s also said he would let some come back legally.

Trump stuck to the deportation plan for all undocumented immigrants in some of the GOP primary debates. During the CNN/Telemundo debate on Feb. 25, 2016, host Wolf Blitzer asked about his deportation force idea and whether his plan to let "good ones" back in amounted to amnesty. Trump said "we either have a country, or we don’t have a country."

"We have at least 11 million people in this country that came in illegally," he continued. "They will go out. They will come back -- some will come back, the best, through a process. They have to come back legally. They have to come back through a process, and it may not be a very quick process, but I think that's very fair, and very fine. They're going to get in line with other people."

You see no parallels between Trump is a fascist and Obama is a Communist? No parallels between Obama is Muslim Kenyan and the Trump is Russian thing? Obamacare death panels? Luckily the internet was in almost full swing in 2008. You can still find some of the stuff people were saying about his election. I remember in 2012 people on this board thought it was end of America. Hell check out a Dinesh Dsouza doc.

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