Who's your pick for the next 8 years?

Who are your top 2 picks for VP '24 leading into President in '28 & '32?

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Nov 27, 2023
It's looking more like it doesn't really matter who Trump picks as his VP on the upcoming election. But since it's a natural setup for the next 8 years, who would you want to see and why for the following 8 years?
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Youngkin is a better political option.

Haley is a drag. Lots of skeletons in the closet as well.
I disagree that Haley would be a drag. Picking Haley could help with undecided Independent voters and could also help keep "Haley Republicans" from crossing over and voting for Biden, as some are saying they are going to do. I understand the Trump cultists don't like Haley, but they will still vote for Trump even if he picks her. It would be the smart political pick and one that Trump won't make.

I don't think Youngkin is a better political option than Haley, but I would put him in the same category as Tim Scott. A solid pick politically, as long as Youngkin can handle the national spotlight and doesn't have any damaging secrets.
How so?

From that list, politically speaking, his best options are Tim Scott or Nikki Haley.

The VP choice will likely have minimal/no impact on the upcoming election outcome.

Question was intended to ask who would be best pick for the next 2 terms as Pres #48.
Politically both Tim Scott and Nikki Haley are either weak or damaged goods respectively.
The VP choice will likely have minimal/no impact on the upcoming election outcome.
I don't really agree with the "no impact" part of this statement. A bad pick could hurt Trump on the margins. And a smart political pick like Haley could help him keep "Haley Republicans" from voting for President Biden. Maybe even help attract some undecided Independent voters.

A safe boring pick that does nothing probably will have no impact.

Question was intended to ask who would be best pick for the next 2 terms as Pres #48.
Politically both Tim Scott and Nikki Haley are either weak or damaged goods respectively.
I don't think either are weak or damaged with most voters outside the Trump cult. Not yet at least.

I do think though that whoever Trump picks as his running mate should have some early advantages heading into '28. If it is Haley and Trump loses, being selected could really help her out in '28. Trump probably knows this too, which is one of many reasons why I don't think he will pick her.
The VP choice will likely have minimal/no impact on the upcoming election outcome.

Question was intended to ask who would be best pick for the next 2 terms as Pres #48.
Politically both Tim Scott and Nikki Haley are either weak or damaged goods respectively.
Youngkin makes sense because he could bring Virginia in with him.
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Youngkin makes sense because he could bring Virginia in with him.
Yes, picking Youngkin would clearly be a play for Virginia by Trump. It wouldn't automatically deliver the state to Trump, but it would be a hard play for Virginia.

Which is why Youngkin is a solid political pick, as long as he doesn't have any damaging secrets and is ready for the national spotlight.

A Youngkin pick has a Pence-style feel though and one wonders if Trump will go down that road again.
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Yes, picking Youngkin would clearly be a play for Virginia by Trump. It wouldn't automatically deliver the state to Trump, but it would be a hard play for Virginia.

Which is why Youngkin is a solid political pick, as long as he doesn't have any damaging secrets and is ready for the national spotlight.

A Youngkin pick has a Pence-style feel though and one wonders if Trump will go down that road again.

Uh, what kind of secrets would give you pause?
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Uh, what kind of secrets would give you pause?
Well, I'm never going to vote for a Trump/Youngkin ticket. So I'm the wrong person you should be asking this question of.

Instead you should be asking, what kind of secrets would give undecided voters (or even Trump supporters) pause.