Whodathunkit Redux

Only thing I can think is to frame a need for digging into his recent taxes.

Other than that, it's a huge nothing burger that makes celebratory leftists look like putzes.
Dims, late 4th quarter hail Mary in a pathetic attempt to trash Barr before he blows up their world as they know it.
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So close. The Everyman pays his/hers taxes. Trump is a tax cheat. He is a fraud. His entire persona is a lie built upon the opportunity his father gave him. He is a joke. The greatest scam artist to ever live.

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He’s a fraud and a money launderer. The only way his taxes make sense is if there is vast amounts of criminality involved. Either that or he is literally the worst individual business man in American history. One or the other, maybe both.

Is this a truth or fact?

Looks like an opinion.

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