Who Gives A Damn About Rita

The reason its taken them this long is because Washington refuses to support them and continues to pander to the Deer Born, MI group in order to get votes. This war would've been over 6 months ago if the Jews weren't handcuffed every step of the way...How long did they sit outside of Rafah? How long and how many times have all civilians been warned to leave?

You can't be pro Israel and Pro Hamas but Democrats sure are trying.

It's sad to see innocent people die but this is also war and the fact that the PA refuses to take care of its own people should tell you everything about their motives. They just want Jews dead, who cares about their own. On top of that, these are the people who voted OVERWHLEMINGLY for the PA, so they're somewhat reaping what they sow.
Please explain how Washington refuses to aid Israel in its genocide of Palestinians. In what way have “the Jews been handcuffed?” How many more billions dollars worth of armaments should the US have given Israel, how many more bombs, tanks, missiles? What is left in Gaza that hasn’t been reduced to rubble? I’m assuming you mean the Palestinian Authority when you say PA. Maybe you don’t know it but the PA has no role in Gaza, that would be Hamas who was voted into power in 2006 by 40% of the vote, and Israel (Netanyahu & Company) has seen to it that Hamas has stayed in power ever since because they intended to keep Hamas and the PA as separate power structures (the PA in the West Bank & Hamas in Gaza) thus assuring there could never be a two state solution, which kept their greed for everything from the river to the sea to become an Arab/Palestinian-free Zionist state alive. Over half the population of Gaza is comprised of children who were not alive when Hamas was voted into power. So please spare me your “concern” for innocents in Gaza when it is clear you really don’t care at all about 5 year old Rita. Just man up like Bearcat and Woody have done and say you’d like to see every Palestinian be murdered in the most savage way. The only “solution” in the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians is for Israel to get everything it wants and the Palestinians to get nothing but dead.
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Please explain how Washington refuses to aid Israel in its genocide of Palestinians. In what way have “the Jews been handcuffed?” How many more billions dollars worth of armaments should the US have given Israel, how many more bombs, tanks, missiles? What is left in Gaza that hasn’t been reduced to rubble? I’m assuming you mean the Palestinian Authority when you say PA. Maybe you don’t know it but the PA has no role in Gaza, that would be Hamas who was voted into power in 2006 by 40% of the vote, and Israel (Netanyahu & Company) has seen to it that Hamas has stayed in power ever since because they intended to keep Hamas and the PA as separate power structures (the PA in the West Bank & Hamas in Gaza) thus assuring there could never be a two state solution, which kept their greed for everything from the river to the sea to become an Arab/Palestinian-free Zionist state alive. Over half the population of Gaza is comprised of children who were not alive when Hamas was voted into power. So please spare me your “concern” for innocents in Gaza when it is clear you really don’t care at all about 5 year old Rita. Just man up like Bearcat and Woody have done and say you’d like to see every Palestinian be murdered in the most savage way. The only “solution” in the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians is for Israel to get everything it wants and the Palestinians to get nothing but dead.
Maybe the Palestinians should have thought about their children before they killed the children of Israel, but's that's different right Dan?
Maybe the Palestinians should have thought about their children before they killed the children of Israel, but's that's different right Dan?
No, it’s the same thing. Murdering children is not acceptable (to me) for ANY reason.
Please explain how Washington refuses to aid Israel in its genocide of Palestinians. In what way have “the Jews been handcuffed?” How many more billions dollars worth of armaments should the US have given Israel, how many more bombs, tanks, missiles? What is left in Gaza that hasn’t been reduced to rubble? I’m assuming you mean the Palestinian Authority when you say PA. Maybe you don’t know it but the PA has no role in Gaza, that would be Hamas who was voted into power in 2006 by 40% of the vote, and Israel (Netanyahu & Company) has seen to it that Hamas has stayed in power ever since because they intended to keep Hamas and the PA as separate power structures (the PA in the West Bank & Hamas in Gaza) thus assuring there could never be a two state solution, which kept their greed for everything from the river to the sea to become an Arab/Palestinian-free Zionist state alive. Over half the population of Gaza is comprised of children who were not alive when Hamas was voted into power. So please spare me your “concern” for innocents in Gaza when it is clear you really don’t care at all about 5 year old Rita. Just man up like Bearcat and Woody have done and say you’d like to see every Palestinian be murdered in the most savage way. The only “solution” in the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians is for Israel to get everything it wants and the Palestinians to get nothing but dead.

Continue to believe the PA and Hamas are two separate entities.

And yes, Washington slow walked the last arms deal for weeks for no reason. Additionally, the rhetoric has clearly slanted against Israel from the White House. "We support you but don't do everything necessary to win because Deer Born, MI is watching".... If you can't see the contradiction, there's no point in arguing.

40% of Palestinians support Hamas, some like 22% support Abbass (the actual leader) but you think the PA runs things around Gaza? Dude, come on...

I ask again, Israel is fully equipped with a major Air Force, if the plan was to fully execute Palestinians no matter what, why slow walk, have Israelie cvilians and military personnel killed when you can simply carpet bomb and flatten everything in 8 hours?

Nobody likes death but nobody likes being constantly attacked and then questioned when they respond.

If anything, YOU should be blaming Iran for all of this, not Israel.
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Continue to believe the PA and Hamas are two separate entities.

And yes, Washington slow walked the last arms deal for weeks for no reason. Additionally, the rhetoric has clearly slanted against Israel from the White House. "We support you but don't do everything necessary to win because Deer Born, MI is watching".... If you can't see the contradiction, there's no point in arguing.

40% of Palestinians support Hamas, some like 22% support Abbass (the actual leader) but you think the PA runs things around Gaza? Dude, come on...

I ask again, Israel is fully equipped with a major Air Force, if the plan was to fully execute Palestinians no matter what, why slow walk, have Israelie cvilians and military personnel killed when you can simply carpet bomb and flatten everything in 8 hours?

Nobody likes death but nobody likes being constantly attacked and then questioned when they respond.

If anything, YOU should be blaming Iran for all of this, not Israel.
Where are you getting the idea I think the PA runs things in Gaza? I said the exact opposite. I ask you again: what do you want the US to do that it hasn’t done to support Israel’s genocide? I think you have an unrealistic expectation of how good you think all those bombs are. Eventually Israel is going to have to put boots on the ground if it wants yo extinguish Hamas. They’re already losing about 1000 soldiers a month to death or injury, and that’s while they stay back and snipe at children. What do you think will happen when the part-time IDF reservists have to face Hamas fighters man to man? I for one don’t want to see it happen. This isn’t 1967, you should remember that.
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No, it’s the same thing. Murdering children is not acceptable (to me) for ANY reason.
No Dan it's not. You don't get to walk up and punch someone in the mouth, then start crying how wrong it is when the person you punched in the mouth starts whipping your ass. The person you punch in the mouth has every right to whip your ass until you give up. Has Hamas surrendered? Then Israel has every right to keep whipping that ass. Common sense.
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No Dan it's not. You don't get to walk up and punch someone in the mouth, then start crying how wrong it is when the person you punched in the mouth starts whipping your ass. The person you punch in the mouth has every right to whip your ass until you give up. Has Hamas surrendered? Then Israel has every right to keep whipping that ass. Common sense.
Rita didn’t punch anybody, Bearcat. This thread is about Rita.
Rita didn’t punch anybody, Bearcat. This thread is about Rita.
No it's not about Rita, no matter how much you want it to be. It's about a group of terrorists sponsored and support by the Iranian regime to remove Jews from the face of the earth. Read some unbiased history about the subject. Rita is merely a innocent victim being used as a useful idiot by the Iranian regime. The sooner people like you figure that out the sooner the problem can be resolved and we can have peace.
Where are you getting the idea I think the PA runs things in Gaza? I said the exact opposite. I ask you again: what do you want the US to do that it hasn’t done to support Israel’s genocide? I think you have an unrealistic expectation of how good you think all those bombs are. Eventually Israel is going to have to put boots on the ground if it wants yo extinguish Hamas. They’re already losing about 1000 soldiers a month to death or injury, and that’s while they stay back and snipe at children. What do you think will happen when the part-time IDF reservists have to face Hamas fighters man to man? I for one don’t want to see it happen. This isn’t 1967, you should remember that.
At least we can agree on something, Hamas runs Gaza and has for almost 20 years, good.

I think you have an unrealistic expectation that bombs can't level cities in a blink of an eye, especially highly urbanized cities like Rafah or Khan Yunis.

As far as Washington goes, again, they paused shipments back in like April-May because of the Pro-Palestine wing of the party. This delayed the IDF from moving into Rafah sooner. Democrats have also called for ZERO shipments of anything additional until a Ceasefire is in place. All Ceasefire talks have been geared towards getting it done before the election, so the Dems can take a win, regardless of what the deal contains. Where was Kamala Harris when Bibi spoke at Congress? You don't think this creates a perception across the world?

Hamas has rejected multiple deals as of now and they know the longer they hold out, the hope is a stigma of Israel continuing it's campaign will sway people's minds across the globe and create a propaganda hitpiece on Israel.

40k Palestinians have died (allegedly), some 14k are Hamas terrorists. Even Washington debates the validity of the Civilian casualty numbers.

While death is an awful thing, especially to people who play no role in this (aside from electing Hamas to rule), to only lose 26k (ish) people to war in an area 3 times the size of D.C. and a population density that's crazy high, to only have like 2% casualty rate as the response is quite impressive considering the amount of bombing and flattening of cities that's taken place.
No it's not about Rita, no matter how much you want it to be. It's about a group of terrorists sponsored and support by the Iranian regime to remove Jews from the face of the earth. Read some unbiased history about the subject. Rita is merely a innocent victim being used as a useful idiot by the Iranian regime. The sooner people like you figure that out the sooner the problem can be resolved and we can have peace.
Yes, Bearcat, it IS about Rita. You just don’t want it to be because you’re justifying the slaughter of children like her in the name of Zionism.
At least we can agree on something, Hamas runs Gaza and has for almost 20 years, good.

I think you have an unrealistic expectation that bombs can't level cities in a blink of an eye, especially highly urbanized cities like Rafah or Khan Yunis.

As far as Washington goes, again, they paused shipments back in like April-May because of the Pro-Palestine wing of the party. This delayed the IDF from moving into Rafah sooner. Democrats have also called for ZERO shipments of anything additional until a Ceasefire is in place. All Ceasefire talks have been geared towards getting it done before the election, so the Dems can take a win, regardless of what the deal contains. Where was Kamala Harris when Bibi spoke at Congress? You don't think this creates a perception across the world?

Hamas has rejected multiple deals as of now and they know the longer they hold out, the hope is a stigma of Israel continuing it's campaign will sway people's minds across the globe and create a propaganda hitpiece on Israel.

40k Palestinians have died (allegedly), some 14k are Hamas terrorists. Even Washington debates the validity of the Civilian casualty numbers.

While death is an awful thing, especially to people who play no role in this (aside from electing Hamas to rule), to only lose 26k (ish) people to war in an area 3 times the size of D.C. and a population density that's crazy high, to only have like 2% casualty rate as the response is quite impressive considering the amount of bombing and flattening of cities that's taken place.
There are so many flaws in your analysis it would take a long time for me to correct them. I’ve got to go to work right now. I’ll get back with you this evening.
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Yes, Bearcat, it IS about Rita. You just don’t want it to be because you’re justifying the slaughter of children like her in the name of Zionism.
You may care a little about Rita but your real interest is in her propaganda value. If you cared they way you say you do you would be demanding Hamas, the Iranian regime and their proxies give up their hostilities and desires to remove Jews from the face of the earth.
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That is unfortunate. Also unfortunate is the fact Israel doesn’t give a shit about any Palestinian and will put the whole population through hell just so it can have all the land and resources. God promised!

Are you talking about the “non-ceasefire” that Netanyahu has sabotaged at every turn? Is that the ceasefire Hamas won’t agree to?
Dan-O, your whole narrative begins and ends here. WTF is a "non-ceasefire" agreement??!! If your Hezzies accept this you have to go back to Tinder. Also, out of pure sympathy I got online to get you an air ticket to Palestine so you could live amongst them & teach them to type. I was shocked when the "destination airport" tab defaulted to this:

I hear though, that you can rent hang gliders with or w/o armament.
Dan-O, your whole narrative begins and ends here. WTF is a "non-ceasefire" agreement??!! If your Hezzies accept this you have to go back to Tinder. Also, out of pure sympathy I got online to get you an air ticket to Palestine so you could live amongst them & teach them to type. I was shocked when the "destination airport" tab defaulted to this:

I hear though, that you can rent hang gliders with or w/o armament.
I woner why there’s a dearth of airports in Palestinian land. Oh, correction: Israeli occupied Palestinian land.

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