Where you at HamasDan? I need my morning laugh Terrorist Propaganda Machine running late today? 🤣

Seems he's had a light posting schedule the last few days. Right when @my_2cents suddenly went on a posting bender.

Dem trolls are so silly.
Call me a troll. I’m not. Usually a troll is someone whose opinion you can refute, or at least try to refute. You guys do none of that. You respond with insults, juvenile DJT-like nicknames and memes, which indicates you know I make a valid point to which you have no valid response. Call me juvenile nicknames if it makes you feel better about yourself. But DO NOT call me a Democrat! That’s a bridge too far.
Are you still saying there was systemic rape on Oct 7?
I am. Have you found anything that refutes the UN report that found evidence of systemic rape? I do hope I don’t have to explain to you that dead people only talk in movies.

I did notice you Ponca Dodged my question as usual. Did you finally figure out that Palestinian isn't a race yet?
I am. Have you found anything that refutes the UN report that found evidence of systemic rape? I do hope I don’t have to explain to you that dead people only talk in movies.

I did notice you Ponca Dodged my question as usual. Did you finally figure out that Palestinian isn't a race yet?

Are Jews a race too? Let me guess, Jews are the white race and Palestinians are the brown ones?

You might explain to Dan the world has 4 family groups.

1. East Asian.
2. European Caucasin
3. Indigenous American
4. Sub-Saharan African

I thank the Great Father with gifting me with a part of all four.
Call me a troll. I’m not. Usually a troll is someone whose opinion you can refute, or at least try to refute. You guys do none of that. You respond with insults, juvenile DJT-like nicknames and memes, which indicates you know I make a valid point to which you have no valid response. Call me juvenile nicknames if it makes you feel better about yourself. But DO NOT call me a Democrat! That’s a bridge too far.

[P-DAN], now going forward will be known as [PT-DAN], nobody thinks you are stupid, juvenile or meme-worthy. You simply are not clever enough to know when thrust/parry or to pursue/abandon a position that you didn't/don't want to understand in the first place. Most people use google to confirm/correct/corroborate points, you use it to create points/people.

Nevertheless, your types are incredibly important to message boards, otherwise the dialogue wonders off into actual solutions & ideas to resolve difficult & multi-faceted issues. You simply allow us to not have to go down that dour road and give the rest of us a target to amuse ourselves with. I never cited you as a democrat, merely a bleeding heart liberal. There's a difference you know.

For that I am eternally at your service [ ].

Did you ever have that surgical procedure? How did it turn out?

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