Where are the jobs?

So I take it you run to post another one-liner rather than respond to actual questions in the other thread?

I'm waiting to here the explaination of why such great ideas that our president has can only be released after an election? Or does your knowledge of the president and his actions end with the DNC talking points?

Labor Force Statistics from the Current Population Survey

Series Id: LNS11300000
Seasonally Adjusted
Series title: (Seas) Labor Force Participation Rate
Labor force status: Civilian labor force participation rate
Type of data: Percent or rate
Age: 16 years and over

Series Id: LNS11300000
Seasonally Adjusted
Series title: (Seas) Labor Force Participation Rate
Labor force status: Civilian labor force participation rate
Type of data: Percent or rate
Age: 16 years and over

So we conveniently don't count the folks that quit looking for jobs and are including all the new replacement minimum wage jobs. combined with the food stamp numbers do you think the is progress? Is this the hope and change you're still rallying around?

How's your taxi driving friend with his super hot, large breasted model-like girlfriend? Is he still dancing to into the wee morning hours?
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Cup thinks an increase in the percentage of people on food stamps is a good thing.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
"Where are the jobs?"

Good question. Best one you've posted on here in, let's see, ever.
Unemployment rate = One of the most skewed statistics ever.
Originally posted by wyomingosualum:
Originally posted by TPOKE:
Unemployment rate = One of the most skewed statistics ever.
Regardless of political affiliation of the president.
Yep, at least we as Republicans can admit to that, too.

Meanwhile Republicans' search for their next Presidential candidate continues...; )

GOP Think Tank--Hey Rik are you in there??

This post was edited on 1/1 9:02 PM by CowboyUp
I've been plenty critical of Obama--for trying to work with Republicans who stabbed him in the back the night he was elected.

However Obama, not being a petty individual, opted to try to work with them--even when Dems controlled both chambers.

So that was a HUGE MISTAKE. If he had cut em off early (they met the night of his First inaugural vowing to undermine his Presidency) we would have single payer nationalized health care for all Americans. But he didn't. He tried to reach across the aisle and the Republicans gave us the tea party. All the while the former VP Dick Cheney--breaking with two centuries of American tradition-- openly criticized a sitting Commander in Chief over foreign policy and 2 wars Cheney lied us into.

So there was plenty to criticize Obama about and I did.

That being said--IMO Obama's the 3rd greatest president in history after Washington and Lincoln and hopefully one day is the fifth monument on Mt. Rushmore. So I agree with basically 99 percent of what he's done.
Originally posted by CowboyUp:
I've been plenty critical of Obama--for trying to work with Republicans who stabbed him in the back the night he was elected.

However Obama, not being a petty individual, opted to try to work with them--even when Dems controlled both chambers.

So that was a HUGE MISTAKE. If he had cut em off early (they met the night of his First inaugural vowing to undermine his Presidency) we would have single payer nationalized health care for all Americans. But he didn't. He tried to reach across the aisle and the Republicans gave us the tea party. All the while the former VP Dick Cheney--breaking with two centuries of American tradition-- openly criticized a sitting Commander in Chief over foreign policy and 2 wars Cheney lied us into.

So there was plenty to criticize Obama about and I did.

That being said--IMO Obama's the 3rd greatest president in history after Washington and Lincoln and hopefully one day is the fifth monument on Mt. Rushmore. So I agree with basically 99 percent of what he's done.
Still waiting for an answer. If his policies were such great and monumental ideas, then why did he have to wait until after an election to enact them?

As for the rest of your post, what makes you think the Government can run a single-payer health care system? They have one called the VA. Most people think its the worst health-care you can get. So thanks, but no thanks.

As for working with repubs, your post reads of revisionist history. He had control of congress and instead of working on reasonable actions that could pass (like immigration reform) he chose to enact the wildly unpopular Obamacare. Not sure how that can be considered "reaching across the aisle.

As for being one of the greatest presidents ever. Nah. He had a legitimate chance to be. Unfortunately, he chose party and politics over the people, and became just another politician. Half the country likes him, half hates him. Mount Rushmore is reserved for those Presidents who united our country. This president has done nothing but foster the existing divides (political, racial, & economic) within the country.

Originally posted by CowboyUp:

and hopefully one day is the fifth monument on Mt. Rushmore.
This is about as asinine as your Houston to the big XII drivel. You do realize there isn't anymore room for another sculpture especially one with big ass ears such as your savior. Plus no more carvable rock exists. If it did Reagan would surely grace the side of that mountain before the man child. Give it a rest. Also, I heard a man was arrested yesterday for taking a dump in the middle of the street. Oh the insanity!
I'll say this you guys are some funny fu--ers!!

Happy Orange New Year!!!

BTW donger we already have 3 Republicans on Mt. Rushmore--No. 5 will be a Democrat!!!

Dont worry about uncarveaable rock--Obama just needs a small escarpment will do!!!. ; )

Originally posted by CowboyUp:
I'll say this you guys are some funny fu--ers!!

Happy Orange New Year!!!

BTW donger we already have 3 Republicans on Mt. Rushmore--No. 5 will be a Democrat!!!

Dont worry about uncarveaable rock--Obama just needs a small escarpment will do!!!. ; )
I tried to not put you on ignore. But if you don't want to actually discuss your viewpoints and would rather call people names and make one-liners, then I guess I'm not the right audience.


To answer your questions Obama does not rush to judgment. The election told him what to do. He had a great record to run on but media scared Dems into believing Obama in red states would hurt them. And they swallowed the bait. Obviously the GOP has gerrmandered themselves into a position of fool's gold power. Anyway Joe Cool Obama, being a brilliant CIC and not a panicker like previous administrations, reacts to the battleground as presented. Unless of course something like the Somali pirate situation when he issues pull trigger comand in a New York minute. He will lead from the front. He will lead from behind (witness the Situation Room photo during the killing of bin Laden. I think he was sitting on the lowest chair in the room so as not to be seen as micromanaging what McCraven--best in the world--was doing. But his ego is always under control where he loves to allow others to take the glory while he is actually running the show. Obama is Hawaiian. He believes in weighing decisions and not issuing a check with his mouth that his a-- cant cash. Obama is the classic counter puncher. No one should play hi stake poker with Obama..Just asky Putie...Mess with Obama you get the Horn.. Cant wait for the next two years as Obama once again kicks the obstructionist assies of GOP fools..It's a complete mismatch. Hope this answers your question. Obama is the jiujitzu master...
Originally posted by shortbus:
Idiot was inaccurate. You seem to be an intelligent fellow. I'd like to rescind and recategorize to BAT SHIT CRAZY.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Futility is the best word to describe trying to explain something to CUP. BAT SHIT CRAZY is the best way to characterize him and I mean no offense to CUP whatsoever.

I read his stuff for entertainment only. Sure it is fun to take jabs at him here and there but you'll drive yourself crazy trying to talk sense to (or with) the him.He's kind of like a little prarie dog. He gets all busy and then when you approach him he goes underground only to pop his head up somewhere else.

He's a lot more tolerable since I've figured out how to take him.
Originally posted by racernhra:

Originally posted by shortbus:
Idiot was inaccurate. You seem to be an intelligent fellow. I'd like to rescind and recategorize to BAT SHIT CRAZY.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Futility is the best word to describe trying to explain something to CUP. BAT SHIT CRAZY is the best way to characterize him and I mean no offense to CUP whatsoever.

I read his stuff for entertainment only. Sure it is fun to take jabs at him here and there but you'll drive yourself crazy trying to talk sense to (or with) the him.He's kind of like a little prarie dog. He gets all busy and then when you approach him he goes underground only to pop his head up somewhere else.

He's a lot more tolerable since I've figured out how to take him.
Prairie dogs--I love them.!! I regret we use to shoot the little fellers with hi-powered rifles for sport when we were in high school. I regret that. They weren't hurting anyone. When I was a little kid I got my first bb gun and shot a poor innocent king bird. My Grandma goes, "Cowboy, that bird was trying to sing you a song." I went into the bathroom, locked the door and cried my eyes out. Since those days I've never been much of a hunter. Even shooting pheasant and quail I mostly missed. Then I found out I was left eye dominant shooting right handed. I actually did better with skeet just firing from the hip. Anyway if I make it to Heaven I'm going to feed the little Prairie dogs that we terminated and find some soft dirt and help them dig their holes...

Happy Orange New Year!!

When nothing seems to help, I go and look at a stonecutter hammering
away at his rock perhaps a hundred times without as much as a crack
showing in it. Yet at the hundred and first blow it will split in two,
and I know it was not that blow that did it, but all that had gone
--StoneCutters credo, Jacob Riis
Originally posted by CowboyUp:
I'll say this you guys are some funny fu--ers!!

Happy Orange New Year!!!

BTW donger we already have 3 Republicans on Mt. Rushmore--No. 5 will be a Democrat!!!

Dont worry about uncarveaable rock--Obama just needs a small escarpment will do!!!. ; )


Let's at least put a real man up there.

Cowboy, a lot of parallels between you and Jeffrey Dahmer regarding your childhoods.

The bird was singing to you for cripes sakes.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Cowboy, a lot of parallels between you and Jeffrey Dahmer regarding your childhoods.

The bird was singing to you for cripes sakes.
Posted from Rivals Mobile

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