Where are all the usual suspect woketards here?

Somebody is triggered tonight 🤣🤣🤣🤣

hey @davidallen im up here I’m Seattle. I have clients in Portland as well. You gonna use your Big Tech lynch mob to come after me? Bring it 🐸 but I’d be happy to buy you a beer next time you’re in town and shatter your leftist dogma beliefs. Just let me know 👌🏻
JV (appropriate) - prefers the echo chamber but can't help but comment. Classic.

I would take that adult beverage any time, any place. You would stagger away a better, more enlightened person.
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Ooooooh, good burn. I dunno man, life is crazy. We all have have our faults but I know where I come from and am a descendant of one of the biggest and baddest motherfukers ever from a little town called Mt. View, OK.

How ab yourself?
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Ooooooh, good burn. I dunno man, life is crazy. We all have have our faults but I know where I come from and am a descendant of one of the biggest and baddest motherfukers ever from a little town called Mt. View, OK.

How ab yourself?
Cushing America - the Allen Clan left a mark.
Cushing America - the Allen Clan left a mark.

well it’s a shame then that you wanna bankrupt your own WTI community w/ AOC’s green new deal. You should be ashamed of yourself. I like to support my fam and heritage, but hey, that’s just me. You do you bro.
Oh man, looks like he just couldn’t take it anymore lololol.

I think it’s fair to say we have an in-house old trigglypuff

Suddenly, this thread has taken an ugly turn...

Way too much ANGRY davidalan.

Considering the burning, lawless shithole you're stuck at, we should cut ya some slack.
We AREN'T cutting you any slack, but we should. ;)
I'm like Meg Ryan in You've Got Mail. After an attack by Tom Hanks, she unloads, then feels bad for doing so. We should cut Dave some slack, even though he attacks me for telling a story of a rural Wilsonville mail carrier.
One can dream huh? Telling that you root for black lives to NOT matter. BTW: with all the discussion on the SCOTUS seat, I have meant to ask - just how many murders did you prevent today at your local abortion clinic? Next.

Good to know I have I met the poster child for why we need pro-choice. Your birth certificate is an apology from the condom factory and you exist only because momma could not afford to abort you. Do you ever think how much happier all of us would be if your mother just swallowed?
Good to know I have I met the poster child for why we need pro-choice. Your birth certificate is an apology from the condom factory and you exist only because momma could not afford to abort you. Do you ever think how much happier all of us would be if your mother just swallowed?
Soonersincefitty, do you think OKSTATE1 is incapable of cutting Dave some slack? OKSTATE1 makes me think of the unmerciful abuse fairdinkem the Indian placed on toto at the OOB.
Funny, you mentioned fairdinkem.
I always thought he had a gaudy high IQ.
Like a buck fifty plus.
Smart poster.
I've seen fairdinkem in debate. A Leftist on rare occasion would present something I would have to give considerable thought to before responding. fairdinkem would quickly fire a brilliant response.

A reminder: I once presented three Mensa questions aimed at no one. They were just part of the subject matter. Inexplicably, soonerinlOUisiana quickly voluntarily correctly answered all three. Years later, a Sooner brother suggested SiL was stupid. I set the Sooner brother straight.

Did Dave call SiL a Sooner goon? I hope I set Dave straight.
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