What's the Most White Trash Thing You've Done Lately....


Heisman Winner
Gold Member
Mar 21, 2007
....or still do on a regular basis? The Wal-Mart fight thread gave me the idea for this thread.

Last Sunday I walked into Wal-Mart to buy a plastic kiddy pool for my dogs while eating a Moon Pie and drinking a Mountain Dew I had just bought while getting gas right before.

....or still do on a regular basis? The Wal-Mart fight thread gave me the idea for this thread.

Last Sunday I walked into Wal-Mart to buy a plastic kiddy pool for my dogs while eating a Moon Pie and drinking a Mountain Dew I had just bought while getting gas right before.

You were wearing jorts weren't you?

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I've also drank Kirkland Light at the lake in recent history. I didn't purchase it so it makes it ok. Right? Please?

Branson is more like the Cathedral of Notre Dame in the "white trash" religion, it's Saint Peter's Basilica equal of course being Graceland.

So it's definitely near the top, but not quite the pinnacle of white trash family vacation spots.
So...since I started a thread about going to Branson next week, I should start growing a mullet, beat my wife and kids, and yell out Boomah! wherever I go?!?
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Picked something out of the neighbor's curbside "free to whoever wants it" pile?
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Walked outside to my backyard naked to check on some recent gardening.

In my defense, I had just gotten out of the shower and wanted to air dry.
I prefer to pee in the yard. Backyard during the day and off the front porch at night.

Anyone else use Mason jars with the old screw lid technique for storage in the garage?


I've also saved/used Cool Whip containers to send/store stuff in.
Na, not a winner - if he would have bought some Schlitz or Old Style from the proceeds, then perhaps.
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Drank Hamm and Ryes all night while playing trivia.

I realize trivia is negative points on the white trash scale, but I can only slum it so much...I'm a metrosexual.
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I live white trash every day so I can't really say much more. Just did the "pick from the neighbors trash pile" when they moved out and got some lovely items.

This is Oklahoma so most of these behaviors are learned and inbred.
I am ashamed that I can't think of anything worthy in the last few days.
I think all these qualify.

I prefer to pee outside.
I like Taco Bell's breakfast menu.
I bought a 4-wheeler and it has the woodland camouflage.
I embibe while mowing (usually whiskey and straight out of the bottle).
I love calf fries & liver and onions with country gravy. (I haven't had either in a long time though)
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Adman you will find out at SDC that souvenir mugs are the big thing. I think of Brason more like and old persons Vegas.
Maybe it just means I'm more redneck than I think but I refuse to believe peeing outside is redneck. That is just man going back to his nature roots.
Syskatine, I just shot strait snot all over my iPhone.

At the lake house... Wore sleeveless shirt because that was all I had left that was clean (didn't want to do laundry).

Drank box wine out of a solo cup (ran out of whisky)
Drank moonshine whiskey out of a pitcher while smoking a Swisher's Sweet. (My brother actually distills his own).

Two hours later, smoked another Swisher's Sweet while eating nachos.

Got up the next morning and had a Bud Light and 2 donuts.

About to go get in my truck, put in a plug of Levi Garrett and drive home listening to Johnny Cash.

Yes I have terrible wellness habits.

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