What year does Texas turn blue?


Heisman Winner
Gold Member
Sep 26, 2020
Parts unknown


In 2000, Texas was solidly GOP, winning by over 20%. In 2024, single digits.

Dem replacement theory looks like it will be wildly successful.


In 2000, Texas was solidly GOP, winning by over 20%. In 2024, single digits.

Dem replacement theory looks like it will be wildly successful.
The problem with Texas is that they gave Liberals a foothold. Austin became California lite, so suddenly all the leftist Democrats who had completely shit upon and ruined California had a new, great place to go and shit upon. And so Texas, while getting the California migrants, isn't getting the Red-card carrying ones. Its mostly getting the Blue-card carrying ones. Meanwhile the Red card carrying ones are moving to Idaho, Wyoming, or to Florida. Those states are seeing booming growth from people migration that's being matched by booming growth in Republican voter registrations. And Texas is losing its Red-card carrying members in the process. My neighborhood (Florida) has 109 houses in it. I don't claim to know everyone. But I know of 15, myself included, that have moved from Texas to here and brought their Red politics with them. Its why Florida is no longer a swing state.

In 2017, Dems held a 250K advantage in total party voter registrations. In 2021, Republicans passed Dems for the first time but it was basically even. Now Republicans have almost 1M more registered members than Dems.


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