What We Learned, Or Should Have Learned, From The Presidential Debate

Ponca Dan

MegaPoke is insane
Gold Member
Dec 7, 2003
We should have already known it.

“.. or should have learned…”

See Dan, it’s because of this kind of arrogant cocksuckery that people think you’re an arrogant cocksucker. Just post what you’ve learned. Don’t lecture the rest of us on what we should have learned. SMH.

PS: No, I didn’t read the article.
It’s an interesting article/opinion piece. You should read it.
Typical Dan. Either he's wrong or posts the obvious as epiphany.

And no, I'm not going to explain since I don't care enough to educate you.
What I have learned is our Gubmint is as corrupt as any in the World and I also learned half the Country is ok with that and vote for that.
I learned that an outsider brought it out into the open. I also learned that they will do anything they can to stop him. Why? Why are they so afraid of him?
I learned a lot since 2015 but have pretty much always known that our Government only wants our money and could give 2 shits about you which is fine by me, stay out of my life and let free people be free to live their own lives.
I learned how Propagandist Media can turn what I thought was a decent person into a stark raving lunatic that thinks Genocide is being done by Israel, you know the ones that were Genocided during WW2.
I learned many more things but too many to list.
One thing I didn't learn feom the Debate is that Biden is not fit for office, most people with a brain knew that in 2020.
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Concise and to the point. Well said.
I’m glad someone besides me appreciates brevity. I remember as a law clerk working for a firm that defended S&L and bank directors from the FDIC/FSLIC, and how the 100-page “briefs” submitted by the government lawyers didn’t seem very “brief”. Some of these people really do just enjoy hearing themselves talk, or re-reading what they’ve already written.

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