What the House is trying to do....Hidden impeachment trial


MegaPoke is insane
Gold Member
May 29, 2001
Edmond, Oklahoma
Barr has refused to go to the House tomorrow and testify because the House wants to use staffers and attorneys to ask the questions.

The only time in US history this has been allowed is for impeachment hearings. You had the Doctor questioning Ford in the Kavanaugh hearings but she was not an attorney, not a staffer, and was an expert in sexual abuse and both sides consented.

The Dims know impeaching Barr or Trump will hurt them at the polls, just like when the Reps impeached Clinton.

This is a way for the Dims to impeach Barr and Trump without the stigma of a true impeachment trial and in their mind the political back lash, it is total BS. Dims also know they are going to come across as idiots questioning Barr, and knowing the outcome no matter who does the questioning will not be good other than smearing people, they want other people doing the smearing for them. It is the highest form of being a gutless chickenshit. Talk about POS worthless snowflakes.

Under the rules, only Committee members may ask questions, they want outside attorneys (prosecutors) to have an impeachment hearing under the guise of a Committee hearing requesting testimony under normal Q&A rules which allows each member 5 minutes of time.

Just impeach Trump and Barr you big gutless wonders.
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Interesting. I had seen where he was refusing to participate because of format issues (was reported on the nightly news tonight), but no details as to why that would be or what the format issues were.
Barr has refused to go to the House tomorrow and testify because the House wants to use staffers and attorneys to ask the questions.

The only time in US history this has been allowed is for impeachment hearings. You had the Doctor questioning Ford in the Kavanaugh hearings but she was not an attorney, not a staffer, and was an expert in sexual abuse and both sides consented.

The Dims know impeaching Barr or Trump will hurt them at the polls, just like when the Reps impeached Clinton.

This is a way for the Dims to impeach Barr and Trump without the stigma of a true impeachment trial and in their mind the political back lash, it is total BS. Dims also know they are going to come across as idiots questioning Barr, and knowing the outcome no matter who does the questioning will not be good other than smearing people, they want other people doing the smearing for them. It is the highest form of being a gutless chickenshit. Talk about POS worthless snowflakes.

Under the rules, only Committee members may ask questions, they want outside attorneys (prosecutors) to have an impeachment hearing under the guise of a Committee hearing requesting testimony under normal Q&A rules which allows each member 5 minutes of time.

Just impeach Trump and Barr you big gutless wonders.

I read a quote from fat Jerry that Barr was afraid to face a skilled lawyer.

I assume 75% of the lawmakers are lawyers?
I read a quote from fat Jerry that Barr was afraid to face a skilled lawyer.

I assume 75% of the lawmakers are lawyers?

Yes....this is the same House Dims that have been bragging they have a responsibility for oversight and they are incapable of asking questions. Hell, they can not even introduce a bill, so no wonder they can not ask their own questions. MSM must be telling these jokers what to say. They need their approved questions and talking points, no longer capable of thinking for themselves.
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Barr had agreed to appear then formerly fat but now just plump Nadler moved the goalposts---again.

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