What site besides Photobucket do you use to post photos here?

Orange Jennyslipper

Heisman Candidate
Gold Member
Jan 4, 2005
I don't use it much but I have used Photobucket for years and it has become unusable lately. It won't let me select any picture that I've had in my library for years.

I can select a recently uploaded pic but when I try to post it here, I get nothing. But then the next day there are two or three copies of the photo in a thread where I had tried to insert it.

Days after that I got an email from PhotoBucket saying they had had some problems but everything is OK now, but it's not.

Also, to post pics off your iphone, do you have to send them to the cloud and then a site like PhotoBucket before posting? Is there some more direct way to post pics off your phone here?
People still use photobucket?!?!?!? wow imgur is the gold standard now IMO.

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