What Islamic Terrorists are Thinking About Ebola


Heisman Winner
Aug 24, 2003
Islamic terrorists probably see vast opportunities with this virus. Using Ebola to bring about chaos in America is much easier than hijacking planes to use as missiles. Simply catch the virus, pee or spit in a spray bottle, fill the rest of the way with water, shake and commence raising hell. A squirt here, a squirt there, on office door knobs, on mall escalator rails, on elevator buttons, on airport fixtures, on turnstiles at sporting events, etc. Too damn easy. Curtail the flights. Control the borders. If we don't, we're going to wish we had.
If you need to yes. I would curtail any flight from a tropical environment across the globe. There has to be enforcement of border control. Biological warfare is one the easiest, most cost effective ways to attack. It strikes fear, it seems to randomly select targets, and costs a lot of money to counter. There are reports of ISIS members now being arrested on the border. If they have arrested 4 then there are 20 to 32 in country at the very least. The Feds should be trying to find when, where, and how they planned on hitting. I know some on here don't think ISIS is a reality and a threat, and some think they pose just a small threat, but well funded fanatics, with an united objective can and will carry out their mission. My biggest fear and concern with them is are they going to be able to think out of the box, and come up with new ways to attack. Guns makes a good point by bringing this topic up, and if just one or two people are a bit more prepared we all owe Guns some gratitude.
I'm sorry, but I can't believe I'm reading this from college educated people.

So we should completely close our boarders reacting stronger than we did after 9/11 and let this fear of something that will ALWAYS be a possibility completely paralyze us as a nation. Makes sense.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
People will be singing a different tune if a few of these Isis bastards make it into the U.S. and a handful blow themselves up in a few public places. People might actually watch the news instead of the reality BS.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Enforcing existing border laws, which every country in the world does except ours, and temporarily curtailing flights in and out of certain west African countries, does not infringe upon the rights of anyone. It's not like we're having the IRS audit folks because we disagree with their speech or threatening to abridge their 2nd amendment rights by taking away guns.

There are no direct flights from any of the ebola stricken countries into the US.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
TC you are the only person on here saying anything about completely shutting down the border.

I would hope college educated people could find a place to discuss this topic. I'm more worried about the fact that not very many college educated people are talking about these types of threats to the United States.

If the concern is someone smuggling a 409 spray bottle of Ebola infected saliva or urine into the United States, and you both agree that flights should be curtailed to prevent this how am I the only one talking about closing the borders?
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Lets see,

Guns wants to secure the borders, and enforce existing laws to not let people just walk across the border, and flights curtailed from Africa.

I would take that a step further and say African flights are completely curtailed, and heavily screen any and all flights from all tropical locals.

You are seem to think this means we want to stop anyone and everyone from coming into the country which we all know is impossible, yet you ask if we should curtail Western Europe, and completely close our boarders. So I think it's a matter of what you are reading into what we are saying. Now you are level headed, and a college educated person. I would think you would be able read and interpret what we are saying as not closing our boarders, but securing and ensuring traffic coming into the United States is monitored, and does not contain a virus with a 70% lethality rate.

Now a college educated person would then ask the question of how would all of this security effect the economy, and would if be cost effective to secure this? Well since most goods are not shipped via aircraft, the effect would be minimal. The biggest effect would be monitoring Singapore and traffic there to ensure that spread is minimized. If this thing shows up there, we got big problems.

There is a lot to discuss here with this topic, and the points that Guns is making are extremely valuable to the discussion. I get that you don't think ISIS is a threat, I think you are wrong, but I understand you point of view. FYI you don't smuggle this into the country in containers, you smuggle this into the US in a person just like the guy that showed up in Dallas.
They'll concoct their spray bottle after they cross over our southern "border" and are safely within one of their safe houses within the United States proper.
This post was edited on 10/11 11:59 AM by GunsOfFrankEaton
Do you really think the only option for someone with that intent is to fly from Africa? As I mentioned above there are no direct flight from any of the Ebola stricken countries into the US. They have to come through Europe or some other country that poses no direct threat.

They aren't complete idiots. They simply need to get to Germany or London or anywhere else. Plus let's not pretend that Ebola is the only possible biological agent readily available out there for some sort or nut.

I guess we should have the world curtail all flights from Africa just do we can rest easy?

My point is that I don't understand why people let the media whip them into a frenzy over something like Ebola when there are just as viable of threats that have been around for decades.

The way people and the media are treating this as some newly invented threat is what I don't get.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
The threat is overblown, imo. The media is whipping it up so bad people are already proposing new layers of government security.

A guy on cnn said something that resonated --- if the virus was airborne or spread easily, you'd see half of Africa dead. It's 4,000. Anyone that has the sophistication to take an ebola sample, keep it viable to get here and then actually spread it could and would have already done far worse things -- poisoning crowds or water supplies isn't hard. Ebola isn't all that worse than other things that have been around a long time. Btw, ebola's been around since 1976 without being weaponized over here.

The "reports" about ISIS agents being apprehended sounds like a whole cloth fabrication by a republican congressman. I'd sure appreciate a reference source if the "report" is true.
Do I think they will come directly form Africa, no, but it is the easiest way, and most likely the least secure way. This is where our administration should be working with our allies in Europe. England, France, and Germany don't want anything to do with Ebola as much as we don't and it's in their interests to screen and profile. We can benefit from that.

You are right Ebola is just a small part of the biologicals that pose a threat. Customs is supposed to protect the US from these types of threats, but the agency doesn't seem to have adapted to the times. The government as usual is slow to react to threats, and change tactics based on the dangers that are out there. As things move faster, and easier so do pathogens.

Now Guns and I are not whipped into a frenzy. On the contrary we are looking the threat dead in the face and discussing it. Frenzies and mobs are formed by acceptance of information, not discussion of it. But I agree hole heartedly, that media can be and is a problem with misinformation, as well as the government as well. The government should have never come out and downplayed the threat, and stated that it is hard to catch Ebola. That is a dangerous half truth and is a lack of information to the people they are supposed to be protecting, and for the media to go along with it, and push both sides with vigor to get ratings is also a disservice.
Man going back and reading how some of you reacted to Ebola vs COVID is really interesting. I wonder what Cornhole would of had medicating on for blood leaking from my eyes? Maybe trepanning would have been to dark horse?
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