What is and isn't racism?

To judge a person look at his character and past and you can predict most of his actions in the future. Name some one who invested with Trump who made a profit out of that investment. In fact in the early nineties I had a chance meetin with Rudi and asked him about Trump since I had read art of deal recently and his question was I wasn'y going to invest with him.
Whether Trump is a racist I really don't know but his rhetoric definitely is.
The first time the idea of affordable care act was considered as a bill the sponsors were Dole and Mcain real leftist politicians.

Okay I’m not going to get to far down in the weeds here with you. I wouldn’t have invested in Trump either not because I do/don’t trust him but because I know nothing of business models involving real estate, casinos and golf courses, except they appear to be inexorably linked to economic conditions and hence extremely volatile. So meeting Rudi and him saying that could have had absolutely nothing to do with business but more to do with political leanings. I could say I met Bigfoot and he told me to invest in night vision goggles, doesn’t mean I would or wouldn’t and certainly doesn’t mean anyone would believed I met Bigfoot.

As far as McCain & Dole. I respect their military service immensely and that’s it. They were both RINO’s all the way and would have been horrific presidents. Actually you prove my point about the ACA being a steaming pile of crap....if those two supported that type of system, it was definitely a pile of dung. Furthermore McCain was a criminal and opportunist. He’s lucky he was able to pull whatever strings he did to stay in office and out of jail for the Keating Five.

Trumps rhetoric is just that. It’s like stink bait on a treble hook and the leftos, media and fools grab it every time.
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Okay I’m not going to get to far down in the weeds here with you. I wouldn’t have invested in Trump either not because I do/don’t trust him but because I know nothing of business models involving real estate, casinos and golf courses, except they appear to be inexorably linked to economic conditions and hence extremely volatile. So meeting Rudi and him saying that could have had absolutely nothing to do with business but more to do with political leanings. I could say I met Bigfoot and he told me to invest in night vision goggles, doesn’t mean I would or wouldn’t and certainly doesn’t mean anyone would believed I met Bigfoot.

As far as McCain & Dole. I respect their military service immensely and that’s it. They were both RINO’s all the way and would have been horrific presidents. Actually you prove my point about the ACA being a steaming pile of crap....if those two supported that type of system, it was definitely a pile of dung. Furthermore McCain was a criminal and opportunist. He’s lucky he was able to pull whatever strings he did to stay in office and out of jail for the Keating Five.

Trumps rhetoric is just that. It’s like stink bait on a treble hook and the leftos, media and fools grab it every time.
I would invest with Warren Buffet without knowing him personally because of his reputation,I don't care where he invested my money and economic conditions effect on these businesses.
People did the same with his casino and guess what happened. I would suggest some books to read but that would be waste of my time. You get most of your info from certain tv channels and that is how most of the world is.

Is the Affordable Care Act really the same as "the Republican plan in the early '90s?"

Short answer -- sort of. There was a Republican bill in the Senate that looked a whole lot like Obamacare, but it wasn’t the only GOP bill on Capitol Hill, it never came to a vote and from what we can tell, plenty of conservative Republicans didn’t like it.

The Republican bill did not expand Medicaid as Obamacare does, and it did have medical malpractice tort reform, which the current law does not

However, to call it the Republican plan, as though a majority of Republicans endorsed it, goes too far. The House Republicans took a different path, and there was opposition from more hard-line members of the Republican coalition. It is telling that the Chafee bill never became a full blown bill and never came up for a vote.

We rate the statement Half True.

The article doesn’t really back up your assertion there kemo sabe. Whatever would have been the final bill would have required both parties support and no back door deals for a yea vote (Bart Stupak sp ring a bell). Plus expanding any government run program (Medicare) is the nexus for disaster since the parasitic political whores have zero economic or medical expertise.

I would invest with Warren Buffet without knowing him personally because of his reputation,I don't care where he invested my money and economic conditions effect on these businesses.
People did the same with his casino and guess what happened. I would suggest some books to read but that would be waste of my time. You get most of your info from certain tv channels and that is how most of the world is.

You are comparing Warren Buffet to Trump? Come on man! They aren’t even in the same league, of course in hindsight of course I’d invest in Buffet as well.

Quit assuming anything about me okay. I get the overwhelming majority of my information from reading. Don’t assume what I do or don’t watch on the tube. TV by in large is entertainment for me, including news. I tend to only watch programs that have a panel of diverse views, that’s it.

Suggest the books I’ll at least look at them on Amazon and dig into the reviews. But get this, I’m not in to hatchet jobs and business, especially those Trump are in, are fickle and rife with contractors who are generally as dishonest as what they accuse others of. Having sold deals in different parts of the world I can say unequivocally that contractors and specialist are some of the biggest scumbags on the planet. They give you the low low low price, than proceed to charge you for “extras” even outside the contractual terms. It’s always an ugly fight at the end and if you don’t put your boot on peoples throats they will screw you mercilessly.
Making of Donald trump by David Cay Johnston.
By the way I avoid programs with several people with different point of views
our TV is full of such programs infact most of the political shows are like that.
I rather read or see them individually so I can understand what actually their point of view is.
Person whose intellect I was impressed by was after he had died and that was Richard Nixon.
Where did you get anything about me telling someone to "go back where you came from?"

I agree with Mom's assessment that a man should be judged by the content of his character and not the color of his skin.

Now, pray tell what in my post would be considered racism?
First, and I apologize, I was not insinuating that you told someone that, but, we have been hearing over that last week by some people that saying that is not racist, I think HRs would disagree..........racism is not always cut and dry, a couple of the things you posted , depending on the circumstances and situation could be taken as a racist comment........
I agree 100% everyone should be judged on their character and not by the color of their skin, I also believe they should not be judged by their religion ( or lack of ) as a whole either.......all religions have their extremes and we should not judge an entire religion by those extremes
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First, and I apologize, I was not insinuating that you told someone that, but, we have been hearing over that last week by some people that saying that is not racist, I think HRs would disagree..........racism is not always cut and dry, a couple of the things you posted , depending on the circumstances and situation could be taken as a racist comment........
I agree 100% everyone should be judged on their character and not by the color of their skin, I also believe they should not be judged by their religion ( or lack of ) as a whole either.......all religions have their extremes and we should not judge an entire religion by those extremes
But, but ... a disagreement over religion is not racism. They can't all be right.
But, but ... a disagreement over religion is not racism. They can't all be right.
Disagreement on religion is healthy it is putting two people of different faiths together
which would make them realize the similarities between their faiths.
Condemning some one or not giving an opportunity to some one because of their faith could be some kind of racism.
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Disagreement on religion is healthy it is putting two people of different faiths together
which would make them realize the similarities between their faiths.
Condemning some one or not giving an opportunity to some one because of their faith could be some kind of racism.
We believe in freedom of religion in America. Of course I agree with opportunity.

Of course in Pakistan, professing Christianity is a death sentence.
We believe in freedom of religion in America. Of course I agree with opportunity.

Of course in Pakistan, professing Christianity is a death sentence.
That is not true it does not say how many muslims face prosecution. Christians are mostly poor not because of discrimination but due to the fact that majority of the population of the country is poor. When I first opened in Lahore the head of operation there was a christian girl.President of the third largest bank is a christian woman.
I have never read an article or seen a TV show where christians were condemned.
I know there are lots of things wrong in Pakistan that is why I don't want to see America go in that direction.
What about two massacres yesterday in Texas and Ohio what were they about.
Please check on Heritage Foundation,I have read it from several different sources some being conservative or republicans.
Trump ran a private family owned company, with few executives besides the family. Please name one important person in his organization who was of color and please don't say the doorman at the trump towers.
I could name you three women that I worked with personally from his organization and two of them are POC. You're ignorant.
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You wouldn't understand because you do not belong to a race being discriminated against.

This is bull shit. Are you saying that white men aren't being discriminated against?

There is so much wrong with this statement that it disqualifies any further race conversations with you. Until you learn just how stupid what you typed is, there really is no further need to discus race with you.
This is bull shit. Are you saying that white men aren't being discriminated against?

There is so much wrong with this statement that it disqualifies any further race conversations with you. Until you learn just how stupid what you typed is, there really is no further need to discus race with you.

You must be joking with this bullsh!t lol
This is bull shit. Are you saying that white men aren't being discriminated against?

There is so much wrong with this statement that it disqualifies any further race conversations with you. Until you learn just how stupid what you typed is, there really is no further need to discus race with you.
You cannot disqualify me you don't have no authority. Where are white men discriminated against please qualify your statement. Then compare it with how many
times a black man has been discriminated against.
I think you live in a dream world, accepting a problem does not condemn your country but it would get people thinking on how to solve it.
You cannot disqualify me you don't have no authority. Where are white men discriminated against please qualify your statement. Then compare it with how many
times a black man has been discriminated against.
I think you live in a dream world, accepting a problem does not condemn your country but it would get people thinking on how to solve it.

Try being a over 50 white guy trying to find employment in a professional field?
Where are white men discriminated against? please qualify your statement. Then compare it with how many times a black man has been discriminated against.
If I apply for a job at the US Postal Service, If I'm an equally qualified candidate as any federally recognized minority - they'll get the job over me. If I'm an owner of a company bidding on a federal work contract and I'm equal to another company that is owned by a recognized minority - they'll get the contract.

There are numerous examples of this in today's system.

Your 2nd question is bull shit. So you are asking me to now grade the levels of racism? Racist acts are racist acts. They are all wrong. Period.
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If I apply for a job at the US Postal Service, If I'm an equally qualified candidate as any federally recognized minority - they'll get the job over me. If I'm an owner of a company bidding on a federal work contract and I'm equal to another company that is owned by a recognized minority - they'll get the contract.

There are numerous examples of this in today's system.

Your 2nd question is bull shit. So you are asking me to now grade the levels of racism? Racist acts are racist acts. They are all wrong. Period.
Well I guess I have been discriminated against in Pakistan,I have gone several times for contracts and were given to someone less qualified. Getting a job if you are over b50 that is a problem everywhere. Getting a job in the govt in Pakistan there is a quota system. So you are not disqualified because you are white but because there is a quota system.
Knowing people in Trump hotels is not the same thing as knowing someone in the holding company. I was talking about Trump organization.
Well I guess I have been discriminated against in Pakistan,I have gone several times for contracts and were given to someone less qualified. Getting a job if you are over b50 that is a problem everywhere. Getting a job in the govt in Pakistan there is a quota system. So you are not disqualified because you are white but because there is a quota system.
You probably have been discriminated against due to quota systems.
Yes we also have a quota system and it is good for people from backward areas.
Mr. Indian, interesting perspective.

What are your honest thoughts regarding the idea of ‘white privilege’? Do you think this is liberal silliness or are there instances where white folks clearly get a pass? How do feel when white mass shooters - like the moron today in El Paso - walks out alive? Does that feel like a personal insult or does it have no effect on you whatsoever?

Thanks for joining the board, sir.

"White privilege" for the most part is a tool used by the left to attract the black voter. Bozo O'Rourke and Kirsten Gillibrand uses this tool ad nauseam. Gillibrand seems to have a leg up on Bozo at the moment.

I'm glad the white shooter survived. Death might have been a gift. In living, he faces misery. Maybe we can find some answers for his act.
Hangin down between my legs
True story.


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