The Left is notorious for 1) rabid hypocrisy in demonizing other for supposedly doing what they they themselves are actually guilty of, and 2) redefining words to cover up their misdeeds. In the case of the term "racism," they do both simultaneously.
For clarity, let's define what Racism is and what it isn't. We need to stop feeling bad for the hypocritical, fraudulent accusations of socialists/Leftists/Democrats.
1. Disagreeing about politics is not racism.
2. Pointing out real racial differences is not racism.
3. Even poking fun at our racial differences MAY not be racism (unless it's done to denigrate a race).
4. Criticizing a religion is not racism.
5. Criticizing a culture, cultural norms, or cultural behaviors is not racism.
6. Overlooking race and making a choice (e.g., hiring) based on merit is not racism.
7. Merely wanting to associate with those who are most like yourself is not racism.
8. Demanding that employees show up to work on time is not racism (yes, the Left has even posited this!).
9. Enforcing our immigration laws is not racism.
10. Expressing a personal opinion contrary to yours is not racism.
Well, if Racism isn't all those things the Left has said it is, what then is it?
Here's what Merriam-Webster says:
[Racism is] "a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race."
Let's get this straight. RACE is NOT the primary determinant of human traits nor capabilities. There ARE some genetic differences between races, even medically, that may affect our traits (as a race) and capabilities (as individuals)--that's inarguable--but the PRIMARY determinant of those things is CULTURE.
Race is an inherent characteristic you cannot change. Culture is a characteristic that, although it will always be an influence on the individual, nevertheless it's effect on behavior can be altered.
We need to stop:
1. Listening to the constant whining from the Left about Racism.
2. Starting addressing CULTURAL issues that lead to poverty, crime, and other detriments to society.
For clarity, let's define what Racism is and what it isn't. We need to stop feeling bad for the hypocritical, fraudulent accusations of socialists/Leftists/Democrats.
1. Disagreeing about politics is not racism.
2. Pointing out real racial differences is not racism.
3. Even poking fun at our racial differences MAY not be racism (unless it's done to denigrate a race).
4. Criticizing a religion is not racism.
5. Criticizing a culture, cultural norms, or cultural behaviors is not racism.
6. Overlooking race and making a choice (e.g., hiring) based on merit is not racism.
7. Merely wanting to associate with those who are most like yourself is not racism.
8. Demanding that employees show up to work on time is not racism (yes, the Left has even posited this!).
9. Enforcing our immigration laws is not racism.
10. Expressing a personal opinion contrary to yours is not racism.
Well, if Racism isn't all those things the Left has said it is, what then is it?
Here's what Merriam-Webster says:
[Racism is] "a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race."
Let's get this straight. RACE is NOT the primary determinant of human traits nor capabilities. There ARE some genetic differences between races, even medically, that may affect our traits (as a race) and capabilities (as individuals)--that's inarguable--but the PRIMARY determinant of those things is CULTURE.
Race is an inherent characteristic you cannot change. Culture is a characteristic that, although it will always be an influence on the individual, nevertheless it's effect on behavior can be altered.
We need to stop:
1. Listening to the constant whining from the Left about Racism.
2. Starting addressing CULTURAL issues that lead to poverty, crime, and other detriments to society.