for its willing role in this propagandist hoax?
What a laughable comparison. But you already know that.
You're the dumbest bitch on this site
You're the dumbest bitch on this site
Well stated and is not here to be credible
nor the sentinel of our democracy
media is a business with an agenda
next to saving the supreme court
trumps greatest leagacy will be the advent of fake news into the american vernacular discrediting the media and the overwhelm and destruction of the MSM as a representative amongst centrist normal free thinking americans
Well stated and true.
1st Amendment and all that...None.
1st Amendment and all that...
They might have some financial repercussions if people stop watching.
Truth.Here's the deal: 90% of liberals inside and outside of the media knew this was a false narrative, they knew it was a witch hunt but they were perfectly fine with destroying people’s lives to achieve their agenda. It’s how they think.
The other 10%, true blue believers like @toontown, @Syskatine, @07pilt, and @Pokeabear are shills that will believe anything as long as it damages the other team.
Sad.Here's the deal: 90% of liberals inside and outside of the media knew this was a false narrative, they knew it was a witch hunt but they were perfectly fine with destroying people’s lives to achieve their agenda. It’s how they think.
The other 10%, true blue believers like @toontown, @Syskatine, @07pilt, and @Pokeabear are shills that will believe anything as long as it damages the other team.
Thank the lord I’m not trying to attract you based on your value set.Very true.
The inability to think outside of one's own ideological comfort zone isn't an attractive quality.
Thank the lord I’m not trying to attract you based on your value set.
Nope, no idea.That you even try to use the word "value" in connection with your principles in life is laughable.
Do you even know what the word means?
oh please
this isn’t about the media’s 1st amendment and all that
Oh please.
It absolutely is when start talking about “consequences” that the press are supposed to suffer.
I’m the author, and no it isn’t.
Can we at least agree, that anonymous reporting of 'facts' is dead? After 2 years of quoting anonymous sources that have now ALL been shown to be wrong, will there be any credibility in those articles in the future?
I don’t think anonymous source reporting is dead.
People in general will keep believing the anonymous sources that bolster the world view they have and doubting the ones that don’t.
True, but they aren't looking for news. They are just looking for reinforcement of their existing belief system.
You quoted a tweet and asked a question.
I responded to your question by stating that any “consequence” that may come will be market drive and not governmental sanction because of the 1st Amendment.
And I’m right in saying that.
Oh please.
It absolutely is when start talking about “consequences” that the press are supposed to suffer.
Correct. Which was my point. I also mentioned in another thread where I wondered if people who hated Trump for collusion were angry with the media who lied to them for two years. Wondering if there will be massive ratings consequences.
This makes “consequences” sound a bit more sinister. Maybe I’m wrong. No big deal either way
It won't be directly at the media, but I have to wonder if Trump or Trump Jr. (who's been disparaged by many) could potentially file libel suits against some of the talking heads who have been on the media circuit. I'd have to think that the Trump personal lawyers are combing through footage of Brennan, Comey and others. Again, that's not attacking CNN directly, but rather their source of 'in-the-know' guests.
Nope, no idea.