And we keep trying to piss it away.
And we keep trying to piss it away.
Agree completely. And yet you support open borders which is a big part of pissing it away.
Please explain to me how allowing people to come to the land of the free is pissing away the freedom.Agree completely. And yet you support open borders which is a big part of pissing it away.
Please explain to me how allowing people to come to the land of the free is pissing away the freedom.
Please explain to me how allowing people to come to the land of the free is pissing away the freedom.
every country from south of brownsville to the
tierra del fuego
operates under this notion that he he has the gold makes the rules
This makes no sense. It’s a deflection from the question I asked. How does allowing people to enter the land of the free cause a loss of freedom?You seem to care about a neighbor you never met over the neighbor a mile away sleeping under a bridge.
I reject your priorities on that option.
This makes no sense. It’s a deflection from the question I asked. How does allowing people to enter the land of the free cause a loss of freedom?
You just explained it yourself quite eloquently.
It is an absurd and destructive idea to mot strictly regulate who is coming here, why and whether or not they value and understand Constitutional ideals and swear an oath of citizenship to the la d of freedom rather than simply bringing their own concept of unfair governance to a new place.
It’s self evident that circumventing the naturalization process entirely creates NO VALUE to the concept of being a citizen of the American experiment in liberty.
Nobody is disallowing people from coming here. It just needs to be a process and we need to be naturalizing people who have a basic concept of our liberties themselves or we stupidly risk destabilizing the future of an America where liberties are valued.
Look around. We already live in a time where free speech is routinely attacked and often disallowed. I can’t think of many things guaranteed to destabilize a constitutional republic faster than allowing massive groups of anonymous people from places that do not celebrate liberty to come here without any naturalization process - to congregate in enclaves where foreign languages and cultures have primacy in a region geographically considered by many to be original Mexican property.
Open borders is by far your biggest blindspot. It’s a fatal flaw in the entire functional concept of preserving liberty.
This makes no sense. It’s a deflection from the question I asked. How does allowing people to enter the land of the free cause a loss of freedom?
It’s going to take me awhile to soak up everything you wrote.
In the meantime, just out of curiosity I wonder if you would answer something for me. Do you personally know any immigrants from Central America, whether here legally or not? I mean really know them? Worked beside them, for them, had them work for you? Know their families? Had them to your house for dinner? Been to their house? Spent an afternoon drinking beer and talking football? I ask because you seem to think you know their motives for coming here. You seem to think they want to come here so they can screw up America, they want to turn our country into the same psychotic mess they left behind.
Rather than criminalize the immigration why don’t we eliminate the welfare? So many of you think they are coming here strictly for the welfare. By your logic wouldn’t it make sense that they wouldn’t come if there was no welfare for them? Why throw them in prison, separate them from their loved ones, etc. Just stop the welfare and they’ll stop coming. Why don’t you put your energy into that?Import the third world -- become the third world.
The welfare usage rates among immigrants (especially immigrants from south of the US) are significantly higher than the native US population.
Does any country besides the US immediately give immigrants welfare? You usually have to pay taxes into the system first.
Rather than criminalize the immigration why don’t we eliminate the welfare? So many of you think they are coming here strictly for the welfare. By your logic wouldn’t it make sense that they wouldn’t come if there was no welfare for them? Why throw them in prison, separate them from their loved ones, etc. Just stop the welfare and they’ll stop coming. Why don’t you put your energy into that?
How do you, Dan, discern the difference between that which you describe and that which intends harm?
NZ posts saying 3rd world people will turn us into a 3rd world. I respond and am told I’m reading minds.Cathy Newmanism
How about not starting with an attempt at mind reading.
I would attempt to answer this question but I have no idea what you just asked.
I ask because you seem to think you know their motives for coming here. You seem to think they want to come here so they can screw up America, they want to turn our country into the same psychotic mess they left behind.
NZ posts saying 3rd world people will turn us into a 3rd world. I respond and am told I’m reading minds.
Rather than criminalize the immigration why don’t we eliminate the welfare? So many of you think they are coming here strictly for the welfare. By your logic wouldn’t it make sense that they wouldn’t come if there was no welfare for them? Why throw them in prison, separate them from their loved ones, etc. Just stop the welfare and they’ll stop coming. Why don’t you put your energy into that?
NZ posted the straw man about which you speak.Where have I said they are coming for welfare? You’ve got a lot of straw men in the field on this one Dan.
The OP was a link saying what makes America great is liberty. The thread has turned into a discussion on immigration. I have asked two questions.
1). How does immigration (open borders) eliminate liberty?
2). Why not eliminate the welfare?
I’m happy to have a conversation about the OP or either of my questions. I’ll even keep it civil.
The OP was a link saying what makes America great is liberty. The thread has turned into a discussion on immigration. I have asked two questions.
1). How does immigration (open borders) eliminate liberty?
2). Why not eliminate the welfare?
I’m happy to have a conversation about the OP or either of my questions. I’ll even keep it civil.
I don’t give a **** why someone wants to come here illegally. Under no circumstances should that be allowed or encouraged.
I wonder if these rich white liberals will welcome illegals into their country clubs, as members not as the grounds crew?
Only interested in talking within your framing of situations.
I dont anticipate that is a dialogue as much as a lecture.
It seems to me the person who starts a thread should get to talk about that for which he started the thread. It’s not much of a dialogue when the goal posts keep changing, and when one side of the dialogue uses as hominem as his method of conversing.
The obvious exploitation of these illegal immigrants for a subjugated voting class for the Dems and a subjugated labor class for the GOPe, and the resulting mass of people who may or may not value preserving liberty all that much sure seems like the kind of thing that should piss off full blooded libertarians. I’m like 2/3 libertarian and it pisses me off.
There’s no reason it shouldn’t be civil. And in my opinion - I find the concept of open borders to be at clear philosophical odds with protecting this extremely unique human experiment.
I asked you to explain your experience with the immigrants you know. I’ll give you mine. I say right up front my experience is completely anecdotal, not in any way scientific.
I work in construction, and have for 50 years. I have worked with immigrants and have employed them. Here’s what I have learned about them.
They’re here for the work. There are no jobs for them where they came from. They came here because someone they know told them they could get them on with a construction crew.
They are Mexicans, Guatemalans, etc., and they think of themselves as such. They are not interested in becoming Americans. They are not interested in American politics. They are not interested in becoming American citizens, voting in American elections, any of that. They view our politics as a bunch of crap we white people involve ourselves in.
They came here to work and send some of their earnings back to their families. They hope to scrape together enough money so they can go home and start their own business.
Most of them had no idea there was any kind of welfare available to them. That’s not why they came. When they got here they were told of the welfare they could get, and why wouldn’t they avail themselves of it if Americans are so stupid to offer it?
Many of them don’t speak English, and have no desire to learn it beyond a very rudimentary level. They don’t plan on staying. The ones that do speak the best English usually get the higher authority jobs. As an aside I will say many of them understand English a lot better than I understand Spanish.
As a general rule they are the happiest, friendliest, most gregarious people I know. Most of them would split their lunch with you if you were hungry. They are socially very consevative. Very family oriented. Love to drink beer. Love to have outings with friends. They are surprisingly a lot like us.
They do not pose a threat to American liberty. They do not want to turn America into Mexico. They just want to work.
I asked you to explain your experience with the immigrants you know. I’ll give you mine. I say right up front my experience is completely anecdotal, not in any way scientific.
I work in construction, and have for 50 years. I have worked with immigrants and have employed them. Here’s what I have learned about them.
They’re here for the work. There are no jobs for them where they came from. They came here because someone they know told them they could get them on with a construction crew.
They are Mexicans, Guatemalans, etc., and they think of themselves as such. They are not interested in becoming Americans. They are not interested in American politics. They are not interested in becoming American citizens, voting in American elections, any of that. They view our politics as a bunch of crap we white people involve ourselves in.
They came here to work and send some of their earnings back to their families. They hope to scrape together enough money so they can go home and start their own business.
Most of them had no idea there was any kind of welfare available to them. That’s not why they came. When they got here they were told of the welfare they could get, and why wouldn’t they avail themselves of it if Americans are so stupid to offer it?
Many of them don’t speak English, and have no desire to learn it beyond a very rudimentary level. They don’t plan on staying. The ones that do speak the best English usually get the higher authority jobs. As an aside I will say many of them understand English a lot better than I understand Spanish.
As a general rule they are the happiest, friendliest, most gregarious people I know. Most of them would split their lunch with you if you were hungry. They are socially very consevative. Very family oriented. Love to drink beer. Love to have outings with friends. They are surprisingly a lot like us.
They do not pose a threat to American liberty. They do not want to turn America into Mexico. They just want to work.
Actually I live and work in Edmond. But I have not witnessed the cartels and gangs about which you refer. I would posit the proposition that maybe the notion of cartels and gangs is a little overblown as it regards the immigrant population total. Consider that maybe the cartel/gang scenario is a hook used to scare us into letting the government gain more control over our lives under the pretense it is protecting us. Do you think there might be a smidgin of truth in that?you live work and do business in
ponca city small town america
benefit greatly from illegal labor
cartels and gangs are not an issue in your experience
This is an example of the changing goalposts. We’ve gone away from the assertion that immigrants would cause us to lose our liberty to the assertion that immigrants are being unfairly exploited.So you are ok with exploiting them below maket value because in your anecdotal experience they don’t understand or want first world liberty?
not really sure what to make of that. Sounds pretty exploitative though.
Definitely no issue with cartels or gangs in the US. Drugs just bring themselves across the border and the latin gangs either don't exist or are entirely made up of US citizens. The government is definitely trying to gain more control over our lives by trying to keep these non issues at bay. I feel my personal liberties being stripped away every time an illegal is apprehended or a pile of drugs is intercepted.I would posit the proposition that maybe the notion of cartels and gangs is a little overblown as it regards the immigrant population total. Consider that maybe the cartel/gang scenario is a hook used to scare us into letting the government gain more control over our lives under the pretense it is protecting us.
Definitely no issue with cartels or gangs in the US. Drugs just bring themselves across the border and the latin gangs either don't exist or are entirely made up of US citizens. The government is definitely trying to gain more control over our lives by trying to keep these non issues at bay. I feel my personal liberties being stripped away every time an illegal is apprehended or a pile of drugs is intercepted.
Actually I live and work in Edmond. But I have not witnessed the cartels and gangs about which you refer. I would posit the proposition that maybe the notion of cartels and gangs is a little overblown as it regards the immigrant population total. Consider that maybe the cartel/gang scenario is a hook used to scare us into letting the government gain more control over our lives under the pretense it is protecting us. Do you think there might be a smidgin of truth in that?
I’m more than willing to pop the bubble! Please explain to me how an immigrant brick layer has turned your friend’s children into addicts, and how he threatens the political liberty we believe we enjoy.i ran into an old friend
hadn’t seen her in ten years
asked how her kids were
her 19yr old edmond memorial graf
in rehab
another friend
21yr old niece springfield mo
OD heroin
god bless you
you live in a bubble
I am not denying that cartels and gangs exist. I am suggesting that it is probably not as extensive as we are being led to believe.