What Genocide Looks Like In Words & Pictures


It really is unfortunate that the terrostinian people brought this upon themselves and their children by starting a war.
I know, it’s a real shame that those Palestinians resist being thrown out of their homeland and being imprisoned in an apartheid state. The Zionists mean them no harm. But what the heck, if they won’t leave willingly what other option do the Zionists have but to forcefully drive them into the desert and/or slaughter as many as it takes. It’s like one of God’s Ten Commandments. Let’s call it the Eleventh Commandment: do what the Zionists tell you to do or FAFO.
I know, it’s a real shame that those Palestinians resist being thrown out of their homeland and being imprisoned in an apartheid state. The Zionists mean them no harm. But what the heck, if they won’t leave willingly what other option do the Zionists have but to forcefully drive them into the desert and/or slaughter as many as it takes. It’s like one of God’s Ten Commandments. Let’s call it the Eleventh Commandment: do what the Zionists tell you to do or FAFO.
Their “homeland” is Jordan.
Their “homeland” is Jordan.
You know all about it, do you? It’s funny, those idiots that have lived there for generations stupidly thought Palestine is their homeland. Yeah, the white Zionists who came in from Russia and Europe have the *real* claim to the land. Who do those indigenous Palestinians think they’re fooling?
You know all about it, do you? It’s funny, those idiots that have lived there for generations stupidly thought Palestine is their homeland. Yeah, the white Zionists who came in from Russia and Europe have the *real* claim to the land. Who do those indigenous Palestinians think they’re fooling?
Whoa there podnuh. I thought you said you condemned the terrorstinian violence of 10/7? Now you’re justifying it?

Regardless, it was a British possession before it was ceded to Israel. It never belonged to the terrorstinians’.
Whoa there podnuh. I thought you said you condemned the terrorstinian violence of 10/7? Now you’re justifying it?

Regardless, it was a British possession before it was ceded to Israel. It never belonged to the terrorstinians’.
The people that *actually lived there* probably would disagree with you. You know, the ones that spent centuries and built their homes, raised their flocks, tended their olive groves, married, had children and raised them, non-terroristically practiced their religion, stuff that make people indigenous to the land. But you may be right. White Russian and European Jews have every right to drive them away, occupy their homes, destroy everything they had, all in the name of Godly Zionism. After all, Palestinians are wicked. @22LR says so, and he read it on the internet, so it has to be true.
After all, Palestinians are wicked. @22LR says so, and he read it on the internet, so it has to be true.

I knew that loooooooooooong before the internets. I grew up in Dearborn, remember? Been in lots of 4-on-1 fist fights with those filthy c”jocks. They were the 4. I was the 1. I say, scrub them off the face of the earth.

Dan, please stay away from those people. They’d kill you in a second.
I knew that loooooooooooong before the internets. I grew up in Dearborn, remember? Been in lots of 4-on-1 fist fights with those filthy c”jocks. They were the 4. I was the 1. I say, scrub them off the face of the earth.

Dan, please stay away from those people. They’d kill you in a second.
I regret your experience, but I’m an individualist not a collectivist. I refuse to condemn individuals who have the unfortunate circumstance of being part of a collective you despise, but have shown none of the tendencies that have caused you to despise them. Hate the four that beat you up, I would, too, but do not hate the ones that didn’t even know you were there.
The Bible was written loooooooooooooooong before the interwebs.
I’m not a Biblical scholar like many on this board, so I respectfully ask where in the Bible it says every Palestinian in the year 2024 is wicked and deserves to die a horrible death by transplanted European and Russian Zionists. On a side note, @22LR, do you think Israeli Zionists have been given permission by God to come to Dearborn and murder all the Palestinians that live there?
Just want to point out that Dan still hasn't been able to condemn the drone attack in Tel Aviv.
Please forgive my lapse. Let me go on record condemning the drone attack on civilians in Tel Aviv. It is unconscionable, deplorable, indefensible savagery, and those who did it should be brought to justice after being thoroughly condemned by the rest of the world, including me, which I am doing here. If the Houthis are responsible, as they say they are, they have no moral high ground from which to pontificate against the Zionist genocide against Palestinian civilians. If it is their intention to continue such barbarity I would tell them to use their technology to attack legitimate military targets and leave the civilians alone, which is the same thing I encourage the IDF to do. It is a heinous war crime to target civilians no matter which side does it. Striking Israeli civilians is just as horrendous as striking Palestinian civilians.
do you think Israeli Zionists have been given permission by God to come to Dearborn and murder all the Palestinians that live there?

The enemy is at work trying to start a war in Dearborn just like they did against the Israelis on October 7. If they succeed in starting a war, all bets are off. If they behave, they can live. It's that simple.

The people that *actually lived there* probably would disagree with you. You know, the ones that spent centuries and built their homes, raised their flocks, tended their olive groves, married, had children and raised them, non-terroristically practiced their religion, stuff that make people indigenous to the land. But you may be right. White Russian and European Jews have every right to drive them away, occupy their homes, destroy everything they had, all in the name of Godly Zionism. After all, Palestinians are wicked. @22LR says so, and he read it on the internet, so it has to be true.
This post leaves zero doubt of your ignorance of actual history. The majority of Israelis aren't from Europe and Russia, Ponca Dodge. Maybe you should do a little less chugging of idiotic leftist propaganda and spend a little more time studying actual history.
Please forgive my lapse. Let me go on record condemning the drone attack on civilians in Tel Aviv. It is unconscionable, deplorable, indefensible savagery, and those who did it should be brought to justice after being thoroughly condemned by the rest of the world, including me, which I am doing here. If the Houthis are responsible, as they say they are, they have no moral high ground from which to pontificate against the Zionist genocide against Palestinian civilians. If it is their intention to continue such barbarity I would tell them to use their technology to attack legitimate military targets and leave the civilians alone, which is the same thing I encourage the IDF to do. It is a heinous war crime to target civilians no matter which side does it. Striking Israeli civilians is just as horrendous as striking Palestinian civilians.
Sounds hollow