JD, while I don't consider myself a "Trumpie," potentially what is happening here is some of these more left-leaning rags see the writing on the wall, in that the previous narrative(s) is/are going to fall apart. So they are starting to cover their bases by being more proactive, in reporting stories that are potentially harmful to people/groups they have previously (and unabashedly) carried water for. In the end (all political groups seem to ascribe to this so no reason newspapers wouldn't) you can throw some people/some groups under the bus, to reatain the overall integrity of the movement/ideology and "appear" completely unbiased......even if you are late to the game and have being continuously pummeling the same target for days/weeks/months/years.
As I look around now, it appears HRC, Podesta, The Russian Narrative will cause more harm then good if continually pursued and the left needs these issues to go away for the upcoming mid-terms. So sacrifice a few old has-beens, look impartial and promote the gaggle over the individual.
Anyway, that is all I have.....