Well, that escalated quickly - Syrian edition

What is the evidence Assad is the culprit? The Pentagon's chart with the red dots showing the path the Syrian jets took, along with the time frame provided by the Pentagon? What makes you think the American public can believe anything the Pentagon puts out?

John McCain*, Lindsay Graham, Bill Kristol and the rest of the neocon community must be walking around permanent erections at the thought they can witness the killing of huge numbers of people. They must be absolutely orgasmic at the prospect of a two front war. With any luck they can draw Russia into the ME, and China in Korea.

Trump was supposed to be the candidate that was going to keep us out of these conflicts. The writing was on the wall when he introduced his military budget. It turns out he's one of them. I suppose we shouldn't be surprised. War is the health of the state. The US government must feel immune right now.

*If you don't know of McCain's history as a Navy pilot, check out the story of his felonious actions on the US Forrestal in 1967, where he was responsible for the death of over 160 fellow seamen, and the injury of another 180 or so, while he was showboating from his jet. The man has no honor.
i only go with what information we have. You have no idea what my position is on this and I think there are a lot of conspiracy theorists on here. I don't condemn the bombing based on the information we have, and I don't want any more troops in that region.
It's all about the long hair, isn't it? Not the Hitler moustache, the occult and magic, not defending nazis or charles manson... I'm picking on him because of his stringy mega hair.

Makes me think of a classic Gavin McInnes (the founder of Vice) video --- progressives have become the new Victorians.

It's all about the long hair, isn't it? Not the Hitler moustache, the occult and magic, not defending nazis or charles manson... I'm picking on him because of his stringy mega hair.

First of all, my hair was much more frizzy than stringy. Second of all, the hitler mustache was obviously ironic. Thirdly, it's funny how much energy you are spending on hating this guy.
First of all, my hair was much more frizzy than stringy. Second of all, the hitler mustache was obviously ironic. Thirdly, it's funny how much energy you are spending on hating this guy.

I don't hate him -- I love him. He's the perfect spokesman for you guys.
Every time! EVERY TIME!
Ponca...have read about McCain and his episodes. Doubt he would have survived had not his dad been an admiral.

Funny thing about John "kill'em all" McCain thought. Instead of fighting to the death himself he surrendered. Now he is one of the lead neocon warhawks, go figure.
Your reaction to him is more perfect. You don't have that much self awareness, but it's pretty awesome.
That guy has @syskatine doing this...
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*If you don't know of McCain's history as a Navy pilot, check out the story of his felonious actions on the US Forrestal in 1967, where he was responsible for the death of over 160 fellow seamen, and the injury of another 180 or so, while he was showboating from his jet. The man has no honor.

I hadn't heard that before, so I looked it up. The first page of search results says it wasn't his fault. My personal opinion of McCain is not very positive, so it's not like I'm trying to fight a battle for him here. Rather, I'd like to find the truth. If you can supply a link, I'd gladly read up on it.
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  1. George W Bush has not been POTUS for 8+ years now.
  2. The situation in Iraq was a shit ton better when Obama took office than it is now after he cocked it up, not to mention Syria, Egypt, Iran, Lybia...

1. He started the war and destabilized the entire region and lied to get it done. It's an example on the very first page of Foreign Policy for Dummies of why you don't go adventuring and kicking ass in Asian land wars. It was a &$^%ing war crime if you're objective. How we could do such a stupid, calloused, hubrissy thing after Vietnam I'll never know. One theory is that not one of your neocons served - all of them dodged the draft and laid out of Vietnam. They were deceptive cowards at heart and didn't care if people got killed. Were you for or against it at the time?

2. I love it when conservative experts second guess everything Obama does and never mention the war that triggered all this. Incidentally, I'm putting together a chart of Obama's screw ups. He cocked up each country by...

Syria: Not taking out Assad?
Libya: Taking out Khadaffi?
Iran: ?
Egypt: ?
  1. George W Bush has not been POTUS for 8+ years now.
  2. The situation in Iraq was a shit ton better when Obama took office than it is now after he cocked it up, not to mention Syria, Egypt, Iran, Lybia...

Well, in hindsight, the situation in Iraq was a shit ton better before Bush cocked it up. I'm not disagreeing with you about Obama's actions in the ME. But, the entire region is a mess and has been since the beginning of recorded history. There are no easy fixes now, and there have never been any easy fixes. Expecting any sitting president to improve the situation is a losing proposition. All of them have to try, though. They have to do what they think is best, for 4 or 8 years, and hope that they can put enough band-aids on the situation to keep it from going completely in the tank. Then, they hold their nose and hand it off to the next guy. I doubt it will be any better when Trump leaves office, but we can hope, I guess.

There are so many moving parts, and every one of them, if adjusted, affects multiple other parts. If fixing the ME were easy, it would have happened by now. Easy to blame it all on the guy who was in charge for the last 8 years. Just like it was easy to blame it on his predecessor when Obama took over. And it will be easy to blame it all on Trump when his time as POTUS comes to an end.
Well, in hindsight, the situation in Iraq was a shit ton better before Bush cocked it up. I'm not disagreeing with you about Obama's actions in the ME. But, the entire region is a mess and has been since the beginning of recorded history. There are no easy fixes now, and there have never been any easy fixes. Expecting any sitting president to improve the situation is a losing proposition. All of them have to try, though. They have to do what they think is best, for 4 or 8 years, and hope that they can put enough band-aids on the situation to keep it from going completely in the tank. Then, they hold their nose and hand it off to the next guy. I doubt it will be any better when Trump leaves office, but we can hope, I guess.
You're the one who brought Bush into it. So, if Bush screwed up, that gives Obama license to totally **** up the entire region?
You're the one who brought Bush into it. So, if Bush screwed up, that gives Obama license to totally **** up the entire region?

Did you read my post? I did edit right after I posted, and added a 2nd paragraph.

IMO, the entire region has be effed up for as long as I can remember.
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actually this middle east discord in an entirely new age phenomena ask the millenials

no not those millenials the one AD millenials

The Old Testament narrative of fighting even goes farther back. Been going on since.... the Egyptians enslaved the Jews? That's maybe the first mideast example (I know of, and I've never studied it at all outside of sunday school) of a nation enslaving another ethnicity. Then the Israelites wiped out entire tribes.

Constant fighting has been baked into that culture for thousands of years. Look how unaffiliated and crazy these Syrian "rebels" are. There's so many of them, and lots of them want Taliban-style stuff. Nobody agrees on anything.

Nobody wants the refugees. Maybe the UN or EU tries to break it all up per ethnic or religious lines? (That usually works well.) Won't happen unless the U.S. ramrods it and there's no way that'll happen. What would happen if part of the destroyed , desolate area was set up as a US and EU - supported, liberal republic where your religion won't get you killed? Would anybody want to live there? Would the rest of the middle east swear to wipe it off the map if it did "take?"

Could Saudi be any more useless to the world?

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