There is a cook,a driver a maid and a person to serve.
Damn you are like a Muslim Kardashian.
There is a cook,a driver a maid and a person to serve.
Well it just like your office,boss man tells you to do something you will do.
Then he knows what I am talking about@Been Jammin is Jewish and owns his own business. He is the boss man.
Then he knows what I am talking about
There is no cast system. these guys work on a salary,yearly vacation in some cases I pay for their children education a bonus every year and take care of their medical needs.I said he has a business not a bunch of illiterates from an mideivel caste system.
I'm going to defend @aliabedi for a bit.
Having a staff isn't that uncommon in a lot of the world. I know a lot of ex-patriots working in Indonesia that have entire family units on staff. Cook, maid, driver, lawn keeper, nanny, language tutor, bodyguard, basically all the domestic chores. Labor is so cheap over there that it is common place. I'd have a similar staff if I were deployed there. It's not something I can afford over here due to labor costs but over there I'd be foolish not to. All that costs less than a car payment.
No 401k?There is no cast system. these guys work on a salary,yearly vacation in some cases I pay for their children education a bonus every year and take care of their medical needs.
So they are not slaves.
True that is what I said four people staff is small.I'm going to defend @aliabedi for a bit.
Having a staff isn't that uncommon in a lot of the world. I know a lot of ex-patriots working in Indonesia that have entire family units on staff. Cook, maid, driver, lawn keeper, nanny, language tutor, bodyguard, basically all the domestic chores. Labor is so cheap over there that it is common place. I'd have a similar staff if I were deployed there. It's not something I can afford over here due to labor costs but over there I'd be foolish not to. All that costs less than a car payment.
No that is why I pay for their children education so that is their 401kNo 401k?
No that is why I pay for their children education so that is their 401k
I'm going to defend @aliabedi for a bit.
Having a staff isn't that uncommon in a lot of the world. I know a lot of ex-patriots working in Indonesia that have entire family units on staff. Cook, maid, driver, lawn keeper, nanny, language tutor, bodyguard, basically all the domestic chores. Labor is so cheap over there that it is common place. I'd have a similar staff if I were deployed there. It's not something I can afford over here due to labor costs but over there I'd be foolish not to. All that costs less than a car payment.
I don't think he needs defending. Pretty sure Harry is only busting his balls.
Deal. I will return to my cave now.
It’s pretty convenient that you fail to mention the Pulse Night Club shooters father going to a Hillary Clinton rally. Or does that not count because it was just before the election?
@Syskatine is comfortable with a sold soul.
Well it just like your office,boss man tells you to do something you will do.
So they could easily save up their money and become elites some day? They have freedom of movement from poor to rich? I’ll take your word for it, but it’s not what Ive read.
YAY do nothing to stop mass shootings! Every loser can kill a dozen in as many seconds! Every Dunce a King!
YAY do nothing to stop mass shootings! Every loser can kill a dozen in as many seconds! Every Dunce a King!
And this political activist shot up a Congressional Baseball Practice... and this MAGA hating transexual shot up a school... and this crazy shooting up an Armed Forces Recruitment CenterAre you serious?
- Look, this shooter wore a MAGA hat. This bomber had a MAGA van. This shooter cited Candace whats her name.
- Look, this shooter's dad went to a Hillary rally.
So hateful. Why the personal attacks?
Ali, you are experienceing the Great American Embecile. Remember this phrase: Born Follower. They are looking for someone with machismo to follow. It's the same mind set that convinces nitwits to fly airplanes into buildings. They've checked objective analysis at the door in Nov. 2016. It's a cult. You don't take anything from them about Islam -- they're more compliant and sold out to their Massah than you'll ever be to any deity.
Wharry knows what'd going on culturally in Pakistan from Perkins, Ok. He read it on Breitbart probably.
Nobody said anything about doing nothing.
Your preferred recipe is just insufficient and misguided.
My cousin married a Brazilian and he said even the maids have maids in Brazil.
Yes, the NRA and republican congress has done exactly Jack Shit about it in years. If there's been some republican effort to introduce new laws please do tell.
Yes, the NRA and republican congress has done exactly Jack Shit about it in years. If there's been some republican effort to introduce new laws please do tell.
JHC it just hit me.
WHere have you traveled outside the U.S.?
NRA has influence because of folks like you and Booker and Handler who don't think deeply enough about real issues. In this way, your ignorance hurts versus helps.
Laws, here's a starting point. But you're not a baby, contrary to what your behavior sometimes indicates, so I'll not spoon feed you.
You are right this is not every house hold in Pakistan works.In fact in a lot of house holds the servants are treated badly that they have to live with.That is also the reason that servants keep leaving such house holds.So they could easily save up their money and become elites some day? They have freedom of movement from poor to rich? I’ll take your word for it, but it’s not what Ive read.
Oh great. What'd they do?
"Uneducated" is pretty rich, considering how the uneducated/ignoratnt vote is pro Fatass and the college educated vote not so much. Another example of conservative accusation = confession.
Oh great. What'd they do?
"Uneducated" is pretty rich, considering how the uneducated/ignoratnt vote is pro Fatass and the college educated vote not so much. Another example of conservative accusation = confession.
What the hell just happened here? Did you have a stroke mid conversation?
You asked for laws that Rs passed in an attempt to curb gun violence.
I’ve never been outside Dixie
What the hell just happened here? Did you have a stroke mid conversation?
You asked for laws that Rs passed in an attempt to curb gun violence.
Still wiating on the laws?
WHarry's gonna tell us how it works in Pakistan now. And what his cousin said about Brazil.
Still wiating on the laws?
Because if that IS your choice to remain ignorant instead of putting in a little effort, then it's not hard to see why you (and your side, which frequently exhibits the same behavior) are the last people who need to be in charge of the government.Still wiating on the laws?
Because if that IS your choice to remain ignorant instead of putting in a little effort, then it's not hard to see why you (and your side, which frequently exhibits the same behavior) are the last people who need to be in charge of the government.
Is this where we only get to comment on things that we’ve personally done? That’s always my favorite barrier. Like you playing armchair president?
Let’s hold to this standard going forward shall we? Have you eaten a fetus? Have you been in a super 8 with Ralph shorty? I would assume yes based on our new board rules.
Nothin new. Same old shit from him.
Well, I think it depends on the topic and circumstances. We all generally know that fetuses don't get eaten. We all generally know that that homopedo sure knows how to appeal to people like you. He's a demagogue, and demagogues make demagogue arguments. You seem to follow him right down the line until he unzips his pants, don't you? You two see eye to eye on everything else. Why is that?
Now if I was telling an OBGYN about fetal development or a Paki about how things work in Pakistan... yeah, you got me.
Yeah, I get a "they passed 2 laws" in 1 out of 50 states and nothing from the federal government. Let me spend my time ferreting out more disinformation.
Well, I think it depends on the topic and circumstances. We all generally know that fetuses don't get eaten. We all generally know that that homopedo sure knows how to appeal to people like you. He's a demagogue, and demagogues make demagogue arguments. You seem to follow him right down the line until he unzips his pants, don't you? You two see eye to eye on everything else. Why is that?
Now if I was telling an OBGYN about fetal development or a Paki about how things work in Pakistan... yeah, you got me.
Yeah, I get a "they passed 2 laws" in 1 out of 50 states and nothing from the federal government. Let me spend my time ferreting out more disinformation.
You spent 80% of your post debating the merits of eating dead babies and how much time determining if other laws have been passed?