Wayward Pines


May 29, 2001
Edmond, OK
Anyone else watching this? What a steaming pile the plot twist turned out to be. M Night Shamalongadingdong blows goats yet again.
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I quit on that dude after aliens being able to be defeated with super soakers.

I'm with you (but I quit on the guy a bit before that), but to take a story where aliens can manage to create technology which apparently can take them galactic size distances, arrive at a planet that's surface area is 71% water and they can't seem to manage to make a damned rain coat to avoid death by

My sister and I are both convinced that his movie "The Village" was a remake of a British TV show we both remember seeing as kids. In our shared memories, we remember the villagers convincing the kids of the village that there were monsters in the woods and hung pig's heads on pikes to scare them straight. It even had the same twist in that the were actually living in modern times and the kid who challenged them ended up finding a highway with cars screaming by him. I have hunted high and low for it, but I think it was some obscure British anthology series.
Actually, that wouldn't surprise me in the least. If you find it please share.
Thanks guys!. I had seen the ads for this show and thought it looked interesting. But, I missed the first episode and figured I would just binge watch it on Netflix. Now, I know not to bother.
The Village and Signs were Oscar worthy compared to the one with Marky Mark where trees made people kill themselves.
The Village and Signs were Oscar worthy compared to the one with Marky Mark where trees made people kill themselves.

It is really amazing that The Sixth Sense was such a fantastic movie when you look at all the other piles of steaming shite he has come up with.
You know this show is based on books that Shyamalan had nothing to do with, right?
I saw the Sixth Sense at the theater on opening day, had not really heard much about it, but myu date wanted to see it. I had the "twist" figured out in minutes.

Now, the move of his I did like was Unbreakable.

And Cornichon is right, he's not the director or writer for Wandering Pines, he's merely an "Executive Producer." In Hollywood talk means he bought the film rights, raised the money, sold a network on the project and then hired an actual "Producer" who made the rest of the decisions and ran the day to day operations. I doubt he had a lot to do with actually making the series.

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