Was it just Biden who imploded or did the whole Democrat party implode, too?


MegaPoke is insane
Gold Member
May 29, 2001
Edmond, Oklahoma
June 28, 2024

Was it just Biden who imploded or did the whole Democrat party implode, too?​

By Andrea Widburg

Depending on whether you are a conservative or a leftist, the debate last night was either fun or awful. I’ll have a few things to say about it but the more pivotal question is whether Biden’s disastrous performance harmed only him or if it harmed the entire Democrat party. It’s an important distinction because the former means Democrat machinations and a possible path to victory, while the latter means that the Democrats, finally, are a spent force.

I’ll start with a few comments about the debate. It’s now known around the world that Biden was barely sentient. From the thin whispery voice to the pressed speech to the dilated, staring eyes to the slack-jawed expression to the stumbling and stuttering to the endless flow of lies, it was the worst thing ever seen on an American—or any—debate stage. Having Jill gently guide him down the stairs after the debate ended just emphasized that Joe Biden is gone:

There is “no there there.” This Trump ad says it all:

Having watched Joe’s implosion, many people nicer than I am are expressing compassion for him because he’s clearly a sick, old man. As I said, I’m not that nice.

I feel that this public humiliation—equivalent to a schoolyard bully having his pants pulled down—is a fitting end to the career of a singularly nasty, corrupt bully who has managed to drag America into the gutter over the last three-and-a-half years. It’s as if the picture of Dorian Gray were finally exposed so that everyone can see the truth. A nuclear bomb dropped on the lie that Biden is a kind, honest, intelligent statesman, and that was glorious. In sum, it’s great that the public finally got to see who and what Biden is. I hope Biden is still aware enough to understand how badly he failed before the world.

But the more important question is whether the Democrat party failed, too. There are a lot of people saying that this whole debate was a set-up by party solons to push Biden out of the running because they knew all along that he’s broken. Why do you think they’ve been fighting so hard to hide the Hur interview tape?

Even if it wasn’t a set-up to get rid of him but was, instead, just an effort to have him attend a debate before his decline went even further, they still knew that Biden’s brain was mush. How could anyone be around him and not know?

And yet, they lied. The Democrats’ administration officials lied, their political leaders lied, and their media lied, telling us over and over again that Biden is fine.
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I expect Dems to lie. I expects Repubs to lie. Politicians lie. Its the game. The team that lost the most from Biden's performance is the media imo. Its clear that they've been lying to their own followers about Biden's capabilities and that truth was laid bare last night. If you watch CNN, MSNBC, or "The View" regularly, you likely believed Maddow and others when they told you that the Biden stumbles were "fake news" and misinformation. But now you watched it yourself. There's no way that Biden's performance doesn't become a credibility black eye to those who have spent the past 4 years covering up his gaffes and misadventures.
I expect Dems to lie. I expects Repubs to lie. Politicians lie. Its the game. The team that lost the most from Biden's performance is the media imo. Its clear that they've been lying to their own followers about Biden's capabilities and that truth was laid bare last night. If you watch CNN, MSNBC, or "The View" regularly, you likely believed Maddow and others when they told you that the Biden stumbles were "fake news" and misinformation. But now you watched it yourself. There's no way that Biden's performance doesn't become a credibility black eye to those who have spent the past 4 years covering up his gaffes and misadventures.
Reality is CNN was skeert. CNN as a business is on the line.
They didn't trash trump, and did nail Biden often. Their entire livelihood was on the line...
Reality is CNN was skeert. CNN as a business is on the line.
They didn't trash trump, and did nail Biden often. Their entire livelihood was on the line...
They could have helped their livelihood had they called out Biden on his Charlotteville hoax. They had a follow up question they could have asked as the guy who called it a hoax on CNN was sitting right in front of them.
They could have helped their livelihood had they called out Biden on his Charlotteville hoax. They had a follow up question they could have asked as the guy who called it a hoax on CNN was sitting right in front of them.
No doubt they could have actually been "unbiased", but at least it's a start. The tide is turning and even the Identity Marxists Authoritarians know their days are numbered.
Too bad ‘ol @davidallen was not around to witness this glorious moment in time

RIP dodger
He would be saying the same things, "Trump lied a lot, Brandon didn't do well but he had a cold."

Brandon's cold was so bad he stopped at a Waffle House after the debate to talk to a few people inside. The whole Waffle House is probably sick now.
Joe is a "Super Spreader"
There is a spike in the Chinese Virus right now per the news yesterday.
Hope I don't get it, suffering through 30 chigger bites and a flare up of gout in my right big toe joint. Torture!
I thought the same thing!
I wonder if thats the same handshake he used with Corn Pop? 🤣
Got to get a Photo Op with a Black Person. I wonder if he told him " you aint black if you don't vote for me!"
I like the guy in the LSU shirt. Tell me his look isn't "Could he please just go somewhere else?"
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