Walters kicks Gist ass

Doubtful. I'm sure the this guy Walters has a far better understanding of Oklahoma education than any of us.
lol he's going to be criminally charged and the state's education has collapsed. It's like you guys don't trust someone unless they reeeeeally screw something up and blame people that objected.
You should ask yourself a couple of questions, answer them and then compare the answers.

1. What have Republicans changed to make education suck?
2. What has education changed to make education suck?

If you answer the questions honestly and without bias you might be amazed with how differently your conclusion will be compared to your current opinion, however I will not hold my breath.

carry on
Does one being a scumbag who misappropriates funds start and stop with sexual orientation?

carry on
Hey, this Walters guy misappropriated funds for his friends!

Yeah, penis!

LOL you can't make it up. It's like lots of 4th grade, gay, self hating kids.
Never had problems hiring people before, what changed?
Fantastic question!!!

Why do YOU think Oklahoma has steadily developed a shortage of quality teachers over the past 20 years?

(Hint: It's not because they make more money in Oklahoma.)
Fantastic question!!!

Why do YOU think Oklahoma has steadily developed a shortage of quality teachers over the past 20 years?

(Hint: It's not because they make more money in Oklahoma.)
Probably because teaching sucks in the current education system. Might want to look into why teachers are unhappy, from those I've talked to money is not the reason.
Fantastic question!!!

Why do YOU think Oklahoma has steadily developed a shortage of quality teachers over the past 20 years?

(Hint: It's not because they make more money in Oklahoma.)

Lack of parenting.

If you or I f’d up at school we got it at home.

Now some heifer cusses the teacher out in front of their fatherless kid.
There’s a myriad of reasons education is underperforming. But Walter isn’t addressing anything that’ll change it. He only speaks in shallow talking points. There’s no real solution if you listen to what he says.

He’s fixing the blame, but not the problems.
There’s a myriad of reasons education is underperforming. But Walter isn’t addressing anything that’ll change it. He only speaks in shallow talking points. There’s no real solution if you listen to what he says.

He’s fixing the blame, but not the problems.
What are the problems as you see them?
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Exactly. I’ll get my points in and move on. No need to go in depth. I’ll just act like the rest of the board.

I’ve no desire to actually engage in a real conversation when it would just be lost.
Points can be made and they can still be discussed. I was on a board with a bunch of high school coaches and teachers several years ago. Being mostly Texas coaches the majority were conservative but there were several Democrats who felt and expressed their feelings on subjects strongly. We argued, bantered back and forth and had a pretty good time until the board disappeared one day. They were much rougher there than they are here but no one took it personally it was all in good fun. Politics is just fun to me and I enjoy the bantering. It's not like anything said on here is going to solve a damn thing.
Points can be made and they can still be discussed. I was on a board with a bunch of high school coaches and teachers several years ago. Being mostly Texas coaches the majority were conservative but there were several Democrats who felt and expressed their feelings on subjects strongly. We argued, bantered back and forth and had a pretty good time until the board disappeared one day. They were much rougher there than they are here but no one took it personally it was all in good fun. Politics is just fun to me and I enjoy the bantering. It's not like anything said on here is going to solve a damn thing.

Mea culpa @Ostatedchi. I’m sorry. Like 2012bearcat says, bantering all in good fun. I appreciate all you guys. Even Queeferkatine.
Tulsa Public Schools are a mess. $360k was “given” to ex TPS officials for no apparent business purpose. What’s worse is TPS didn’t discover the payments. The State did in their audit.

TPS schools have long underperformed. Covid made things much worse. TPS knew there were 1000s of kids who weren’t participating in online learning. They didn’t particularly care. Too worried about whether kids would wear masks when they returned.. Worse is there was no viable plan in place to bring these kids back up to speed.

Do I believe Walters is the right guy to fix the problem…absolutely not. Too much baggage. Do I believe something needed to be done with TPS….yes. The kids have been the victims here while the adults sit around and fight and come up with excuses. Gist needed to go. Walters needs to go.
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Another red herring. Oklahoma sucks worse than everywhere else. We didn't before the GOP took over state government. I'd just love to hear your cult thought about why democrats are at fault.
I ask the Great Father, if I ever think of anything this stupid, please don't give me the strength to type it.

Ever spend 12 years on the road quizzing educators in 47 states? I have. Oklahoma is in the SAME boat with all the rest. I had a question 95% of them could anwer. Who is Brad Pitt married to?

I never quizzed an educator or recent high school grad in Rhode Island. Been there.

Correct answers for this question. Please name me a US Supreme Court Justice. ZERO. I had to name all 9 before I could dream of moving from Grade 6 to 7. Location? Hanau, Germany. Pioneer Kaserne.
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I ask the Great Father, if I ever think of anything this stupid, please don't give me the strength to type it.

Ever spend 12 years on the road quizzing educators in 47 states? I have. Oklahoma is in the SAME boat with all the rest. I have I had a question 95% of them could anwer. Who is Brad Pitt married to?

I never quizzed an educator otr recent high school grad in Rhode Island. Been there.

Corect answers for this question. Please name me a US Supreme Court Justice. ZERO. I had to name all 9 before I could dream of moving from Grarde 6 to 7. Location? Hanau, Germany. Pioneer Kaserne.
Jay Leno did the same questions on the streets of la. Amazing the ineptitude of everyday common folk. Disturbing and embarrassing.
Fantastic question!!!

Why do YOU think Oklahoma has steadily developed a shortage of quality teachers over the past 20 years?

(Hint: It's not because they make more money in Oklahoma.)
I know of several teachers who have already walked out at Putnam City School district this year, and none of them walked away over money. One week in. Each case had to do with absolutely horrible students. Societal decay bro. You won't be able to pay enough to keep sane people in what are basically zoos with the animals in charge.
I know of several teachers who have already walked out at Putnam City School district this year, and none of them walked away over money. One week in. Each case had to do with absolutely horrible students. Societal decay bro. You won't be able to pay enough to keep sane people in what are basically zoos with the animals in charge.
This is what I've heard from several teachers. Absolutely zero discipline, zero consequences and nothing teachers can do.

When my son was in middle school we went to a meet the teacher night. The teacher went on and on about how polite our kids were and what a pleasure it was to be their teacher. After the little meeting was over I told her she didn't have to lay it on so thick and she quickly corrected me. She told me she had been a teacher in the Dallas ISD making more money but moved her family to come out to our little town for her safety and her sanity. She went onto tell me of several instances of kids in her classes threatening her life if she didn't pass them on test, how she was physically abused and even had a female student put a knife to her throat. She said when she reported to the administration they said there was nothing they could do about it and she needed to figure it out. Comparatively speaking our kids were angels to her. That was several years ago and I don't imagine it's magically improved.
This is what I've heard from several teachers. Absolutely zero discipline, zero consequences and nothing teachers can do.

When my son was in middle school we went to a meet the teacher night. The teacher went on and on about how polite our kids were and what a pleasure it was to be their teacher. After the little meeting was over I told her she didn't have to lay it on so thick and she quickly corrected me. She told me she had been a teacher in the Dallas ISD making more money but moved her family to come out to our little town for her safety and her sanity. She went onto tell me of several instances of kids in her classes threatening her life if she didn't pass them on test, how she was physically abused and even had a female student put a knife to her throat. She said when she reported to the administration they said there was nothing they could do about it and she needed to figure it out. Comparatively speaking our kids were angels to her. That was several years ago and I don't imagine it's magically improved.
It doesn't bode well for the future of the republic.
There’s a myriad of reasons education is underperforming. But Walter isn’t addressing anything that’ll change it. He only speaks in shallow talking points. There’s no real solution if you listen to what he says.

He’s fixing the blame, but not the problems.
I agree with you on Walters. His main talking points are shallow. He is mostly focusing on insignificant issues with education. Reducing bloated administration and directing funds more to teachers should be his top priority IMO.

That said, his pressure on TPS, which resulted in the TPS school board requesting Gist’s resignation, is a HUGE win for Tulsa public school parents and students. She has long been a major roadblock to improvements in the district.
Support Walters now?

Walters is a buffoon and very reckless for retweeting the video. But Dollens is more anti-progress than just about any Oklahoma politician. Oklahoma might be served well without Walters, but they would be better served without Dollens.

Dollens specifically supported the crap that was occurring at TPS.
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Walters is a buffoon and very reckless for retweeting the video. But Dollens is more anti-progress than just about any Oklahoma politician. Oklahoma might be served well without Walters, but they would be better served without Dollens.

Dollens specifically supported the crap that was occurring at TPS.
I've no idea about TPS so no opinion.
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I don't get it. This guy tweets a video of some woke teacher doing whatever that was and people are mad because some radical moronic POS called in a bomb threat?
The teacher was making a joke. The full video was actually funny, IMO. And I am NOT in favor of “woke” teaching.

It was stupid for him to retweet an edited version. It made her look bad and since the edited version had her name and school, it put a target on her and the school. At best, Walters retweet was incredibly irresponsible.
The teacher was making a joke. The full video was actually funny, IMO. And I am NOT in favor of “woke” teaching.

It was stupid for him to retweet an edited version. It made her look bad and since the edited version had her name and school, it put a target on her and the school. At best, Walters retweet was incredibly irresponsible.
and the teacher, was she irresponsible?
and the teacher, was she irresponsible?
and the teacher, was she irresponsible?
Yes, absolutely. I would expect her administrators would educate/discipline her on proper use of social media...especially in a classroom.

But that does not excuse the Oklahoma State Superintendent from amplifying the issue and retweeting an edited version. Stupid and idiotic.
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This is what I've heard from several teachers. Absolutely zero discipline, zero consequences and nothing teachers can do.

When my son was in middle school we went to a meet the teacher night. The teacher went on and on about how polite our kids were and what a pleasure it was to be their teacher. After the little meeting was over I told her she didn't have to lay it on so thick and she quickly corrected me. She told me she had been a teacher in the Dallas ISD making more money but moved her family to come out to our little town for her safety and her sanity. She went onto tell me of several instances of kids in her classes threatening her life if she didn't pass them on test, how she was physically abused and even had a female student put a knife to her throat. She said when she reported to the administration they said there was nothing they could do about it and she needed to figure it out. Comparatively speaking our kids were angels to her. That was several years ago and I don't imagine it's magically improved.
First week of school last week, Coronado Elementary School in OKC had a parent who said they were coming back to school that day and mess some people up. School went on lockdown. No one read about that in the papers or saw the vaunted and award-winning 4, 5 or 9 mention that.
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