Walking Dead 3-13 (with spoilers)

Been Jammin

Jun 27, 2003
Overall, I liked the episode. At one point, I thought Carol was going to get bit from behind, but it didn't happen.

I did have a few of issues with the episode.

It seemed a little strange that the 3 Savior girls turned against the 1 guy and just let him die. When Maggie tripped him and head butted him, I figured they would just kill her or at least beat the hell out of her.

Overall, I just felt that the Saviors were way too nice to Maggie/Carol, considering Rick's group had just massacred 20+ members of their group. Especially at the end when they decided to just leave the 2 of them there, and sneak off with the cavalry that was arriving. Why not just kill the 2 of them before they left? They, obviously, were not planning to make a trade for the guy that Rick had hostage.

It would have been nice if the writers would have given some kind of explanation for the group of 4 Saviors being out on the perimeter of their compound at about 5 a.m. Were they coming back from somewhere when they found Maggie/Carol? Were they on patrol (if so, probably not a good idea to have an old woman with a chronic cough on patrol). Did they escape from the compound while Rick's group was attacking?

What was the point in taking the girls to the slaughterhouse and calling the cavalry to meet them there? Why not just drive to where the other group was?

When the girl was questioning Maggie, she didn't seem too anxious to get actual info from her. No threats. No torture. All in all, the group of Saviors struck me as super tough badasses in some scenes and totally moronic wimps at other times. It didn't make a lot of sense.
I thought it was solid. I also wondered why three women and a man would be outside the compound at 5 am. How many people does Negan have? Counting the ones killed by the RPG the group has taken out around 35 or 40 at this point. The guy said he was negan at the end, but he obviously isn't. Carol is battling some demons right now, it will be interesting to see how the Carol/Morgan issue plays out.
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Well it is a good thing that the only person who could die and make me stop watching the show is Rick. Although Maggie is starting to creep into that category now. Great episode other then the flaws already pointed out. I am pretty sure someones fate was just sealed though. I can't wait for this finale they interview the lady who plays Carol and she said it was very dark. I haven't been this amped up for a finale in a while.
You realize that there are 3 episodes left this season, right? (unless my math is off).
Ya usually I am bummed the finale is coming up because it means I will have to wait for my show to come back on but all the talk about this finale by the actors just has my curiosity peaked. With the introduction of Negan and what little I have heard of him I think it is going to be just nuts. Then throw in Rick's reaction to another crazy person and man should be great TV. I am kinda just going through the motions until the finale.
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