Wait...That's How the Imperial College Calculated the COVID Doomsday That Never Happened


Heisman Candidate
Gold Member
Jul 7, 2008

"The world has been engulfed in COVID panic porn. Hundreds of thousands will die, and health care systems will be overrun. In the US, the death toll was projected to hit 2.2 million. Now, in some places, yes—the systems reached a breaking point, especially in Italy. Yet, most of the projections were, let’s say, way off. We can thank the Imperial College London for setting off the lockdown frenzy that spread as fast as COVID itself. The study is what led to the lockdown fever, as it noted this was the only way to stop the spread. Well, we know the study was trash. And a big part of their calculation was apparently six flights from Wuhan, where out of 689 people, only six tested positive for COVID. Are you ready to be even more infuriated about the COVID lockdowns? Well, read this lengthy thread from Graham Neary who detailed how this study came up with its infection rate. It’s not pretty......."


Yep......this seems about right. Way back when this started said it was a colossal mistake to shut down economies and listen to the fear mongering whore media and politicians. The parasitic politicians were more afraid of the estimates being right, then looking at facts. With the dishonest lying media in tow the parasitic politicians acted like the estimates were in fact legit and made one colossal blunder after another. Now because they are still shaking in their boots and pissing themselves they won't pull the plug on this disaster and instead be proactive in protecting the highly vulnerable and let the economies of the world get back to doing what needs to be done. If a government can't protect 2% of any population while allowing the rest of the society to function normally with some adjustments in social behavior, you suck at governance and should immediately be run out of office on a rail.

Worse yet was the parasitic whore politicians incentivizing CCP Flu costs BEFORE all the facts were in. Of course the hospitals would look for any reason possible (in some cases nefarious) to classify cases as CCP Flu even to the extend that they ignored symptoms that pointed to a condition completely unrelated to the CCP Flu.

Once the human toll in suicides, abuse, rise in drug/alcohol abuse/deaths, bankruptcies, retarded educational growth for the youngest and the loss of employment opportunities is taken into account it will far eclipse the costs of alleged CCP Flu deaths and cost.

Once the election is over and the few honest intrepid reporters that are left begin to investigate death certs suspect they will find lots of questionable activities and in many cases outright lies.