So...break down how he is wrong and provide counterpoints.
(3) Next, his whole "re-thinking the foreign policy blunders of the past years" and this notion that Trump is calling out neocons for their blunders is nothing but a deflection and political spin.
There is nothing wrong with always learning from our foreign policy mistakes. There is nothing wrong with adjusting our foreign policy based upon these lessons. We should be doing this. However, that doesn't mean the President has to throw his own intelligence agencies under the bus. It doesn't mean he has to stand beside a man like Putin and sound like his puppet!
Who is Trump's national security advisor? John Bolton. A man who supported the Iraq War. A man who supported Bush's Axis of Evil and wanted to add more countries to it. A man who was appointed by W. Bush to the U.N. He is a major neocon! Yet, Trump is trying to correct the mistakes of neocons? lol, what a joke.
This has nothing to do with neoconservatism. That is a red herring.
(4) "The cold war is over, it is time to re-think American alliances."
Well, no duh to the first part of this. But who says it is time to re-think American alliances? And if they make that claim, why?
We should align with Putin-led Russia over the EU, over allies like England and Germany? Why? He never answers this.
(5) "The Russian attempt to meddle in our election was comically amateurish."
This takes the cake. What a crazy statement to make by Carlson. An attack on our country's soverignity, and that is what Russia did, was not comically amateurish. And their attempts to do the same thing in this year's election is also not comically amateurish. It is serious and we should take it seriously, especially the President.
Those are just a few thoughts that come to mind after watching that propoganda monologue. Again, he tries to make this as a war against neocons. Yet, sitting right beside Trump are neocons. Remember the Iraq blunder he yells, yet he originally supported the Iraq war just like John Bolton did.
Everyone is an enemy BUT Trump. Democrats, Republicans, the CIA, the FBI, the Department of Justice . . . all corrupt. Not Trump though. That is what Carlson is trying to sell. A big conspiracy theory that is both absurd and even dangerous.