very interesting for both the political parties

Ii knew the direction the article was going to take as soon as he quoted the ten year old as saying 9 year old kids would just vote like their parents, but at ten years old kids have started to think for themselves. In poker it’s called a “tell” when you can read the face or actions of your opponent. I regard the quote from the ten year old as a tell. Setting aside “reading, writing and arithmetic” government schools are designed to be little more than indoctrination centers. The “tell” is the understanding by those that do the indoctrinating that by around 10 years old is when the indoctrination starts to have an effect.
Typical BS leftist article that tries and fails to use the left's favorite tactic (racism) to avoid the real problems in elections.
I will say I am not a fan of gerrymandering but with the constant change of population I'm not sure there is a better way.
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Typical BS leftist article that tries and fails to use the left's favorite tactic (racism) to avoid the real problems in elections.
I will say I am not a fan of gerrymandering but with the constant change of population I'm not sure there is a better way.
It's no surprise Biden is transplanting all these covid ravaged illegals to heavy blue run areas. Gotta get them set up in a government paid apartment and begin grooming them to vote dim.
Illegal, unconstitutional but, who the hell cares. It's a free for all.
We as conservatives are boned.
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Holy shit what a load of crap. Let’s get rid of gerrymandering right before dems do it. Is that a good compromise? And giving the opinions of little kids to pull on the heart strings of liberals who all have different degrees of borderline personality disorder is ridiculous. Kids brains aren’t developed. That’s why young people are liberals. As our world becomes soft less people seem to be growing out of it.

@aliabedi are you even paying attention to our big cities? Homelessness, drug deaths and violent crime are spiking in democrat areas. I know it would make the rest of the world feel good to have our cities look like Pakistani landfills, I mean cities but that’s not what you should be rooting for. You should be rooting for our Christian middle class because that’s what made us exceptional. Not the devils at the top who want to dictate how we live and not the losers who choose to be poor. In your country there is no path to wealth for some. Now in democrat run cities they lord over crumbling schools that decent teachers wouldn’t go near while the elite go to private schools 2 miles away. It’s embarrassing that you or any liberal would look at what our idiot leaders have done to our society and how they pit us against each other. The fact that one side is so full of hate that they vote with the Uber rich at their own self destruction is mind boggling, but again it’s obviously mental illness.
Holy shit what a load of crap. Let’s get rid of gerrymandering right before dems do it. Is that a good compromise? And giving the opinions of little kids to pull on the heart strings of liberals who all have different degrees of borderline personality disorder is ridiculous. Kids brains aren’t developed. That’s why young people are liberals. As our world becomes soft less people seem to be growing out of it.

@aliabedi are you even paying attention to our big cities? Homelessness, drug deaths and violent crime are spiking in democrat areas. I know it would make the rest of the world feel good to have our cities look like Pakistani landfills, I mean cities but that’s not what you should be rooting for. You should be rooting for our Christian middle class because that’s what made us exceptional. Not the devils at the top who want to dictate how we live and not the losers who choose to be poor. In your country there is no path to wealth for some. Now in democrat run cities they lord over crumbling schools that decent teachers wouldn’t go near while the elite go to private schools 2 miles away. It’s embarrassing that you or any liberal would look at what our idiot leaders have done to our society and how they pit us against each other. The fact that one side is so full of hate that they vote with the Uber rich at their own self destruction is mind boggling, but again it’s obviously mental illness.
That'll leave a bruise. ;)
democrats: we have the greatest country on earth. Let’s open the border to one of the most violent and corrupt cultures on earth and make it easier to vote. Great plan.
Yep, average illegal coming over southern border, males, 7th grade education...and can't speak one iota of English.
Oh yeah, let's dumb down the population even more. Good Lord...
Holy shit what a load of crap. Let’s get rid of gerrymandering right before dems do it. Is that a good compromise? And giving the opinions of little kids to pull on the heart strings of liberals who all have different degrees of borderline personality disorder is ridiculous. Kids brains aren’t developed. That’s why young people are liberals. As our world becomes soft less people seem to be growing out of it.

@aliabedi are you even paying attention to our big cities? Homelessness, drug deaths and violent crime are spiking in democrat areas. I know it would make the rest of the world feel good to have our cities look like Pakistani landfills, I mean cities but that’s not what you should be rooting for. You should be rooting for our Christian middle class because that’s what made us exceptional. Not the devils at the top who want to dictate how we live and not the losers who choose to be poor. In your country there is no path to wealth for some. Now in democrat run cities they lord over crumbling schools that decent teachers wouldn’t go near while the elite go to private schools 2 miles away. It’s embarrassing that you or any liberal would look at what our idiot leaders have done to our society and how they pit us against each other. The fact that one side is so full of hate that they vote with the Uber rich at their own self destruction is mind boggling, but again it’s obviously mental illness.
That is why I said for both parties. Yes I see the big cities and the problems they are facing what are the solution from the right.
What fascinated me about this article is we have had the same problem of unfairness of elections forever. We still live in a society where rural vote is controlled by large landowners or tribal leaders. To me america was always an example for fair election where losing candidates always accepted defeat regardless of which election.
This is the first time I have seen that myth broken. Now I don't know if any election was fair. The electrol college vote and margins in certain states were identical in 2016 and 2020 elections but one was declared fair and the other doubtful.
Now I am confused I read a book long time ago I think titled most of what I learned was in grade 1.
Listening to kids does give us answers before world prejudices take over.
That is why I said for both parties. Yes I see the big cities and the problems they are facing what are the solution from the right.
What fascinated me about this article is we have had the same problem of unfairness of elections forever. We still live in a society where rural vote is controlled by large landowners or tribal leaders. To me america was always an example for fair election where losing candidates always accepted defeat regardless of which election.
This is the first time I have seen that myth broken. Now I don't know if any election was fair. The electrol college vote and margins in certain states were identical in 2016 and 2020 elections but one was declared fair and the other doubtful.
Now I am confused I read a book long time ago I think titled most of what I learned was in grade 1.
Listening to kids does give us answers before world prejudices take over.

I think you display a certain level of naivete if you expect any political election to be free of corruption. Government (the “state”) is the agency within a society that is granted the right to use physical violence against an individual that does not follow its dictates. The more dictates the society allows the state to issue the more attractive the state becomes to tyrannical psychopaths.

The less power the state has the less attractive it is to those psychopaths. But as the state usurps more control over people the attraction becomes addictive. And that makes winning an election important enough to do whatever it takes it win.

In my memory the first disputed election was JFK’s victory in 1960, where there were questionable shenanigans in Chicago. But back then the state was not the behemoth that it has become today. So while there were voices of concern it did not seem so evil.

But the state has grown into an uncontrollable monster in 2021, something so desirous that operatives are willing to do anything to have power. Personally I have little doubt that Biden’s bosses cheated. Unfortunately it probably can’t be proven unless someone gets “turned.” And even then the preservation of the state will have top priority. That’s the world we live in today.
That is why I said for both parties. Yes I see the big cities and the problems they are facing what are the solution from the right.
What fascinated me about this article is we have had the same problem of unfairness of elections forever. We still live in a society where rural vote is controlled by large landowners or tribal leaders. To me america was always an example for fair election where losing candidates always accepted defeat regardless of which election.
This is the first time I have seen that myth broken. Now I don't know if any election was fair. The electrol college vote and margins in certain states were identical in 2016 and 2020 elections but one was declared fair and the other doubtful.
Now I am confused I read a book long time ago I think titled most of what I learned was in grade 1.
Listening to kids does give us answers before world prejudices take over.

Reading the sheer ignorance, stupidity and blind partisanship of this post makes your opinions worthless. Stick to politics in your country and stay out of ours.
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That is why I said for both parties. Yes I see the big cities and the problems they are facing what are the solution from the right.
What fascinated me about this article is we have had the same problem of unfairness of elections forever. We still live in a society where rural vote is controlled by large landowners or tribal leaders. To me america was always an example for fair election where losing candidates always accepted defeat regardless of which election.
This is the first time I have seen that myth broken. Now I don't know if any election was fair. The electrol college vote and margins in certain states were identical in 2016 and 2020 elections but one was declared fair and the other doubtful.
Now I am confused I read a book long time ago I think titled most of what I learned was in grade 1.
Listening to kids does give us answers before world prejudices take over.
You are also leaving out the election was stolen not on a statewide margin, but in four key cities which heavily swung the vote. The rural areas were done counting long before the cities were even contemplating turning off the count on election night. This is only possible in close elections, unless someone runs away with it. The opportunity to cheat is the highest in the cities where numbers can be hidden (its easier to hide in a crowd than by yourself). Rural America could never get away with the vote harvesting they were able to pull off, they don't have the numbers to support it. If everyone in a 500 person community votes that could be red flags to go look, and with only 500 ballots to look through the cheating would be obvious. However during the Obama election 100% of the vote came in for Obama in one precinct in I believe Cleveland. No one blinked. The city on the other hand can hide a 1,000 votes in a bundle, and the bigger the city the more votes they can hide. One solution could be to make the precincts smaller. This would add voting locations, and speed up the the process, give minorities more access, but it would cost a lot more.

To be honest the article was heavily biased, and predictable in its writing style, and easy for me to pick out immediately as an agenda based article trying to hide behind bi-partisanship. It failed miserably.
Holy shit what a load of crap. Let’s get rid of gerrymandering right before dems do it. Is that a good compromise? And giving the opinions of little kids to pull on the heart strings of liberals who all have different degrees of borderline personality disorder is ridiculous. Kids brains aren’t developed. That’s why young people are liberals. As our world becomes soft less people seem to be growing out of it.

@aliabedi are you even paying attention to our big cities? Homelessness, drug deaths and violent crime are spiking in democrat areas. I know it would make the rest of the world feel good to have our cities look like Pakistani landfills, I mean cities but that’s not what you should be rooting for. You should be rooting for our Christian middle class because that’s what made us exceptional. Not the devils at the top who want to dictate how we live and not the losers who choose to be poor. In your country there is no path to wealth for some. Now in democrat run cities they lord over crumbling schools that decent teachers wouldn’t go near while the elite go to private schools 2 miles away. It’s embarrassing that you or any liberal would look at what our idiot leaders have done to our society and how they pit us against each other. The fact that one side is so full of hate that they vote with the Uber rich at their own self destruction is mind boggling, but again it’s obviously mental illness.

Here‘s the problem: you mentioned that it’s happening in the democratic areas. Well, now its starting to happen in former Republican strongholds. Dallas and Harris (Houston) counties in Texas are now becoming overwhelmingly Democratic counties. A lot of this is due to not only a heavy poor minority population, but also (at least in Dallas), a heavy gay population in the inner cities where gentrification is taking place. Add in Travis County (Austin) - the liberal bastion of Texas with its super-woke crowd - and Texas is closer to purple than dark red. Even formerly Republican dominated Tarrant County (Ft. Worth is now becoming more purple-ish).
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Here‘s the problem: you mentioned that it’s happening in the democratic areas. Well, now its starting to happen in former Republican strongholds. Dallas and Harris (Houston) counties are now becoming overwhelmingly Democratic counties to join Travis county (Austin) and making Texas closer to purple than dark red. Even formerly Republican dominanted Tarrant county (Ft. Worth is now becoming more purple-ish).
Super, that is devastating news.
If Texas ever goes blue, that's a wrap.

We're doomed to wishing for the Rapture.
The less power the state has the less attractive it is to those psychopaths. But as the state usurps more control over people the attraction becomes addictive. And that makes winning an election important enough to do whatever it takes it win.

this, 100%

To paraphrase the line from Dune, it’s not that power is corruption, it’s just that positions of power are magnetic to corrupt people

reduce the power of the position and you will reduce the strength of the magnetic pull