Good grief man we have a crisis at the boarder. Get over your Mexico is going to pay for it bullshit and look at facts. It's a tragedy for our country and the people who are being exploited by the Mexican cartels. Do you not realize that all those people coming up from central America have to pay thousands of dollars to the cartels. They basically are indentured servants when they arrive in America, if they don't make payments to the cartels their families back home are harmed. They are also forced to carry drugs across the boader.You understand that after saying hundreds of times to thousands of people, on tv, on CNN, on FOX, that he's gonna build a wall and Mexico is gonna pay for it, and both blow up in his face, that that will dominate every conversation on immigration? That's what he wanted. It worked. So how's the wall coming? That was the basic immigration issue from the campaign.
Liberals and Democrats that support this invasion are nothing more than criminal enablers. You people should be ashamed of yourselves.
Are liberals so blinded by ideology they cant see what the f is happening? Apparently they are.
I dare one liberal to dispute what I've stated with contrary facts. I'm all ears.