Updates - Thursday

If Geer can win tonight then I think he can take down Rasheed from Penn State in the Quarters.
takedown Joe
escape Marinelli
Takedown Joe
Escape Marinelli
End 1st, joe chooses down
stalling warning Joe
stalling warning Marinelli
end 2nd, still 4-2, Marinelli takes down
escape marinelli
takedown marinelli
stalling point against Joe
riding time
4-7 Marinelli

Sorry, don't remember times
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I think we have to remember that Reenan has been injured, but he was still a #7 seed.
I didn't see the first takedown, when I started watching Joe was up 2-1 and Marinelli was in deep on a single and Joe hit him with a slick little behind the foot trip and went up 4-1 late in the first. He got out easily and it was 4-2 going to the 2nd. Joe took bottom and was ridden the whole period and got hit with a stalling.

Marinelli got a quick escape to open the 3rd. (4-3 with RT almost locked) Got a takedown and rode Joe the rest of the 3rd. I missed the 2nd stall call late in the 3rd so the final score was 7-4.
Especially with Joe’s gas tank issues against a tough rider like Marinelli... not a good decision IMO.
Got a little different take on some things...

- Jacobe taking down was the right move IMO. Hughes punishes the lower ranked guys but doesn't turn top 10 guys (that I've seen anyway). For example, he brutalized Hestin Lamons at Reno a few years ago but got pummeled by Joe this year. That's on Jacobe to get out. But survive and advance, so he'll be fine.
- Joe taking down was the right move also. Choosing down is a good way to conserve energy if you have a poor gas tank. Rest for 45 seconds then get out and get your point. Marinelli is not Daniel Lewis on top. If Joe goes neutral he probably fades even faster.
- G is healthy enough IMO (Chris said as much a couple of weeks ago). He's just being too conservative right now. He needs to let loose and do damage on the back side.

All in all, I think we look good.
4 to the Quarterfinals. Picc, Fix, Weigel and White.

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