Update from Jack Dorsey's pierced nose...


MegaPoke is insane
Sep 25, 2006
Decisions made under policies that are subsequently changed & published can now be appealed if the account at issue is a driver of that change. We believe this is fair and appropriate.

This is a kick in the nuts to anyone else that is the same boat as the Post. Sounds to me that only the party that can make Twitter relent will be allowed back and everyone is else screwed if I'm reading this correctly.
The amazing irony here is that 230 shields them from liability. YET, one primary issue (aside form bailing out hideously run states) san fran nan and the bought and paid for ABA dems have is the R's insistance/provision in the CCP Flu aid that would shield businesses from CCP Flu claims.

You can bet if a wave of conservative owned FB's or Twitters emerged and they relentlessly hammer libcoms, they would scream like little bearded tacos about how unfair the setup was.

For the record I don't use twitter; think it is an irredeemable cesspool. FB now only serves as a vehicle for networking with doggie rescue groups.

Can't remember who was watching but they said Dorsey looked like Tom Hanks in Castaway...
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