... that circle around and eventually come to a point.
1) My distaste for all things politician should be well known on this board. I can barely tolerate the sight of most of them, let alone listen to their drivel as they pretend to pontificate deep thoughts. Almost all their “innermost deeply felt opinions” are nothing more than poll tested baloney that they will disavow as soon as a new poll changes the dynamic.
2) Having certified the above statement I have actually paid a little attention to the Democratic Party race for president. I do not hide the fact that I see only one Democrat candidate that appears to be running with the idea of bringing together consensus to solve fundamental problems facing our society, and that person, obviously, is Tulsi Gabbard. The rest are either career politicians, which by definition means they have no soul, or are such intellectual lightweights that the thought of them being president gives one the vapors.
3) Tulsi Gabbard is the “outsider” of the field, a person the establishment thought it could groom, only to discover that she is her own person, and is not for hire like Hillary or Elizabeth or Kamala or Uncle Joe. Have you noticed the ones who were willing to be groomed are called the front runners?
4) Tulsi has proven to be a thorn in the side of the establishment. She has been a much tougher nut to crack than they expected, and so now they must manipulate the process to keep her out, and they don’t particularly care who knows it.
5) I came home from work early today and did something I never do: I turned on the TV and there was Chuck Todd (whom I had never watched before) bringing Anthony Scaramucci on as a guest in order to bash Donald Trump. And boy did Mooch deliver!
6) I know many on this board cannot emotionally tolerate any criticism of DJT, consider critics as outcasts and traitors, but I thought Mooch made a fairly coherent argument in why he has lost faith in the president. For example he pointed out how Trump has overplayed his hand in the trade war, particularly with China, and it is starting to show negative economic effects not only in America but much of the rest of the world. He made many other points, but you get the picture.
7) Mooch has made it his mission to find a competitor against Trump in the upcoming Republican primary season. Chuck Todd showed a lineup of potential candidates, the usual suspects: Bill Weld, What’s-HisName Flake (is it Jeff?), Mark Sanford and a couple of others I had never heard of.
8) So that got me to thinking (I know, it’s always dangerous when I start thinking). The lineup Todd and Scaramucci showed struck me as just as ludicrous as the Democrats, maybe even worse, if that’s possible.
8) That led me to wonder who the Republicans could possibly have? Who would be the Republican Tulsi Gabbard, a politician who has principles he will not betray for anybody or anything. A politician who will criticize those in his own party just as willingly as Democrats.
9) Rand Paul does not fit that mold, although he is close. He blew it in 2016 when he disavowed his libertarianism and tried to position himself as a conservative. Sorry, Rand, you proved yourself to be just another calculating politician.
10) I came up with two names. Only two politicians that fit the bill.
11) Mike Lee is one. But I’m not sure I trust him to actually bare his soul in an attempt to open America’s eyes to the disastrous game both parties are playing.
12) That leaves one politician with the courage to stand on his principles no matter what it means to his political career. And that politician is Justin Amash. Justin Amash is the closest thing the Republicans have to being a Tulsi Gabbard.
1) My distaste for all things politician should be well known on this board. I can barely tolerate the sight of most of them, let alone listen to their drivel as they pretend to pontificate deep thoughts. Almost all their “innermost deeply felt opinions” are nothing more than poll tested baloney that they will disavow as soon as a new poll changes the dynamic.
2) Having certified the above statement I have actually paid a little attention to the Democratic Party race for president. I do not hide the fact that I see only one Democrat candidate that appears to be running with the idea of bringing together consensus to solve fundamental problems facing our society, and that person, obviously, is Tulsi Gabbard. The rest are either career politicians, which by definition means they have no soul, or are such intellectual lightweights that the thought of them being president gives one the vapors.
3) Tulsi Gabbard is the “outsider” of the field, a person the establishment thought it could groom, only to discover that she is her own person, and is not for hire like Hillary or Elizabeth or Kamala or Uncle Joe. Have you noticed the ones who were willing to be groomed are called the front runners?
4) Tulsi has proven to be a thorn in the side of the establishment. She has been a much tougher nut to crack than they expected, and so now they must manipulate the process to keep her out, and they don’t particularly care who knows it.
5) I came home from work early today and did something I never do: I turned on the TV and there was Chuck Todd (whom I had never watched before) bringing Anthony Scaramucci on as a guest in order to bash Donald Trump. And boy did Mooch deliver!
6) I know many on this board cannot emotionally tolerate any criticism of DJT, consider critics as outcasts and traitors, but I thought Mooch made a fairly coherent argument in why he has lost faith in the president. For example he pointed out how Trump has overplayed his hand in the trade war, particularly with China, and it is starting to show negative economic effects not only in America but much of the rest of the world. He made many other points, but you get the picture.
7) Mooch has made it his mission to find a competitor against Trump in the upcoming Republican primary season. Chuck Todd showed a lineup of potential candidates, the usual suspects: Bill Weld, What’s-HisName Flake (is it Jeff?), Mark Sanford and a couple of others I had never heard of.
8) So that got me to thinking (I know, it’s always dangerous when I start thinking). The lineup Todd and Scaramucci showed struck me as just as ludicrous as the Democrats, maybe even worse, if that’s possible.
8) That led me to wonder who the Republicans could possibly have? Who would be the Republican Tulsi Gabbard, a politician who has principles he will not betray for anybody or anything. A politician who will criticize those in his own party just as willingly as Democrats.
9) Rand Paul does not fit that mold, although he is close. He blew it in 2016 when he disavowed his libertarianism and tried to position himself as a conservative. Sorry, Rand, you proved yourself to be just another calculating politician.
10) I came up with two names. Only two politicians that fit the bill.
11) Mike Lee is one. But I’m not sure I trust him to actually bare his soul in an attempt to open America’s eyes to the disastrous game both parties are playing.
12) That leaves one politician with the courage to stand on his principles no matter what it means to his political career. And that politician is Justin Amash. Justin Amash is the closest thing the Republicans have to being a Tulsi Gabbard.
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