Tulsa Speeding Ticket

HD Poke

Gold Member
Mar 30, 2004
Is it worth it to hire one of the attorneys that advertises they fight speeding tickets to fight a speeding ticket in Tulsa? I was up in Tulsa a couple of weeks ago and got caught in a speed trap on Yale between 71st and 81st. I live in Dallas, so driving up to see if the cop shows up to court is not worth the effort. Fine is only 150, but just curious if anyone else has used one. Or maybe there is another way to get out of it.

Thanks in advance
Not worth, pay and move on. The fees would probably be more than the fine .
Used to have a client who was the prosecutor on this type of stuff in Tulsa county. He told me that the officer shows up about 95% of the time.
Call the city attorney’s office and see if there are options to keep it off your record. Maybe there’s a traffic school or something.
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In Edmond if it is less than 20 over, no ticket in last 3 years and you are over 18 years old you just go to the window pay the fine and they give you a 3 month differed sentence. Might be the same in Tulsa.
Not sure about Tulsa but most places you can get rid of it by taking defensive driving although in my experience you don't end up saving any money.