Tulsa protests today!


MegaPoke is insane
Jul 31, 2014
Parts Unknown



1-44 blocked off in both directions at Peoria.

If they burn down all of your trees and hills you'll be just like OKC. (Isn't that what you wanted all along any way?)
Bring in the National Guard. If the people start violence protests, shoot them. Enough is enough.
Most Policemen are not predjudiced, they hate everyone no matter your color. Call them and file a police report, they make up shit in the report. Have a few in my Family and they are arrogant pricks.
Hell I even gave my local Police a 100.00 gift card to buy pizza for all the officers, donated a bunch of Police Patches for their display in the station and when I needed them to put a stop to the neighbors harassing me with their barking dogs I was treated like the bad guy. I don't trust any of them but these violent protests are not the answer to the problem.
The Police have been a problem in this Country for too long, too much power and too much corruption that has gone unchecked for too long.
When I was younger I hated them, they always harassed us kids for one reason or another for no reason at all only because they could, got older and warmed up to them some because of Family being in LE but now I am back to hating them and for good reason, they really do hate us all I believe.
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If this would happen in Oklahoma, I know what I'd do if I were in authority. I'd invoke Oklahoma Statute Title 44 and call up the 'unorganized militia'. Call for citizen militia volunteers to show up armed and then deploy them to keep the peace and defend people and property. You want to scare off rioters and looters? Give Billy Bob a license to go hunting. I bet any looting and burning would end real quick.

§44-41. Composition of Militia - Classes.
Universal Citation: 44 OK Stat § 44-41 (2016)
The Militia of the State of Oklahoma shall consist of all able-bodied citizens of the United States and all other able-bodied persons who shall be or shall have declared their intentions to become citizens of the United States, who shall be more than seventeen (17) years of age and not more than seventy (70) years of age, and said militia shall be divided into three (3) classes: The National Guard, the Oklahoma State Guard, and the Unorganized Militia.
When I was younger I hated them, they always harassed us kids for one reason or another for no reason at all only because they could, got older and warmed up to them some because of Family being in LE but now I am back to hating them and for good reason, they really do hate us all I believe.

There has been a line drawn in the sand. I can clearly see which side you stand on. Be absolutely sure to tell the cops how you feel about them the next time you are in need of help.
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Need to pass laws making it legal to run people over if they are intentionally blocking roads. This shit would end pretty quick.

also, it is time to start putting bullets (not rubber) in people who are causing damage or looting. Shit will be over quickly.
Bring in the National Guard. If the people start violence protests, shoot them. Enough is enough.
Most Policemen are not predjudiced, they hate everyone no matter your color. Call them and file a police report, they make up shit in the report. Have a few in my Family and they are arrogant pricks.
Hell I even gave my local Police a 100.00 gift card to buy pizza for all the officers, donated a bunch of Police Patches for their display in the station and when I needed them to put a stop to the neighbors harassing me with their barking dogs I was treated like the bad guy. I don't trust any of them but these violent protests are not the answer to the problem.
The Police have been a problem in this Country for too long, too much power and too much corruption that has gone unchecked for too long.
When I was younger I hated them, they always harassed us kids for one reason or another for no reason at all only because they could, got older and warmed up to them some because of Family being in LE but now I am back to hating them and for good reason, they really do hate us all I believe.

In my experience I’ve been confronted by police in ok and tx several times when it appeared I was up to no good (late night activity, dangerous driving, etc), all were complete aholes initially but I was respectful and explained myself and all ended up being really nice guys.
There has been a line drawn in the sand. I can clearly see which side you stand on. Be absolutely sure to tell the cops how you feel about them the next time you are in need of help.

Oh I have. No help at all.
In my experience I’ve been confronted by police in ok and tx several times when it appeared I was up to no good (late night activity, dangerous driving, etc), all were complete aholes initially but I was respectful and explained myself and all ended up being really nice guys.

Don't ever get stopped in Miss. Not as bad as it used to be but still pretty bad. Miss HP are the worst.
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Just to be clear I am not anti police. Most are good people but in my dealings with almost all I have dealt with are not good people. Thats business dealings mostly.
I used to deal with one that was a former Chief in California. He was fired from his job for stealing valuables out of peoples homes that the homeowner died in or was murdered in. They go in to investigate and would steal jewelry and anything of value they could take without being noticed, small items, jewelry, cash etc. He was also guilty of stealing from the department, skimming money from traffic tickets among other things as well. Needless to say that once I found that out I no longer dealt with him.
I have been told by other cops that the stealing from people that died in their homes is quite common.
Too many stories to list.

Good cops and bad ones just like there are good citizens and bad ones. Just the way it is.
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Need to pass laws making it legal to run people over if they are intentionally blocking roads. This shit would end pretty quick.

also, it is time to start putting bullets (not rubber) in people who are causing damage or looting. Shit will be over quickly.

As tempting as it is we can not start shooting protesters, that is what ANTIFA wants.
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Shoot a looter/rioter and you know how Democrats and the MSM will spin the narrative to how a poor, innocent, defenseless, young person, whose life long ambition was becoming a doctor, was shot and killed by a blood thirsty, racist, hate filled cop.
Somebody just drove through the rioters blocking 244 in Tulsa. If the person gets charged, Im for looting the target store tonight.
I just finished with basketball practice and had to drop 2 of my players off up by McLain. IDL was blocked on the northern loop. Protestors saw I had a car full of black kids and gave me the thumbs up while I was on N. Peoria. After I dropped them off I kept going north and then East through Owasso. I Didn’t want to go back through that without my boys lol.
There has been a line drawn in the sand. I can clearly see which side you stand on. Be absolutely sure to tell the cops how you feel about them the next time you are in need of help.

I am always on the good side and call it as I see it from my experience. That is all.
As is often the case different people have different experiences with different things including run ins with the Police. Some have never had an issue but a lot have. Sometimes when two people meet for the first time no matter the circumstance they just don't like each other from the start. I have had business dealings with cops from all over the US, some I know are nice honorable men, some I would not like to be pulled over by in a secluded area and some I wouldn't trust them alone in my home.
Most departments are very political and nothing ever good usually comes of that.
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I am always on the good side and call it as I see it from my experience. That is all.
As is often the case different people have different experiences with different things including run ins with the Police. Some have never had an issue but a lot have. Sometimes when two people meet for the first time no matter the circumstance they just don't like each other from the start. I have had business dealings with cops from all over the US, some I know are nice honorable men, some I would not like to be pulled over by in a secluded area and some I wouldn't trust them alone in my home.
Most departments are very political and nothing ever good usually comes of that.

Everyone has their own experiences. Having been stopped by the OHP at Stringtown for being 10mph over the limit and then stopped again just out of Tushka a little while later, 10 mph over in a construction zone, it's all about perspective...both were warnings....driving a red Porsche. Last warning was leaving Muskogee heading to Beggs, again 10 mph over the limit, and the local cop who stopped me couldn't have been more courteous.
Somebody just drove through the rioters blocking 244 in Tulsa. If the person gets charged, Im for looting the target store tonight.

Word is that they were returning from a barrel race and the “protestors” were breaking into the trailer. The fact they drove off with the ramp dragging supports that.

Also some chatter that someone threw something flammable or a firework into the compartment with the horses and they suffered minor burns. They were throwing flammable objects at it as it drove off for sure.

Anyone that would attempt to harm a horse is pretty much less than dog shit in my book and deserves to get ran over, rule of law not withstanding.

I feel that way about anyone that abuses animals - doesn’t matter if they were protesting something or just being a piece of human debris (like the “hunters” killed a friend of a friend’s pregnant cow for shits and giggles apparently.)
They are not destroying Brookside. I've been watching it for an hour or so. Actually, its a poor man's attempt at a riot so far. Only a dozen cops watching the march that started from Greenwood. It's 11 o'clock so it might escalate, but this is nothing like I've watched coming from the big urban areas.

BTW, no break-ins reported yet.
Hey, ia and fitty...break out your bellbottoms and paisley shirts. I'll pick you up in my convertible and will deadhead to the restless ribbon on Brookside to pick up women.

Wait..maybe, not a good idea. 50 years too late except for the fit, he doesn't cull anyone. fitty, bring my AR47 just in case we need it.;)
Great to see you on here K2C; I’ve actually pulled the trigger on that AR myself without shooting an eye out
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Hey, ia and fitty...break out your bellbottoms and paisley shirts. I'll pick you up in my convertible and will deadhead to the restless ribbon on Brookside to pick up women.

Wait..maybe, not a good idea. 50 years too late except for the fit, he doesn't cull anyone. fitty, bring my AR47 just in case we need it.;)
Hey 'Toosa.
Not to brag but, I did alright in the Brookside area.
Funny, comparatively speaking, Tulsa proper was a paradise then, youthful indiscretions notwithstanding.
Hope you're doing well.
Yes, still have the AR47 and 22,000 rounds.
I'm stock up.
I never had the wheels to compete on the ribbon except once when my boss let me use his (lemon yellow) Pantera, but didn’t dare cut it loose.
In those days the big clubs in E Tul were the rage for drinking and dancing
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Everyone has their own experiences. Having been stopped by the OHP at Stringtown for being 10mph over the limit and then stopped again just out of Tushka a little while later, 10 mph over in a construction zone, it's all about perspective...both were warnings....driving a red Porsche. Last warning was leaving Muskogee heading to Beggs, again 10 mph over the limit, and the local cop who stopped me couldn't have been more courteous.

Most are courteous. Some are a holes

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