Tucker Carlson on what the Left has become

And neither do libertarians when it suits their purposes.

First, I am not "blindly, willingly, and stupidly" playing "the game" as you assume. I have studied numerous political philosophies. I have even read libertarian philosophers and seriously considered the libertarian worldview. I even embrace some libertarian principles. Just because I have arrived at a different conclusion than yourself in terms of my political beliefs doesn't mean I haven't seriously considered the issues you speak of.

Also, I don't disagree that our current system has oligarchical qualities to it. That is why I support reforms to lessen this influence. However, our system of governance in this country has always had oligarchical aspects to it. We have eliminated some of these aspects but there is still room for improvement.

Did I post I was ok with what he said? I didn't give my personal opinion on what he said. I simply posted that if the voters of California don't like what he said or the policies he pursues, then they can vote him out.

Question for you: Do you support democracy? Representative democracy in particular?
My daughter-in-law is coming for a visit this weekend. My wife is determined not to be one of "those" mothers-in-law, she's going out of her way to make the d-in-l happy and comfortable. Which means I've been handed a honey do list as long as my arm. So I only have a few minutes to respond, before I am directed back to work.

"And neither do libertarians when it suit their purposes." To me it's remarks like that that prove you're just playing the team game. You know how Lao Tsu said "that which can be described is not the Tao"? To paraphrase: a libertarian that would use violence or threat of violence by way of state action is not a libertarian. If you know anything about the libertarian philosophy you know it's whole existence is based on the nonaggression principle. To say what's you said indicates either you know nothing about libertarianism, or it was a nonsequiter.

I apologize for using the word "stupidly." I did not intend it as an insult, but I can see how it was insulting. I just think too many people have been duped into taking sides over who gets to tell them (and everybody else) what to do, how to do it, and when to do it. From my perspective it all looks the same.

Supporting reforms is a waste of time I think. What reform would ever be reached by consensus? Most reforms make things worse, not better. Goodness, Venezuela is awash in reform and look what's happening there!

Your protestation re: Jerry Brown is infantile. Of course you were attempting to deflect my criticism. You're getting too cute by half. So are you saying you recognize the "evil" behind his remarks and conceding my point that he has no fear of backlash?

Do I support democracy? Representative democracy? You did hear me say I'm philosophically an anarchist, didn't you? You are aware that a philosophical anarchist is a person who advocates for a society without a state aren't you? Of course I do not support democracy, social democracy, representative democracy, any democracy that relies on a state apparatus that violently enforces dictates, which, I guess, means any democracy at all.

So you see It's not that I'm against Jerry Brown's pet projects because they're not my pet projects. I'm against all pet projects by all politicians.
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My daughter-in-law is coming for a visit this weekend. My wife is determined not to be one of "those" mothers-in-law, she's going out of her way to make the d-in-l happy and comfortable. Which means I've been handed a honey do list as long as my arm. So I only have a few minutes to respond, before I am directed back to work.

"And neither do libertarians when it suit their purposes." To me it's remarks like that that prove you're just playing the team game. You know how Lao Tsu said "that which can be described is not the Tao"? To paraphrase: a libertarian that would use violence or threat of violence by way of state action is not a libertarian. If you know anything about the libertarian philosophy you know it's whole existence is based on the nonaggression principle. To say what's you said indicates either you know nothing about libertarianism, or it was a nonsequiter.

I apologize for using the word "stupidly." I did not intend it as an insult, but I can see how it was insulting. I just think too many people have been duped into taking sides over who gets to tell them (and everybody else) what to do, how to do it, and when to do it. From my perspective it all looks the same.

Supporting reforms is a waste of time I think. What reform would ever be reached by consensus? Most reforms make things worse, not better. Goodness, Venezuela is awash in reform and look what's happening there!

Your protestation re: Jerry Brown is infantile. Of course you were attempting to deflect my criticism. You're getting too cute by half. So are you saying you recognize the "evil" behind his remarks and conceding my point that he has no fear of backlash?

Do I support democracy? Representative democracy? You did hear me say I'm philosophically an anarchist, didn't you? You are aware that a philosophical anarchist is a person who advocates for a society without a state aren't you? Of course I do not support democracy, social democracy, representative democracy, any democracy that relies on a state apparatus that violently enforces dictates, which, I guess, means any democracy at all.

So you see It's not that I'm against Jerry Brown's pet projects because they're not my pet projects. I'm against all pet projects by all politicians.
Thanks for taking the moment to post that sir. A great read. The more I read from you the more interested I am in your philosophy. I don't think our founding fathers intended to have the shitshow we have today. Again, thanks for taking the time to post.

I just got around to watching this and by God I was saying this exact thing 1 year ago...why Hillary had to be stopped. This was even before the current temper tantrum we are seeing from this leftist...which further demonstrate the accuracy of what Tucker said.

I endorse the video. The modern progressive moment is a disaster and a COMPLETE disservice to the democratic party.
"And neither do libertarians when it suit their purposes." To me it's remarks like that that prove you're just playing the team game. You know how Lao Tsu said "that which can be described is not the Tao"? To paraphrase: a libertarian that would use violence or threat of violence by way of state action is not a libertarian. If you know anything about the libertarian philosophy you know it's whole existence is based on the nonaggression principle. To say what's you said indicates either you know nothing about libertarianism, or it was a nonsequiter.

Again, I know about libertarianism as well as the nonaggression principle. And I stand by my original statement.

Libertarians have no problem calling on the government to force "disobeying sovereign individuals" to obey those laws that fit within their philosophical framework.

I apologize for using the word "stupidly." I did not intend it as an insult, but I can see how it was insulting.

No problem.

I just think too many people have been duped into taking sides over who gets to tell them (and everybody else) what to do, how to do it, and when to do it. From my perspective it all looks the same.

Key words here being "from my perspective." Others may have a different perspective though. And that doesn't mean they haven't also thought through these issues just as much as you have.

Your protestation re: Jerry Brown is infantile. Of course you were attempting to deflect my criticism. You're getting too cute by half. So are you saying you recognize the "evil" behind his remarks and conceding my point that he has no fear of backlash?

I am saying that Jerry Brown is a politician who the people of California can vote out of office if they don't like what he said or is doing. I support representative democracy.

As for his remarks being evil, no, I don't think they were evil. And I am sure as a politician he often thinks about how his actions and/or words will be received by his constituents.

You did hear me say I'm philosophically an anarchist, didn't you?

No, I did not see that. Sorry.

So then you really aren't a libertarian but an anarchist. That makes more sense considering what you have been advocating.

Suffice to say I am not an anarchist. i am a firm believer in democracy (representative that is) and also a republic form of government. I also embrace social democracy with respect for certain democratic socialist principals.

So you see It's not that I'm against Jerry Brown's pet projects because they're not my pet projects. I'm against all pet projects by all politicians.

Yes, now that I know you are an anarchist that makes complete sense.
Again, I know about libertarianism as well as the nonaggression principle. And I stand by my original statement.

Libertarians have no problem calling on the government to force "disobeying sovereign individuals" to obey those laws that fit within their philosophical framework.

No problem.

Key words here being "from my perspective." Others may have a different perspective though. And that doesn't mean they haven't also thought through these issues just as much as you have.

I am saying that Jerry Brown is a politician who the people of California can vote out of office if they don't like what he said or is doing. I support representative democracy.

As for his remarks being evil, no, I don't think they were evil. And I am sure as a politician he often thinks about how his actions and/or words will be received by his constituents.

No, I did not see that. Sorry.

So then you really aren't a libertarian but an anarchist. That makes more sense considering what you have been advocating.

Suffice to say I am not an anarchist. i am a firm believer in democracy (representative that is) and also a republic form of government. I also embrace social democracy with respect for certain democratic socialist principals.

Yes, now that I know you are an anarchist that makes complete sense.

You seem like a nice guy. I have really enjoyed this exchange. It is so nice to have a calm discussion without resorting to name calling and yelling at each other.

Having said that, I would like to close my remarks by pointing out that your comments regarding libertarianism lead me to believe you have no understanding of it. "So then you aren't a libertarian but an anarchist." I'm an anarchist BECAUSE I'm a libertarian. Anarchism is the logical conclusion of libertarianism. Just as totalitarianism is the logical conclusion of statism; it's statism in its purest form.

An anarcho-libertarian society allows each of us to behave as we choose. If you want to congregate with others and form a socialist commune you are free to do so. There would be nothing preventing you from doing so. You could form your own coop health care. You could share each others' wealth to your hearts' desires. I, on the other hand, could live the life of an ascetic monk in a cabin in the woods, knowing full well that there would be no government agent knocking on my door demanding I pay tribute to your commune. We'd both be free to live how we want. Neither one of us would feel the need to jockey for a special position in a government hierarchy. That's the idealized notion of anarchism, the pure form of libertarianism.

Democracy, like any other form of statism, just acts as an impediment to achieving peace and harmony within a society. Look at what's happening to us. We're being played by both sides. The left is in an eternal struggle with the right, each side struggling to assume command. Each side determined to lord it over the other.

Anyway, it's been a real pleasure. Let's do it again some time! I'll give you the last word.
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You seem like a nice guy. I have really enjoyed this exchange. It is so nice to have a calm discussion without resorting to name calling and yelling at each other.

Thanks, I've enjoyed the conversation too. I always appreciate calm and rational discussions.

Having said that, I would like to close my remarks by pointing out that your comments regarding libertarianism lead me to believe you have no understanding of it. "So then you aren't a libertarian but an anarchist." I'm an anarchist BECAUSE I'm a libertarian. Anarchism is the logical conclusion of libertarianism.

So are you claiming all libertarians are anarchists? Or do you just believe libertarianism can lead to anarchism?
An anarcho-libertarian society allows each of us to behave as we choose. If you want to congregate with others and form a socialist commune you are free to do so.
Venezuela maybe?

You could form your own coop health care. You could share each others' wealth to your hearts' desires.
US perhaps?

I, on the other hand, could live the life of an ascetic monk in a cabin in the woods, knowing full well that there would be no government agent knocking on my door demanding I pay tribute to your commune.
Sounds like you just need to get some unclaimed territory.
Thanks, I've enjoyed the conversation too. I always appreciate calm and rational discussions.

So are you claiming all libertarians are anarchists? Or do you just believe libertarianism can lead to anarchism?
Damn! You asked a question! How can I give you the last word if Ihave to answer a question?

The libertarian world is comprised of two major factions: the minarchists and the anarchists. I contend that the logical political conclusion of libertarianism is anarchism. Minarchists contort themselves like pretzels in an attempt to show that government can be benign, as long as it is kept very small, power is dispersed widely, and the citizenry is ever vigilant. They believe this In spite of all the historical evidence to the contrary! As in all of human history! Those discussion groups are fascinating to behold.
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Venezuela maybe?

US perhaps?

Sounds like you just need to get some unclaimed territory.
I realize you are trying to be clever, but I must say your wittiness has flown completely over my head this time.
I realize you are trying to be clever, but I must say your wittiness has flown completely over my head this time.
We have had this discussion before, just an attempt to recall that. My position is the evolution you advocate for - self forming societies and all - pretty much happened already. Your beef is you were born into an already formed social construct with no opt out.
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I realize you are trying to be clever, but I must say your wittiness has flown completely over my head this time.
And I am a couple of strong drinks into my evening, the wittiness is being replaced with sloppy keyboarding and general distraction of an active household on a Friday night!
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