Trump: Tone Down Iran War Talk

Are liberals calling Trump weak because he didn't attack Iran.I am glad there are some sane people around him beside Bolton and Pompeo no war guys that is what we were discussing on another thread.
The whole area will blow up.

They're calling him weak because he likes to talk shit. He's gonna "bomb the shit" out of people, blows up peace treaties... constantly bellicose and talks tough, but he's yellow. He dodged the draft, he's a coward.

So he parks the military there as a show of force to see if anybody wants some and... well, they do. So he... launches a strike and calls it back. HE called it back. There are also reports he literally called someone to warn Iran we were attacking. There are no words for his incompetence.

Ali, he needs to get out. Altogether out. He's there to provoke and then does THAT?? Why would Iran blow up a japanese ship? Japan is their #3 oil buyer, they're cordial business partners. There's no issues between them and Iran.
No. I’ve never been so sure of anything in my life. There’s no way.

They're calling him weak because he likes to talk shit. He's gonna "bomb the shit" out of people, blows up peace treaties... constantly bellicose and talks tough, but he's yellow. He dodged the draft, he's a coward.

So he parks the military there as a show of force to see if anybody wants some and... well, they do. So he... launches a strike and calls it back. HE called it back. There are also reports he literally called someone to warn Iran we were attacking. There are no words for his incompetence.

Ali, he needs to get out. Altogether out. He's there to provoke and then does THAT?? Why would Iran blow up a japanese ship? Japan is their #3 oil buyer, they're cordial business partners. There's no issues between them and Iran.
I dont totally agree with you some presence of the US is important for that region.
What US need s to be a positive influence,encouraging democracy( remember democracy doesn't mean that the democratic govt will be totally pro US) human rights
steer the kingdoms towards more freedom for their populations.
Getting saudi and iran to sit across the table from each other. Get Israel together with its neighbors including iran.
These must sound like idealistic but all these things have happened in the past.or almost all of them.