WTF victory lap are you bornfollowers celebrating now? The fact that our country's enemy supported Biff is all you should need to know. The communist, authoritarian, former KGB, thug worked hard to help get Biff elected. Period. That will never change and you'll never live it down, Comrades.
I can't speak for @MegaPoke , but for myself, you (and the broader Left) has grown so delusional, that just watching you is entertainment.
You're like the frog that hopped over to the wild mushroom side of the terrarium, licked a mushroom you shouldn't have, and now are tripping balls.
You say anything that comes to mind. You draw correlations in any way you can rationalize it to yourself. You perceive reality as if you're living in a fun house with the crazy mirrors. It's trippy, fascinating, hilarious, and sad watching how a subset of the population is behaving.
And you do it with such conviction. Which is mildly sweet.